Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Profession Changes, New Recipes

The new Dragonflight Patch 10.1 offers new crafting materials, several new Optional Reagents, weapons, toys, and armors.

Spark of Shadowflame

Spark of Shadowflame is the season 2 version of Spark of Ingenuity. It is an essential component in every recipe for epic quality gear and weapons.

You can get 1 Splintered Spark of Shadowflame per week from weekly quests. You will need 2 to create a Spark of Shadowflame, meaning you can create one Spark of Shadowflame every two weeks.

There is also a one-time quest, Power Unified, which will give you 2x Splintered Spark of Shadowflame. This means you can get your first full Spark on the release day of patch 10.1.

Crafted Gear Item Level Upgrades

New Optional Reagents are available for upgrading items to a higher item level. But, they are only accessible to players with Enchanting, and they are Bind on Pickup, so you need to place Crafting Orders if you don't have Enchanting.

Non-Spark gear (Blue)

Spark gear (Purple)

General Changes

  • Profession recipe raid boss drops have moved to Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on all difficulties (was Vault of the Incarnates on Heroic and Mythic difficulty).
  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power is no longer bind-on-pickup.
  • Most enchants and gems now provide 25% more Stamina.
  • Sockets added through the Season 1 Great Vault will be removed when recrafting an item to Season 2 levels (with a warning prompt).
  • Added an option to swap the Professions recipe window to a minimal view to allow other windows to open side by side.
  • A search bar for learned recipes has been added to the minimized crafting user interface.
  • Players can now minimize the crafting window to a reduced size for ease of use.
  • Players can now click on a tracked recipe in their quest log to pop open a small recipe window if they don't have the profession.
  • Last season's Crimson Combatant recipes can now be purchased from Korganar Smolderforge in the Gladiator's Refuge for 3x Mark of Honor each.


Recipe Notes Source
Draconic Phial Cauldron New Cauldron The Amalgamation Chamber in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid
Stinky Bright Potion Brightens the world around you. Sold by Mistie in Zaralek Cavern.
Transmute: Dracothyst New reagent used in some of the new 10.1 recipes. Sold by Mistie in Zaralek Cavern.
Cauldron of Extracted Putrescence Portable Altar of Decay. Drop: World Creatures


Recipe Notes Source
Shadowed Alloy New reagent used in some of the new 10.1 recipes. Sold by Kilnmaster Crubus in Zaralek Cavern.
Shadowed Belt Clasp Waist Enchant (+106 Stamina) Sold by Kilnmaster Crubus in Zaralek Cavern.
Shadowed Impact Buckler Shield Dropped by Bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Shadowed Razing Annihilator Two-Hand Mace Dropped by Bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Heat-Resistant Rescue Ring Toy Fishing: Draconic Recipe in a Bottle
Full set of Plate Obsidian Combatant PvP gear ilvl 366 (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Spore Keeper's Baton Wand Sold by Dustmonger Topuiz in Zaralek Cavern.
Shadowflame Wreathe Weapon Enchant (DPS) Drop: Magmorax
Zone: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Spore Tender Weapon Enchants (Heal) Sold by Dustmonger Topuiz in Zaralek Cavern
Illusory Adornment: Spores Temporarily imbues shoulders with an illusion of spores Sold by Dustmonger Topuiz in Zaralek Cavern
Titan Training Matrix V Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Zaralek Cavern
Enchanted Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Zaralek Cavern
Enchanted Wyrm's Shadowflame Crest Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Zaralek Cavern
Enchanted Aspect's Shadowflame Crest Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Zaralek Cavern


Recipe Notes Source
Polarity Bomb Bomb that detonates on impact to deal Fire damage Sold by Scrybbil in Zaralek Cavern
EZ-Thro Polarity Bomb Bomb that detonates on impact to deal Fire damage Discovery: When crafting Polarity Bomb
Requires: Specialization: Explosives - EZ-Thro
Mallard Mortar Toy Sold by Scrybbil in Zaralek Cavern
Obsidian Combatant's Mail Goggles
Obsidian Combatant's Leather Goggles
Obsidian Combatant's Plate Goggles
Obsidian Combatant's Cloth Goggles
Mail, Leather, Plate, Cloth ilvl 366 PvP googles (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Winding Slitherdrake: Blue and Silver Armor Dragonriding customization Fishing: Draconic Recipe in a Bottle
Winding Slitherdrake: Yellow and Silver Armor Dragonriding customization Fishing: Draconic Recipe in a Bottle
Winding Slitherdrake: Curved Chin Horn Dragonriding customization Fishing: Draconic Recipe in a Bottle
Winding Slitherdrake: White Hair Dragonriding customization Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Winding Slitherdrake: Small Finned Throat Dragonriding customization Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Glyph of the Chosen Glaive Demon Hunter Glyph Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Glyph of the Heaved Armament Warrior Glyph Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Vantus Rune: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Vantus rune for the new Raid. Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Contract: Loamm Niffen Contract for the new Loamm Niffen faction. Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Hissing Rune Imbue your weapon with the energy of a Salamanther, increasing Mastery by 217 for 2 hours. Sold by Scridorsa the Chiseler in Zaralek Cavern
Obsidian Combatant's Emblem
Obsidian Combatant's Medallion
Obsidian Combatant's Insignia of Alacrity
ilvl 366 PvP trinkets (424 in Arena and BG) Sold by Fieldmaster Emberath in Valdrakken.


Recipe Notes Source
B.B.F. Fist Toy Sold by Fanilly in Zaralek Cavern
Statuette of Foreseen Power Optional Crafting Reagent Sold by Fanilly in Zaralek Cavern
Figurine of the Gathering Storm Optional Crafting Reagent Sold by Fanilly in Zaralek Cavern
Obsidian Combatant's Jeweled Signet, ilvl 366 PvP Ring (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode
Obsidian Combatant's Jeweled Amulet ilvl 366 PvP Necklace (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards Wrist - Mail Sold by Garram in Zaralek Cavern
Spore Colony Shoulderguards Shoulder - Leather Sold by Garram in Zaralek Cavern
Lambent Armor Kit +102 to all Primary stats, and +37 Versatility (Leg Enchant) Sold by Garram in Zaralek Cavern
Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Echo of Neltharion
Zone: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Full set of Mail and Leather Obsidian Combatant PvP gear ilvl 366 (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Medical Wrap Kit Optional Crafting Reagent Sold by Rossmar in Zaralek Cavern
Reserve Parachute Optional Crafting Reagent Sold by Rossmar in Zaralek Cavern
Undulating Sporecloak Cloak Drop: Bosses
Zone: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Full set of Cloth Obsidian Combatant PvP gear ilvl 366 (424 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode