Darkmoon Faire Profession Quests in Cataclysm Classic

There is an event called Darkmoon Faire that appears every two weeks. During the event, you can complete quests for each profession.

The profession quests can only be completed once during each Darkmoon Faire, and will grant 5 skill points.

In-Game Calendar

You can quickly check when the next Darkmoon Faire starts by clicking on the calendar icon on your minimap.

Where is the Darkmoon Faire?

The location of the Faire is on Darkmoon Island. The portals to the Island can be accessed in the following locations:

You can find the portal to the Darkmoon Faire in Mulgore at the base of Thunder Bluff.


You can find the portal to the Darkmoon Faire on the south side of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest.

Elwynn Forest

List of Profession Quests

Some of the quest requires additional items, but all of those items can be bought from vendors, don't buy them from the Auction House.

The nearest vendors to the Darkmoon Faire portals are Shadi Mistrunner and Tharynn Bouden. You can buy the Moonberry Juice for the Alchemy quest from Kuruk and Innkeeper Farley

These quests can be completed at every faire, so if you take it slowly, you can gain more than +5 skill points. (It seems currently you can only complete the quests every month instead of every two weeks. This might just be an oversight by Blizzard)