In the upcoming 8.1.5 update on March 12, players can take part in unique quest lines for the Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring professions to earn a new Tool of the Trade that complements their craft.
Table of contents:
- Starting the Quests
- Alchemy
- Blacksmithing
- Enchanting
- Engineering
- Inscription
- Jewelcrafting
- Leatherworking
- Tailoring
Starting the Quests
To get the recipes for these new items, you will have to go through various multi-step quests chains depending on which profession you want to work on. These quests will take you through the process of creating your tool and give you some backstory on where the recipes come from. Most of the quests are really straightforward and easy so I'll skip explaining each quest. Just follow your quest log and check the markers on your map.
You’ll need to have reached level 120 and be at skill level 150 (Kul Tiran or Zandalari) in your chosen crafting profession before you can start the quests.
To get started on your profession quest line, speak with your profession trainer to accept the starting quest. You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where your profession trainer is located. This will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.
Alchemists will learn how to craft [Silas' Sphere of Transmutation]. This item allows you to interact with various cauldrons on Kul Tiras and Zandalar (free potions and flasks), and you can also transmute it into one of 4 random items for 1 hour.
The 4 items it can Transmute into:
[Silas' Vial of Continuous Curing] - Restores 33251 health from your never-ending, ever-flowing vial of continuous curing! (1 Min Cooldown)
[Silas' Decanter of Disguise] - Disguises the imbiber as one of a variety of creatures from across the world. (1 Min Cooldown)
[Silas' Stone of Transportation] - Summons an all-seeing eye for 2 min who will teleport you to a nearby safe haven instantly while outdoors in Kul Tiras or Zandalar. (9 Min Cooldown)
[Silas' Potion of Prosperity] - Increases your chance to create extra items from your Kul Tiran Alchemy recipe list. (20 Min Cooldown) (doubles the proc chance of your Rank 3 Alchemy craftables)
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Silas' Sphere of Transmutation] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 50 x
[Anchor Weed]
- 10 x
- 1 x
[Mystical Cauldron]
[Purposefully Potent Potion] - Drop from Thistle Acolyte in Waycrest Manor dungeon. (Any Difficulty)
[Sphere of Sangaurum] - Drop from Priestess Alun'za boss in Atal'Dazar dungeon. (Any Difficulty)
[Extremely Precise Vial] - Drop from Venture Co. Mastermind and Venture Co. Alchemist adds before the third boss in The MOTHERLODE!! dungeon. (Any Diffictulty)
[Sly Rogue's Decanter] - Drop from Jes Howlis in Tol Dagor. (Any Difficulty)
Blacksmiths will be creating [Khaz'gorian Smithing Hammer]. Which gives your blacksmithing armor or weapons a chance to be "Indestructible" (no durability loss), and also allows you to repair an item for free every hour.
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Khaz'gorian Smithing Hammer] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 20 x
[Platinum Ore]
- 30 x
[Storm Silver Ore]
- 1 x
[Azerokk's Fist] - Drops from Azerokk in MOTHERLODE!! dungeon. (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Precision Blessing Tools] - Drops from the Tidesage Council in Shrine of the Storms dungeon. (any difficulty)
- 30 x
[Titan's Blood] - Drops from Infused Crag in Silithus, or from Infused Bedrock and Infused Crag during the World Quest Azerite Madness.
Enchanters will learn how to craft [Iwen's Enchanting Rod]. This rod will give you more materials when you disenchant items, and you can also spend 1 Veiled Crystal to power up an inert golem, which is a small guardian pet that will follow you around and helps you fight mobs.
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Iwen's Enchanting Rod] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 10 x
[Veiled Crystal]
- 20 x
[Umbra Shard]
- 50 x
[Lingering Drust Essence] - Drops from NPCs in Waycrest Manor dungeon, or coven elites around Drustvar.
- 1 x
[Runestone of Thros] - Drops from Gorak Tul in Waycrest Manor dungeon. (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Grasping Wicker Arm] - Drops from Gnarled Hulk in Drustvar.
Engineers will learn how to craft [The Ub3r-Spanner]. This item allows you to make special modules to summon different constructs to fight for you every 15 minutes.
These are separate recipes, but they are really cheap to make. When you craft one, you will get a buff, and then if you use the [The Ub3r-Spanner], it will summon that construct. (you will get a random one if you don't have any buff up)
- Ub3r-Improved Target Dummy - target dummy which also draws aggro from you
- Ub3r S3ntry Mk. X8.0 - a mechanical dog that attacks your target
- Short-Fused Bomb Bot - bomb bots that explode on your target
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [The Ub3r-Spanner] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 10 x
[Platinum Ore]
- 15 x
[Storm Silver Ore]
- 50 x
[Insulated Wiring]
- 2 x
[Miniaturized Power Core] - Drops from Sabertron in Tiragarde Sound, and from P4-N73R4 in Stormsong Valley.
- 1 x
[Static Induction Matrix] - Drops from Galvazzt in Temple of Sethraliss dungeon. (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Coin Return Flipper] - Drops from Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler in MOTHERLODE!! dungeon. (any difficulty)
Scribes will learn how to craft [Sanguine Feather Quill of Lana'thel]. This item allows you to create Blood Contracts, and siphon the blood from dead creatures around you restoring your own health.
The 4 Blood Contracts will summon a guardian to fight for you:
[Blood Contract: Sacrifice] - Heal
[Blood Contract: Bloodguard] - Tank
[Blood Contract: Bloodshed] - Melee dps
[Blood Contract: Oblivion] - Ranged dps
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Sanguine Feather Quill of Lana'thel] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 15 x
[Viridescent Ink]
- 30 x
[Crimson Ink]
- 50 x
[Coagulated Miasma] from the Blood Trolls in the Underrot dungeon
[Ancient Blood Pigment] - Drops from any Zandalar or Kul Tiran World Boss
[Gilded Plume] - The Golden Serpent boss in King's Rest dungeon
Jewelcrafters will learn how to craft [Jewelhammer's Focus]. This item allows you to unsocket gems without destroying them, and mine special geodes in each zone for free uncommon and rare gems.
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Jewelhammer's Focus] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 5 x
[Kraken's Eye]
- 50 x
[Fine Azerite Powder] from Ashvane Company NPCs in Tiragarde. A good place to farm is at the Ashvane Foundry. (very low drop rate) You can also get it from Siege of Boralus or Tol Dagor.
[Sweete's Diamond-Studded Spyglass] from Harlan Sweete in Freehold dungeon
[Unrefined Azerite Geode] from Azerokk in MOTHERLODE!! dungeon
Leatherworkers will learn how to craft [Mallet of Thunderous Skins]. This item allows you to interact with Drums of Primal Might at various spots in Zandalar and Kul Tiras to get one of three buffs. You can also use the Mallet to provide you with the same haste buff as a
[Drums of the Maelstrom] (permanent drums basically, you never have to craft one again).
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Mallet of Thunderous Skins] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 25 x
[Hardened Tempest Hide]
- 50 x
[Tempest Hide]
- 50 x
[Blood-Stained Bone]
- 15 x
[Spirit of the Bested] - Drops from Rare beasts in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
- 4 x
[Long Regal Sinew] - Drops from Rezan in Atal'Dazar, and from other risen Devilsaurs around Zandalar.
Tailors will learn how to craft [Synchronous Thread]. This item lets you gather more cloth from mobs and you can interact with Time Rifts all around Zandalar and Kul Tiras. After closing the rift outdoors, you'll get a
[Chronal Cache of Cloth]. This can yield cloths from any expansion, including rare BoP cloth.
After you complete the quest chain, you will get the [Recipe: Synchronous Thread] recipe. To craft this item, you need:
- 10 x
- 75 x
[Tidespray Linen]
- 75 x
[Nylon Thread]
- 1 x
[Essence of the Sands] - Drops from Avatar of Sethraliss in Temple of Sethraliss dungeon (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Essence of the Depths] - Drops from Viq'Goth in Siege of Boralus dungeon (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Essence of the Regal Loa] - Drops from Rezan in Atal'Dazar dungeon (any difficulty)
- 1 x
[Essence of the Troll Dynasty] - Drops from King Dazar in Kings' Rest dungeon (any difficulty)