Archaeology Rares and Rewards in WoW Cataclysm Classic

The majority of artifacts you solve are usually worthless gray vendor trash like Skull-Shaped Planter but occasionally you will get a rare artifact. This page will show you the full list of rare Archaeology artifacts you can discover in Cataclysm Classic.

Extremely Rare Artifacts

This is a cautionary warning for anyone considering trying to start farming some of these rare artifacts. (Marked them with an "Extremely Rare" note)

An example would be Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds, which is what probably most people want to get.

Some of these artifacts are extremely rare (probably like 1% chance). You might get lucky and get them in like 20 solves, but there is a good chance you won't get them after farming 8 hours a day for a week.

These Artifacts are not something everyone will get by simply leveling Archaeology. This can be a painful and frustrating grind. Archeology is random in EVERY aspect (dig site spawns, project chance, token drops), which makes farming these artifacts a HUGE gamble, wasting a LOT of your time.

Night Elf

Night Elf dig sites are typically found in Kalimdor, but there are a few in Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend.

Item Type Description
Highborne Soul Mirror Toy When activated, a semi-see-thru copy of you appears a few feet away, takes a couple steps towards you and stops. It will then stand rooted in place for about 15 seconds, turning to face you if you move around, then disappears. (10 min CD)
Druid and Priest Statue SetToy Creates a large green pillar of light for 10s that surrounds your character. (1 min CD)
Queen Azshara's Dressing GownCloth Chest Requires level 51 to equip, but it's item level is much higher than anything you could find at this level. (Binds to Account)
Bones of TransformationToy Transforms the user into a Naga for 20 seconds.
Kaldorei Wind ChimesToy It shows a message: "Name" Holds his Wind Chimes to the wind. Then a typical wind chime sound plays.
Wisp AmuletToy Take on wisp form for 2 min. (10 Min Cooldown)
Tyrande's Favorite Doll Trinket (caster) Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)


Fossil dig sites are usually found in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.

Item Type Description
Fossilized Raptor Mount Raptor mount.
Ancient AmberToy Become trapped in amber. (30 Min Cooldown)
Pterrordax HatchlingPet Non-combat companion.
Fossilized HatchlingPet Non-combat companion.
Extinct Turtle ShellShield (Tank) Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)


Dwarf artifacts are found in centers of historical dwarven habitation, such as the Badlands, the Wetlands, and Loch Modan.

Item Type Description
The Innkeeper's Daughter Toy Alternative Hearthstone. (they share CD)
Chalice of the Mountain Kings Toy Four dancing female dwarves appear for roughly 20 seconds. Additionally, the in-game music changes to a tavern-ish music.
Clockwork Gnome Pet Non-combat companion.
Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan Staff (Caster) Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)


Troll dig sites are typically found in Eastern Kingdoms, but there are also a few in Kalimdor and Northrend.

Item Type Description
Haunted War Drum Toy It plays troll drum music instead of the current music.
Voodoo Figurine Pet Non-combat companion.
Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds Two-Hand Sword Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)


Draenei fragments are all found in Outland. You will need 300 skill to access these dig sites.

Item Type Description
Arrival of the Naaru Toy When you click this a 3-second scene with three Draenei walking up to a naaru appears.
The Last Relic of Argus Toy On use teleports you to a random place. (12 Hrs CD)


Orc fragments are exclusively found in Outland, particularly in areas such as Nagrand. You will need 300 skill to access these digsites.

Item Type Description
Headdress of the First Shaman Mail Helm Requires Level 61. (Binds to Account)


Nerubian fragments are all found in Northrend, typically in areas of Nerubian habitation such as Dragonblight. You will need 350 skill to access these sites. /p>

Item Type Description
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Toy Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron whispers you upon use.
Blessing of the Old God Toy It turns you into a Green Qiraji Battle Tank for 20 sec. (10min CD)


Vrykul fragments are exclusively found in Northrend, especially in Howling Fjord and Icecrown areas. You must have 375+ skill to access these digsites.

Item Type Description
Vrykyl Drinking Horn Toy This item has no cooldown and is not on the global cooldown. It gives you a 10 minute buff that increases your size, puts a Vrykul helm on you and causes you to have a manly roar.
Nifflevar Bearded Axe One-Hand Axe Requires Level 71 to equip. Almost twice the raw DPS than any other weapon at this level. (Binds to Account)


Tol'vir fragments are exclusively found in Uldum. You must also have 450+ skill to access these dig sites.

Unfortunately, dig site spawn locations in Uldum share the same continent as Kalimdor - a maximum total of four. This means you're gonna have to keep digging Fossil & Night Elf dig sites all over Kalimdor in order to possibly have the Uldum dig sites spawn.

Item Type Description
Pendant of the Scarab Storm Toy It summons a group of scarabs that will follow you around for 20 sec. (10 min CD)
Crawling Claw Pet Non-combat companion.
Ring of the Boy Emperor Ring Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)
Staff of Ammunae Staff Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)
Scimitar of the Sirocco One-Hand Sword Requires level 85 to equip. (Extremely rare find)
Scepter of Azj'Aqir Mount This will teach you how to summon the Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank, a re-skinned version of the Black Qiraji Battle Tank. But you can use this outside Ahn'Qiraj. (Extremely rare find)
Canopic Jar Mount The Canopic Jar itself is not a rare artifact project, but it can contain Recipe: Vial of the Sands.
The recipe will only drop for Alchemists, is not a guaranteed drop, and is Bind on Pickup however, the mount associated with it Vial of the Sands is not BoP, so you can sell it.