Weaponsmith is a Blacksmithing specialization that allows access to powerful weapon recipes. This guide will show you how to become a Weaponsmith in Classic WoW.
You must level your character to level 40 and have at least 200 Blacksmithing skill before you can choose a Blacksmithing specialization. Check out my Classic Blacksmithing leveling guide if your skill is not high enough.
Weaponsmith Quest
To become a weaponsmith, you must first talk to Krathok Moltenfist in Orgrimmar or
Myolor Sunderfury in Ironforge and click on "I wish to become a weaponsmith". This is an important step, you won't see the Weaponsmith quest if you don't talk to these NPCs.
Then go to the nearby weaponsmith trainer Borgosh Corebender (Horde) or
Ironus Coldsteel (Alliance) and pick up the quest
The Way of the Weaponsmith.
You will need these weapons to complete the quest:
Do you need to craft the recipes?
No, you don't have to craft these yourself to get credit for completing the quest. You just have to have these in your inventory. You can ask someone to craft them for you, or you can buy all of them from the Auction House.
Total Materials Required
The complete list of materials required to craft the 12 weapons to become a Weaponsmith is:
- 56x
Mithril Bar
- 32x
Steel Bar
- 56x
Iron Bar
- 16x
Gold Bar
- 16x
Heavy Grinding Stone - (48x
Heavy Stone)
- 4x
Solid Grinding Stone - (16x
Solid Stone)
- 12x
Lesser Moonstone
- 4x
- 2x
Black Pearl
- 8x
- 28x
Heavy Leather
- 4x
Thick Leather
- 16x
Strong Flux - Sold by the Blacksmithing supply vendor near your trainer.
Learning the Recipes
Your Blacksmithing trainer teaches Heavy Mithril Axe at Blacksmithing 210 and
Big Black Mace at Blacksmithing 230. The other two recipes are sold by vendors.
The Plans: Massive Iron Axe is sold by Jaquilina Dramet at Nesingwary's Camp in Stranglethorn Vale. This is a limited supply recipe, so you must wait if someone bought it before you. (or buy it from the Auction House)
Horde players can also buy it from Vharr in Grom'Gol Base Camp.
Stranglethorn Vale
The Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword is sold by Zarena Cromwind in Booty Bay. She's located in the Old Port Authority in Booty Bay. This is a limited supply recipe, so you must wait if someone bought it before you. (or buy it from the Auction House)
Booty Bay
Axesmith, Hammersmith, and Swordsmith Specialization
Once you complete the "The Way of the Weaponsmith" quest and become a Weaponsmith, you can specialize further into one of the three weapon sub-specializations: Axesmith, Hammersmith, or Swordsmith.
Sub-specialization Trainers
Travel to Everlook in Winterspring and enter the house in the picture below. The three trainers are standing next to each other.
Everlook in Winterspring
Dungeon Quests
To learn a sub-specialization, you simply have to complete one of these quests below.
Specialization | NPC | Quest | Objective |
Axesmith | Kilram | ![]() | Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin in Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS). |
Hammersmith | Lilith the Lithe | ![]() | Crimson Hammersmith in Stratholme (Living) |
Swordsmith | Seril Scourgebane | ![]() | Black Guard Swordsmith in Stratholme (Undead) |