One-Time Profession Knowledge Point Sources in TWW

This guide will show you where to find all the one-time profession knowledge points in The War Within, covering everything from vendors to treasures, so you don't miss any valuable opportunities.

I also have a separate guide for weekly Knowledge Points, so be sure to check that out as well:

Weekly Knowledge Points

Profession Treasures

Throughout the Khaz Algar continent, you can discover profession treasures that grant +3 Profession Knowledge each. There are 8 treasures available for every profession, with 2 located in each zone. This totals 24 Knowledge Points.

These treasures are the quickest and simplest way to gain knowledge points, so it's recommended to start here. For a detailed list of all available treasures for each profession, please check out my separate guide:

Profession Knowledge Treasures

Kej Book Vendors

The profession supply vendors inside the City of Threads in Azj-Kahet sell profession knowledge books for 565x Kej. Each book grants 10 Knowledge Points.

Profession Book Vendor TomTom
Alchemy Theories of Bodily Transmutation, Chapter 8 Siesbarg /way #2213 45.4 13.0
Blacksmithing Smithing After Saronite Rakka /way #2213 46.6 21.8
Enchanting Web Sparkles: Pretty and Powerful Iliani /way #2213 45.4 33.5
Engineering Clocks, Gears, Sprockets, and Legs Rukku /way #2213 58.3 31.5
Herbalism Herbal Embalming Techniques Llyot /way #2213 46.9 16.1
Inscription Eight Views on Defense against Hostile Runes Nuel Prill /way #2213 42.2 27.2
Jewelcrafting Emergent Crystals of the Surface-Dwellers Alvus Valavulu /way #2213 47.7 18.7
Leatherworking Uses for Leftover Husks (After You Take Them Apart) Kama /way #2213 43.1 20.6
Mining A Rocky Start Rakka /way #2213 46.6 21.8
Skinning Uses for Leftover Husks (How to Take Them Apart) Kama /way #2213 43.1 20.6
Tailoring And That's A Web-Wrap! Saaria /way #2213 50.4 17.0

Artisan's Acuity Vendor

Lyrendal in Dornogal sells three profession Books for each profession. The books grant 10 Knowledge Points for crafting and 15 for Gathering professions.

Books Cost Vendor
Book 1 200x Artisan's Acuity * Lyrendal in Dornogal.

/way Dornogal 59.82 56.42

Book 2 300x Artisan's Acuity *
Book 3 400x Artisan's Acuity *

*Note that you will get 50x Artisan's Acuity or 75x Artisan's Acuity back from gaining Knowledge Points from the books, so the actual Artisan's Acuity cost is lower.

Renown Vendors

Once you reach high enough renown, you can buy professions books from these three Renown Quartermasters. Each book grants 10 Knowledge Points.

Faction Renown Profession Vendor
Council of Dornogal 12 Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Tailoring Auditor Balwurz
The Assembly of the Deeps 12 Mining, Engineering, Inscription Waxmonger Squick
Hallowfall Arathi 14 Jewelcrafting, Herbalism, Skinning, Leatherworking Auralia Steelstrike
Cartels of Undermine 16 Every profession. Smaks Topskimmer

The books cost 50x Artisan's Acuity, but you will get 50x Artisan's Acuity from gaining 10 Knowledge Points from the books, so they basically cost nothing.

First Craft Bonus

This might seem obvious, but it's something many people overlook after leveling their profession. You can earn one Knowledge Point for crafting an item for the first time. While my leveling guides focus on obtaining some of these, they typically don't cover all of them.

To quickly check which First Craft Bonuses are still available, open your profession window, click on "Filters", and then select "First Craft Bonus".

You can also earn the First Craft Bonus by completing Crafting Orders. If you're not in immediate need of Knowledge Points, it might be wise to hold off on crafting the more expensive recipes and wait to see if a Patron Crafting Order appears for them.