Battle for Azeroth Leatherworking Guide

BfA LeatherworkingThis guide provides an overview of the additions and changes to Leatherworking in World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth.

New in Patch 8.3

Void Focus

The Void Focus is a new crafting station that is used to craft the new raid gear.

Check out my guide on How to Unlock the Void Focus. (It works exactly the same as the Abyssal Focus worked in patch 8.2.)

New items

You can get the recipes for the new boots and pants from Faceless, K'thir, Aqir, and Cultists mobs that worship N'Zoth (random drop). You can find these mobs at the new Vale of Eternal Blossom Assauls, Uldum Assaults and inside Lesser Visions. (Not available on week 1 of patch 8.3)

You will discover the recipe for the ilvl 455 armors by crafting the ilvl 440 ones. And you need to craft the ilvl 455 armors to discover the ilvl 470 armor recipes.

New in Patch 8.2

  • New set of ilvl 370 Notorious Combatant mail and leather armors.
  • Cragscale and Dredged Leather pants and boots. (ilvl 410, 425, and 440)
  • Comfortable Rider's Barding - New mount equipment that prevents you from being dazed while mounted.

Learning BfA Leatherworking

The new BfA Leatherworking skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.

Kul Tiran Leatherworking is the Alliance version, and Zandalari Leatherworking is the Horde version.

Leatherworking Trainers:

  • Horde: You can find Xanjo in Dazar'alor at the Terrace of Crafters.
  • Alliance: Cassandra Brennor is in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.

If you are having trouble finding the trainers, you can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Leatherworking trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.

Leveling Leatherworking

Professions skills are split between expansions now, and you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion. This means you can level the new Battle for Azeroth skill tier without putting any point into any of the previous expansions tiers. You don't have to level Leatherworking with older materials to be able to craft the new BfA items. The new Battle for Azeroth Leatherworking has a maximum of 175 skill points. You can read more about this in my BfA Profession overview.

Every BfA recipe will require different Leatherworking skill levels, so it's very different from what we had in Legion where you could craft most high-level items with Leatherworking skill 1. You will have to level your BfA Leatherworking skill up if you want to craft high-level items.

Check out my BfA Leatherworking leveling guide, if you are looking for an in-depth leveling guide with exact numbers and reagents needed.

Acquiring Recipes

Most recipes still have ranks just like in Legion, but there are no profession quests for crafting profession in BfA, you will learn most rank 1 and rank 2 recipes from your trainer. They are gated by profession skill, so you have to level your Leatherworking up to get every recipe.

Currently, you can buy most rank 2 and 3 recipes with Mark of Honor, and you can buy the rest from reputation vendors, but none of them require Exalted reputation, only Revered, so it's pretty easy to get them.

  • Rank 1: Allows you to craft the item.
  • Rank 2: Reduces the materials required to craft an item.
  • Rank 3: Greatly reduces the materials required to craft an item.

Leatherworking Perks

Tools of the Trade

If you level your character to level 120 and your Battle for Azeroth Leatherworking to 150, then you can unlock a special questline to craft Mallet of Thunderous Skins. This item allows you to interact with Drums of Primal Might at various spots in Zandalar and Kul Tiras to get one of three buffs. You can also use the Mallet to provide you with the same haste buff as a Drums of the Maelstrom (permanent drums basically, you never have to craft one again).

The questline will take you through the process of creating your tool and give you some backstory on where the recipe comes from. Most of the quests are really straightforward and easy, so I'll skip explaining each quest. Just follow your quest log and check the markers on your map.

To get started on your profession quest line, speak with your profession trainer Xanjo (Horde) in Dazar'alor or Cassandra Brennor (Alliance) in Boralus. If you are having trouble finding the trainers, you can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Leatherworking trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.

After you complete the quest chain, you will get the Recipe: Mallet of Thunderous Skins recipe. To craft this item, you need:

Leatherworker-only armors

You can craft various high-level armors, and all of them are upgradeable 2 times. You will need to craft the lower item level armor to get the recipe for the higher item level ones.

IMPORTANT: If you use the Scrapper I mention in my Expulsom Farming Guide, you can get every soulbound material back when you scrap these armors. (Tidalcore, Breath of Bwonsamdi, Expulsom)

Mail Boots

Mail Legs

Leather Boots

Leather Legs

Crafting Materials

New materials:

There are also 5 soulbound crafting materials:

Expulsom is obtained primarily from scrapping armors and weapons using the Scrap-o-Matic 1000 (Alliance), or the Shred-Master Mk1 (Horde). These tools work like disenchanting. You can break down any gear obtained that is from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, including dungeon/raid drops, quest rewards, world drops, and crafted gear. You can read about this in more detail if you visit my Expulsom Farming Guide.

Tidalcore is a guaranteed drop from the last boss in a Mythic dungeons and from the chest at the end of any level Mythic Plus Dungeon. They can also drop from the last boss of a heroic dungeon. However, this is not a guaranteed drop.

Breath of Bwonsamdi drops from bosses in the new raid Battle for Dazar'alor and is used for crafting epic 400 and 415 item Alchemy trinkets. (1 from each LFR wing, 1 from a Normal boss, 10 from a Heroic boss, 20 from a Mythic boss)

Sanguicell drops from raid bosses in Uldir. (1 from each LFR wing, 1 from a Normal boss, 10 from a Heroic boss, 20 from a Mythic boss)

Hydrocore used to drop in Mythic dungeons, but it no longers drops since path 8.1, and you can only get it by using Transmutes.

Utility and Miscellaneous Items

Crafted Leveling Gear

The Coarse Leather and Shimmerscale armor sets are the new uncommon (green) quality BfA leather/mail leveling set. All of these armors are ilvl 225, but there is a chance that they roll up to ilvl 233 and rare (blue) quality. They require level 111, so you can't equip them right away.

You can learn all of these items from your Leatherworking trainers, and they only have one rank, so there is no reduced material cost.

Level 120 Armors

The Sinister Combatant's armor set is a new epic quality BfA leather/mail gear. All of these armors are item level 340, and they all require level 120 to equip.

Recipe Skill Rank 2 and Rank 3 recipe
Sinister Combatant's Leather Armguards 115

Horde: Sold by Ozgrom Ragefang in Zuldazar at War Headquarters.

Alliance: Sold by Leedan Gustaf in Boralus at War Headquarters.
Sinister Combatant's Leather Gauntlets 115
Sinister Combatant's Leather Treads 115
Sinister Combatant's Leather Waistguard 115
Sinister Combatant's Leather Leggings 115
Recipe Skill Rank 2 and Rank 3 recipe
Sinister Combatant's Mail Leggings 115

Horde: Sold by Ozgrom Ragefang in Zuldazar at War Headquarters.

Alliance: Sold by Leedan Gustaf in Boralus at War Headquarters.
Sinister Combatant's Mail Gauntlets 115
Sinister Combatant's Mail Treads 115
Sinister Combatant's Mail Waistguard 115
Sinister Combatant's Mail Armguards 115

Level 120 Weapons

Leatherworkers now can also craft weapons.


Leatherworking skill

Rank 3

Rank 1 Rank 2
Hardened Tempest Knuckles 85 100 Talanji's Expedition / Proudmoore Admiralty - Revered
Mistscale Knuckles 85 100 Talanji's Expedition / Proudmoore Admiralty - Revered
Recurve Bow of the Strands 85 100 Voldunai / Order of Embers - Revered
Honorable Combatant's Bow 85 - Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)
Sinister Combatant's Bow 115 - Rank 2 and 3 sold by Ozgrom Ragefang (Horde) / Leedan Gustaf (Alliance)