Profession Changes in Dragonflight Patch 10.2

There were no major changes to professions in Patch 10.2. Only a couple of new recipes were added to the game.

Spark of Dreams

Spark of Dreams is the season 3 version of Spark of Shadowflame.

You will get your first sparks from the Dreams Unified quest and subsequent ones from the weekly A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens quest.

You can get 1 Splintered Spark of Dreams per week from weekly quests. You will need 2 to create a Spark of Dreams.

General Changes

  • Undulating Sporecloak shield reduced by 50%. Now provides Versatility while above 70% health.
  • Amice of the Blue damage reduced by 30%.
  • Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch self-damage has been increased by 33%.

The following embellishments' damage and healing values have been reduced by 35%:

  • Frostfire Belt
  • Fang Adornments
  • Slimy Expulsion Boots
  • Toxic Thorn Footwraps
  • Acidic Hailstone Treads
  • Magazine of Healing Darts
  • Playful Spirit's Fur set
  • Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch
  • Spore Colony Shoulderguards

Haste no longer affects the chance to trigger the following embellishments:

  • Allied Chestplate of Generosity
  • Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan
  • Allied Heartwarming Fur Coat
  • Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
  • Azureweave Vestments (2) Set Bonus
  • Spore Keeper's Baton


Recipe Notes Source
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion Healing potion Treasure: Emerald Bounty - Plump Dreamseed
Potion of Withering Dreams   Discovery: Potion Experimentation
Requires: Specialization: Alchemical Theory - Decayology


Recipe Notes Source
Flourishing Dream Helm Plate Head Drop: Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame
Full set of Plate Verdant Combatant PvP gear ilvl 412 (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Enchanted Whelpling's Dreaming Crest Set Item Level based on Crafting Quality (434-447) Drop: Emerald Dream
Enchanted Wyrm's Dreaming Crest Set Item Level based on Crafting Quality (463-476). Drop: Emerald Dream
Enchanted Aspect's Dreaming Crest Set Item Level based on Crafting Quality (473-486). Drop: Emerald Dream
Dreaming Devotion Weapon Enchant (Heal) Drop: Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
Illusory Adornment: Dreams Shoulder Enchant Treasure: Emerald Bounty - Plump Dreamseed


Recipe Notes Source
Portable Party Platter Toy Discovery: Witness a display of confectionary conjuration.
Verdant Combatant's Leather Goggles
Verdant Combatant's Plate Goggles
Verdant Combatant's Cloth Goggles
Verdant Combatant's Mail Goggles
ilvl 412 goggles (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Contract: Dream Wardens Contract for the new Dream Wardens faction. Treasure: World Superbloom Drop
Vantus Rune: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Vantus Rune for the new raid. Treasure: World Dreamseed Cache Drop
Glyph of the Lunar Chameleon Druid Glyph Vendor: Mythrin'dir
Mark of the Auric Dreamstag Unlocks the Auric Dreamstag form customization option in the barbershop for druids. Treasure: World Dreamseed Cache Drop
Grotto Netherwing Drake: Spiked Jaw Dragonriding customization Drop: Emerald Dream
Grotto Netherwing Drake: Chin Tendrils Dragonriding customization Drop: Emerald Dream
Winding Slitherdrake: Hairy Chin Dragonriding customization Drop: Emerald Dream
Verdant Combatant's Insignia of Alacrity
Verdant Combatant's Medallion
Verdant Combatant's Emblem
ilvl 412 PvP trinkets (463 in Arena and BG) Sold by Fieldmaster Emberath in Valdrakken.


Recipe Notes Source
Dreamtender's Charm Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Gnarlroot
Verdant Combatant's Jeweled Signet ilvl 412 PvP Ring (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode
Verdant Combatant's Jeweled Amulet ilvl 412 PvP Neck (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Verdant Conduit Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Council of Dreams
Full set of Mail and Leather Verdant Combatant PvP gear ilvl 412 (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode


Recipe Notes Source
Verdant Tether Optional Crafting Reagent Drop: Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle
Full set of Cloth Verdant Combatant PvP gear ilvl 412 (463 in Arena and BG) PvP Victory: Arena, Battlegrounds, Warmode