Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Profession Changes

The new Shadowlands Patch 9.2 offers new crafting materials, updated Crafter's Marks, and several new Optional Reagents that you can add to crafted items to make them more interesting and useful.

New profession materials

These can be only gathered in the new zone Zereth Mortis.

Silken Protofiber is the new "cloth" and Protoflesh is the new "meat", you don't require a specific profession to gather them, they drop for everyone.

Upgrading your Legendary

Legendary items can be upgraded to rank 7 (iLevel 291).

Just like in 9.1, there is no new recipe for the new rank of base items, instead, you can use the new optional reagent Vestige of the Eternal to add 3 ranks to the base legendary item.

You can learn the Vestige of the Eternal recipe from Tome of the Eternal, which is awarded at the end of Chapter 5 during the 9.2 Campaign. (I believe this will be time-gated, so you can only get this 2 weeks after the patch 9.2 launch date)

New Crafter's Marks

Crafter's Mark IV changes the Item Level to 233 and the Required Level to 60 of the gear you craft.

Crafter's Mark of the First Ones sets the item level to 262, but it adds "Unique-Equipped: Shadowlands" to the crafted item, so you can only wear one item upgraded with it

You must have Honored reputation with The Enlightened faction to purchase these recipes. Both of them are sold by Vilo.

Profession Recipe Reagents
Alchemy Crafter's Mark IV 5x First Flower, 5x Nightshade, 1x Rune Etched Vial, 10x Distilled Death Extract
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 25x First Flower, 5x Nightshade, 1x Rune Etched Vial, 10x Distilled Death Extract, 1x Progenitor Essentia
Blacksmithing Crafter's Mark IV 5x Progenium Ore, 2x Elethium Ore, 5x Shaded Stone, 10x Luminous Flux
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 20x Progenium Ore, 5x Elethium Ore, 5x Shaded Stone, 15x Luminous Flux, 1x Progenitor Essentia
Engineering Crafter's Mark IV 3x Wormfed Gear Assembly, 5x Progenium Ore, 15x Porous Polishing Abrasive, 15x Machinist's Oil
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 10x Wormfed Gear Assembly, 5x Mortal Coiled Spring, 15x Progenium Ore, 20x Handful of Laestrite Bolts, 20x Machinist's Oil, 1x Progenitor Essentia
Jewelcrafting Crafter's Mark IV 4x Umbryl, 4x Angerseye, 4x Oriblase, 1x Laestrite Setting, 7x Progenium Ore, 15x Malleable Wire
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 1x Essence of Valor, 1x Essence of Servitude, 1x Essence of Torment, 10x Progenium Ore, 25x Malleable Wire, 1x Progenitor Essentia
Leatherworking Crafter's Mark IV 5x Protogenic Pelt, 60x Pallid Bone, 5x Penumbra Thread, 15x Curing Salt
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 20x Protogenic Pelt, 30x Heavy Desolate Leather, 5x Penumbra Thread, 20x Curing Salt, 1x Progenitor Essentia
Tailoring Crafter's Mark IV 10x Silken Protofiber, 10x Lightless Silk, 15x Penumbra Thread
Crafter's Mark of the First Ones 25x Silken Protofiber, 150x Shrouded Cloth, 10x Penumbra Thread, 1x Progenitor Essentia

New optional reagents

There are several new Optional Reagents that you can add to crafted items to make them more interesting and useful.

Profession Item Bonus Source
Alchemy Recipe: Infusion: Corpse Purification Chance to acquire additional resources from corpses. Drop: Xy'rath the Covetous
Recipe: Sustaining Armor Polish Increases the duration of flasks, elixirs, and food buffs. Drop: Feasting
Enchanting Formula: Cosmic Protoweave Increases Avoidance and sometimes heals when taking damage. Drop: Sorranos
Formula: Magically Regulated Automa Core Chance to spawn an Automa Core which explodes for damage and healing. Sold by Olea Manu.
Engineering Schematic: Erratic Genesis Matrix Being struck by an enemy builds electrical sparks. At 5 stacks, the circuitry shorts and lashes out. Drop: Destabilized Core
Schematic: Pure-Air Sail Extensions Increases movement speed and mount speed while in the Shadowlands. Drop: Tahkwitz and Garudeon.
Jewelcrafting Design: Devourer Essence Stone Slaying enemies increases your highest secondary stat for a brief moment, stacking up to 5 times. Drop: Shifting Stargorger and The Engulfer
Design: Aealic Harmonizing Stone Chance to harmonize sound, granting Primary stat when acquired. Drop: Tethos

New profession recipes

There are only a couple of new recipes added in patch 9.2 outside of the new optional reagents.


There is a new healing potion that restores 20,000 health.

Cosmic Healing Potion - 1x Rune Etched Vial, 2x First Flower

You can learn the new potion recipe from your alchemy trainer Elixirist Au'pyr in Oribos.


A new feast recipe: Recipe: Empty Kettle of Stone Soup sold by Olea Manu.

This feast recipe is different from the previous feasts. Basically, one player places down an Empty Kettle of Stone Soup which becomes an object that other players can interact with. Upon interaction, an interface will pop up and you can donate cooking ingredients to "complete the feast". Each donation contributes 10% and when you fill the bar you can use the feast to get the "Well Fed" food buff.


New contract recipe: Technique: Contract: The Enlightened. You must have Revered reputation with The Enlightened faction to buy the recipe. It's sold by Vilo.

New Vantus rune recipe Vantus Rune Technique: Sepulcher of the First Ones.

Technique: Glyph of the Spectral Lupine is sold by Vilo. You must have Revered reputation with The Enlightened faction to buy the recipe.

Technique: Glyph of the Spectral Vulpine is from "Night Fae Callings through rewarded bounty and tribute boxes".