This Fishing and Cooking leveling guide will show you the easiest way to level Cooking and Fishing together to 300. Since leveling your fishing takes a long time it's best to level these professions together. If you only want to level Cooking, visit my Cooking leveling guide.
If you only want to level Fishing, you can skill up your fishing from 1 to 300 in any fishable water in the level 1-60 zones. This means you can stand in Orgrimmar all day long and get skillups on your fishing at the same rate as you would in a higher-level zone.
Playing WoW Classic?
Visit my Classic WoW Fishing and Cooking leveling guide 1-300 if you are looking for the Classic WoW guide. Profession skills are split between expansions in the latest World of Warcraft expansion, you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion, and you can level them separately. This guide is for the "Vanilla" Fishing and Cooking skills in retail WoW.
Buying recipes
Go to Booty Bay and buy Recipe: Mithril Head Trout and
Recipe: Filet of Redgill from Kelsey Yance. He is in the large building at the end of the ship dock in Booty Bay. Enter the building and make an immediate left.
You will also need to buy Recipe: Baked Salmon from these NPCs below:
- Alliance: Go to Feralas and find Vivianna. She is on the very north end of the Feathermoon Stronghold.
- Horde: Sold by Sheendra Tallgrass in Feralas at Camp Mojache.
Leveling Fishing to 75
Go to Thunder Bluff, find the Fishing trainer Kah Mistrunner and learn Fishing. (Walk up to a guard and ask where the Fishing trainer is located. The trainer will be marked with a red mark on your map)
Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish and
Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish from Sewa Mistrunner, she is the NPC standing next to the fishing trainer.
Now go to the Cooking trainer Aska Mistrunner, learn Cooking and buy the
Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper from Naal Mistrunner near your Cooking trainer.
Head over to Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore, then fish from Stonebull Lake until your fishing skill reaches 75. You will catch about 50
Raw Brilliant Smallfish and 40
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper.
Go to Stormwind City, find the fishing trainer Arnold Leland and learn Fishing. (Walk up to a guard and ask where the Fishing trainer is located. The trainer will be marked with a red mark on your map)
Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish and
Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish from Catherine Leland, she is the NPC standing next to the fishing trainer.
Go to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and learn Cooking from Tomas, he is in the inn's kitchen. Find Tharynn Bouden in the center of Goldshire, buy
Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper from him.
Fish from any lake near Goldshire until your fishing skill reaches 75. You will catch about 50
Raw Brilliant Smallfish and 40
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper.
Fishing (75-165) and Cooking (1-100)
Shadowlands BUG: Fishing in any old capital city gives Shadowlands fishing skill right now. You can use Ashenvale / Redride Mountains as an alternative until the bug is fixed. The drop rate is a bit different there, so I recommend cooking your Raw Brilliant Smallfish before you leave. You might have to catch more of them in Mulgore \ Elwyn Forest to reach Cooking 50.
Go back to Thunder Bluff and fish in the pond near Thunder Bluff's auction house until your skill reaches 165.
You will catch about 30 Raw Brilliant Smallfish, 80
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper, and 35
Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish.
- 1 - 50
Learn the recipeRecipe: Brilliant Smallfish and cook all your fish. This should take your cooking skill to 50.
- 50 - 100
LearnRecipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper, and cook all your Longjaw Mud Snapper. Your cooking skill should rise to above 100.
IMPORTANT: Before you leave to Western Plaguelands, go and buy Recipe: Hot Lion Chops from Zargh in Northern Barrens at the Crossroads.
Travel to Stormwind City and Fish in the canals of Stormwind until your skill reaches 165. You should catch about 30 Raw Brilliant Smallfish, 80
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper, and 35
Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish.
- 1 - 50
Learn the recipeRecipe: Brilliant Smallfish and cook all your fish. This should take your cooking skill to 50.
- 50 - 100
LearnRecipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper, and cook all your Longjaw Mud Snapper. Your cooking skill should rise to above 100.
IMPORTANT: Before you leave to Western Plaguelands, go and buy Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet from Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind City.
Western Plaguelands (165-225)
Go to Western Plaguelands. Fish in any inland open water from fishing skill 165 to 225.
You will catch about 60 Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish, and about 60
Raw Mithril Head Trout.
- 100 - 175
Learn the recipeRecipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish, and cook all your Bristle Whisker Catfish. Your cooking skill must reach at least 175.
If you did not reach 175, learn the cooking recipes you bought previously and farm a few meat/egg to reach cooking 175.
Horde: Learn
Recipe: Hot Lion Chops, go to Hillsbrad Foothills and farm Foothill Stalkers until you have enough Lion Meat to reach Cooking 175.
Alliance: Learn
Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet, go to Arathi Highlands and farm Highland Fleshstalkers until you have enough Raptor Egg to reach cooking 175.
Eastern Plaguelands (225-275)
Travel to Eastern Plaguelands and fish in any inland open water. You will catch about 35 Raw Redgill, 10
Raw Mithril Head Trout, and a combined total of 25
Raw Nightfin Snapper and/or
Raw Sunscale Salmon.
- 175 - 225
Learn the recipeRecipe: Mithril Head Trout, and cook all your Mithril Head Trout. Your cooking skill should rise to above 225.
- 225 - 250
LearnRecipe: Filet of Redgill, and cook all your fish. Your cooking skill must reach at least 250.
- 250 - 275
Go to Undercity (Horde) or Ironforge (Alliance) and learn these two recipes from your trainer:Poached Sunscale Salmon,
Nightfin Soup. (Ask the guards where the cooking trainer is located)
Cook all your Raw Sunscale Salmon and Raw Nightfin Snapper. (You can buy
Refreshing Spring Water from any Innkeeper, or General Goods vendor.)
Your Cooking skill should reach 275, but if you didn't reach 275, take a few
Refreshing Spring Water with you to Blasted Lands so you can cook more
Nightfin Soup there.
Blasted Lands (275-300)
Go to Blasted Lands and fish in the lake at the Tainted Forest until you reach Fishing 300. You will probably catch enough Raw Whitescale Salmon to reach Cooking 300 as well.
- 275 - 300
LearnRecipe: Baked Salmon and cook Baked Salmon until your cooking skill reaches 300.
Cook all your Raw Sunscale Salmon and Raw Nightfin Snapper if you are not at 275 yet.