There are a lot of changes to professions in the new expansion, so I made this page to list what I gathered so far. I will update this page everytime I find something interesting in the new beta builds.Last update: november 1.
General changes
Direct combat benefits of Professions will be removed. This means you no longer have to level professions to get 0.5% dps increase, so leveling a profession will be more like a personal choice now.
Realm First profession achievements are gone.
Work orders and profession daily cooldowns convert raw materials like herbs and ores to a more useful reagent. Almost every new item you can craft requires this reagent generated from doing work orders, or your profession daily cooldwon, these reagents binds on pickup.
You can craft items at your garrison without having professions. But, you can't craft the best items, consumables.
Herbalism, Mining and Skinning will be easier to level. You can now pick herbs, harvest mineral nodes and skin animals without a required skill. The amount of ore/herb/leather you'll get is determined by your skill level. This is similar what we have now for herbs and ores in pandaria. You can read more about this here.
Stack size for many crafting materials is increasing to 200.
You can have up to three Garrison building generating materials for different professions. This is similar to how the Tiller's farm currently work.
Healing Potions no longer share a cooldown with other potions, but instead share a 60-second cooldown with Healthstones. The cooldown will not reset until the player leaves combat.
You can learn additional recipes as you either cook or taste Warlords of Draenor food.
All Draenor food can be discovered and cooked at skill level 1. But you can create more servings of a recipe if you have higher cooking skill.
Cooking recipes are split into two tiers. The weaker food grants 125 of a stat and requires a single piece of meat/fish. The stronger food grants 150 of a stat and requires two weaker dishes as well as an herb to cook.Weaker food: [Blackrock Ham] - 1x Draenor Boar Flesh
Stronger food: [Blackrock Barbecue] - 1x [Blackrock Ham], 1x [Grilled Gulper], 1x Fireweed
All current enchants cannot be used on items higher than level 600.
You can disenchant without Enchanting if you have enchanting small building at your garrison.
The new enchants are only for cloak, neck, ring and weapons.
Weapon enchant transmog for old enchants like Mongoose.
[Mark of Blackrock] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase armor by 500 for 12 sec. Effect can only occur when you are below 50% health.
[Mark of Shadowmoon] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase Spirit by 500 for 15 sec. Effect can only occur when you are below 50% mana.
[Mark of the Frostwolf] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increases multistrike by 500 for 6 sec. Effect can stack 2 times.
[Mark of the Shattered Hand] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes bleed your enemy for 5733 to 6662 damage over 6 sec.
[Mark of the Thunderlord] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your critical strike by 500 for 6 sec. While active, critical heals and attacks may extend the duration.
[Mark of Warsong] - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase haste by (100 * 10), diminishing by 10% every 2 sec.
There are three versions of each pair of Warlords goggles, at levels 640, 650, and 675.
New BoP gun that has three versions, at levels 630, 675, 700.
[Blingtron 5000] - While he will give out gifts to players once per day, he will also fight other Blingtron units to the death. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
[Walter] - Attempts to assemble Walter, the world's laziest waiter and butler, who might help out for up to 10 min. Jeeves can grant bank access to his creator. For everyone else, he sells some fairly terrible food. (1 Hour Cooldown)
For each fish type, there are 3 sizes of fish: Small, Normal, Enormous. It will depend on your fishing skill which one you can catch. All of these fish can be opened. Small, Normal and Enormous sizes will contain different volumes of Flesh (example: [Fat Sleeper Flesh]), and that Flesh will be used in cooking recipes.
Each fish type has a specific named bait, which can only be used in the appropriate zone. The type of fish caught from open water is determined by the use of Bait.
Exclusive categories have been added for some glyphs. Other glyphs from the same category cannot be applied at the same time. (you can't use two glyphs that buff the same ability)
Some glyphs are now exclusive to a specialization.
All classes now learn some of their Major Glyphs at level 25, 50, 60, and 75. Recipes for these Glyphs have been removed.
Draenor Research - Discovers a glyph recipe that uses Ink of War. If you know all the Ink of War glyphs, you will instead learn a glyph that uses any lesser ink.