This Classic WoW First Aid leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to get your First Aid skill up from 1 to 300.
Since First Aid does not take up one of the two profession slots, every player can get it without penalty. It's recommended to all classes as a way of reducing downtime between battles, by quickly restoring health after combat. It is highly recommended for melee classes without healing abilities.
I recommend using Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game, all the detail that you need to complete the quests are included. You'll never have to switch back to a website, or even the in-game main map to see where you have to go or what's next.
Shopping List
This is the list of the approximate number of cloths needed to level first aid to 300.
- 170x
Linen Cloth
- 180x
Wool Cloth
- 150x
Silk Cloth
- 120x
Mageweave Cloth
- 80x
Classic First Aid Trainer Locations
Horde trainers
Arnok in Orgrimmar.
Pand Stonebinder in Thunder Bluff.
Mary Edras in Undercity.
Doctor Gregory Victor in Arathi Highlands.
Nurse Neelain Tirisfal Glades.
Rawrk in Durotar.
Vira Younghoof in Mulgore.
Alliance trainers
Shaina Fuller in Stormwind City.
Dannelor in Darnassus.
Nissa Firestone in Ironforge.
Michelle Belle in Elwynn Forest.
Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Dustwallow Marsh.
Byancie in Teldrassil.
Fremal Doohickey in Wetlands.
Thamner Pol in Dun Morogh.
Classic First Aid Leveling
1 - 75
- 1 - 40
50 xLinen Bandage - 50 Linen cloth
- 40 - 75
45 xHeavy Linen Bandage - 90 Linen Cloth
Journeyman First Aid
Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman First Aid.
75 - 150
- 75 - 80
15 xHeavy Linen Bandage - 30 Linen Cloth
- 80 - 115
60 xWool Bandage - 60 Wool Cloth
- 115 - 150
60 xHeavy Wool Bandage - 120 Wool Cloth
Training First Aid above 150 - Expert First Aid
Learn the Silk Bandage recipe from your trainer before you leave!
You can train Classic First Aid past 150 with the Expert First Aid - Under Wraps book.
The book is sold by Deneb Walker (Alliance) in Arathi Highlands, and by
Balai Lok'Wein (Horde) in Dustwallow Marsh. These vendors also sell the next two bandage recipes so make sure to buy all three! If you are low level then you can just buy the book at the Auction House instead of wasting lots of time running to the vendor. (or if you are lazy like me)
Buy the following three books:
Right-click on the Expert First Aid - Under Wraps in your bag, then you can continue making Silk Bandages. (you have to go back and visit your first aid trainer if you didn't learn the Silk Bandage recipe)
150 - 225
- 150 - 180
50 x
Silk Bandage - 50 Silk Cloth
- 180 - 210
Use the bookManual: Heavy Silk Bandage to learn how to make Heavy Silk Bandage.
50 x
Heavy Silk Bandage - 100 Silk Cloth
- 210 - 225
Use the bookManual: Mageweave Bandage to learn how to make Mageweave Bandage.
30 x
Mageweave Bandage - 30 Mageweave Cloth
Training First Aid above 225 - Artisan First Aid
You can train Classic First Aid above 225 and learn Artisan First Aid by completing the Triage quests.
Upon reaching a First Aid skill of 225 and level 35, you can start the Alliance Trauma /
Horde Trauma quest (optional). These quests will lead you to
Triage /
Triage in Dustwallow Marsh or Arathi Highlands.
Bring everything you need in order to skill up to 290, as you will need to learn several recipes later from the quest giver NPCs Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen /
Doctor Gregory Victor, so bring around 100 x
Mageweave Cloth and 70 x
Runecloth with you.
You can find Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Dustwallow Marsh at Theramore Isle. He is inside the main keep outside of which all the guards are practicing, NOT the giant tower. Go inside and hook a right, then a left and he's in that corner room.
Doctor Gregory Victor is in Arathi Highlands at Hammerfall, walk in, and turn left. He's inside the building to the left just past the entrance.
How to complete the Triage Quest
A few tips for you to make the quest easier:
- Press CTRL + V to activate the health bar over the heads of the patients for easy health monitoring or tick "Show NPC names" in Interface Options.
- Pull your camera out to third person so you can see as much of the room as possible.
- Put the triage bandages the doctor gave you in your action bar. Do not use your own. You can also bind it to any key.
- Position yourself in the middle of the room.
- When you see another patient, left-click on them to pre-select them, and as soon as your current heal has finished click the bandages in your action bar and the pre-selected one will begin to heal. Saves valuable seconds this way.
- Once you saved 15, turn in the quest immediately. I failed it on my druid because I waited, and 6 patients died while I waited which turned 'completed' to 'failed'.
Undead patient --> Critically Injured - Critically injured patients will die after you heal 2 other patients.
Troll patient --> Badly Injured - Badly injured patients will die after you heal 4 other patients.
Orc patient --> Injured - Injured patients have a long time before they die.
Just using that basic knowledge you can prioritize which ones to heal first and next, however just start from the left, and then continue doing them all, they usually won't die before you have finished your round. I did it this way and completed it the first time around.
225 - 300
- 225 - 240
30 xMageweave Bandage - 30 Mageweave Cloth
- 240 - 260
Talk toDoctor Gustaf VanHowzen /
Doctor Gregory Victor again to obtain Heavy Mageweave Bandages.
30 x
Heavy Mageweave Bandage - 60 Mageweave Cloth
- 260 - 290
Talk toDoctor Gustaf VanHowzen /
Doctor Gregory Victor again to obtain Runecloth Bandages.
50 x
Runecloth Bandage - 50 Runecloth
- 290 - 300
Finally, at level 290 First Aid you can talk toDoctor Gustaf VanHowzen /
Doctor Gregory Victor again to obtain Heavy Runecloth Bandages.
15 x
Heavy Runecloth Bandage - 30 Runecloth
I hope you liked this First Aid leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 300!