Dragonscale Leatherworking in Classic WoW

This guide will show you the materials, quests, and recipes needed to become a Dragonscale Leatherworker in Classic WoW.

Total Materials Required

To complete the quests, you'll need to craft 2x Tough Scorpid Breastplate, 2xTough Scorpid Gloves, and get 10x Worn Dragonscale.

Shopping list:

Obtaining The Recipes

You can buy both recipes from the Auction House if you don't want to farm them.

Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainers

After crafting the four items, find the Dragonscale Leatherworking trainer and complete the Dragonscale Leatherworking quest. To start the quest, you need Leatherworking 225 and level 40.


You can find the Alliance Dragonscale Leatherworking trainer Peter Galen at the Ruins of Eldarath in Azshara.

/way #1447 37.6 65.4 Peter Galen


You can find the Horde Dragonscale Leatherworking trainer Thorkaf Dragoneye in Badlands.

/way #1418 62.6 57.6 Thorkaf Dragoneye