TBC Classic Jewelcrafting leveling Guide 1-375

This TBC Classic Jewelcrafting leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Jewelcrafting skill up from 1 to 375 as inexpensively as possible in Burning Crusade Classic. 

Jewelcrafting uses a lot of ores, so I recommend leveling this profession together with Mining.

I recommend trying Zygor's 1-70 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or just starting a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 70 a lot faster.

Approximate materials required

This is the list of the approximate materials required to level Jewelcrafting up to 375.

Classic (1-300)

TBC (300-375)

If you have Mining and want to farm the ores for prospecting, please see my farming guides:

Copper Ore farming Tin Ore farming Iron Ore farming Mithril Ore farming Thorium Ore farming

TBC Jewelcrafting trainers

You can learn Jewelcrafting from any of these NPCs below. Just click on any of these links below to see the trainer's exact location. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Jewelcrafting trainer is, then the trainer will be marked with a red flag on your map.

Azeroth (1-300)

  • Horde: Kalinda in Silvermoon City.
  • Alliance:Farii in The Exodar.

Outland (300-375)

You can learn the new TBC Jewelcrafting skill from the Master Jewelcrafting trainers in Hellfire Peninsula. Horde players can learn it from Kalaen at Thrallmar, and Alliance players can learn it from Tatiana at Honor Hold.

Leveling TBC Jewelcrafting

Draenei characters have +5 Jewelcrafting skills because of their passive Gemcutting. An extra 5 Jewelcrafting skill means recipes stay orange for 5 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 5 more points.

1 - 35

Buy a Jeweler's Kit from the Jewelcrafting Supplies vendor near your trainer or General/Trade Goods vendors.

55x Delicate Copper Wire - 110 Copper Bar

Keep these because you will need them later. But you can stop making them when you reach 35 and only make more if you need it.


Once you reach Jewelcrafting 20, you can learn the Prospecting ability from your trainer. This will allow you to convert 5 raw ores into gems. For information on prospecting yield from each ore, please see my separate guide:

Prospecting Table for TBC Classic

35 - 50

15x Tigerseye Band - 15 Tigerseye, 15 Delicate Copper Wire

You can also make 15x Malachite Pendant.

Journeyman Jewelcrafting

Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Jewelcrafting. (Requires level 10)

50 - 80

50x Bronze Setting - 100 Bronze Bar

Save these. You will need some of them later.

80 - 100

20x Gloom Band - 20 Bronze Setting, 40 Shadowgem, 40 Delicate Copper Wire

Alternative recipes:

100 - 110

10x Ring of Twilight Shadows - 20 Shadowgem, 20 Bronze Bar

You can also continue to make Ring of Silver Might, or you can switch to Heavy Jade Ring at 105 if you have some Jade.

110 - 120

10x Heavy Stone Statue - 80 Heavy Stone

If Heavy Stone is cheap, then you can make this one up to 130. However, if it's actually really expensive, then you can keep making Heavy Jade Ring and Ring of Twilight Shadows.

120 - 150

30x Pendant of the Agate Shield - 30 Moss Agate, 30 Bronze Settings

The recipe is sold by Jandia in Thousand Needles at Freewind Post and by Neal Allen in Wetlands at Menethil Harbor. It's a limited supply recipe, so you have to wait for it to respawn if someone bought it before you. I don't know the exact respawn timer, but it's not that long (5-10 minutes). You can also buy it from the Auction House if you don't want to camp the NPC.

Alternative recipes:

Make Amulet of the Moon if 2x Lesser Moonstone is cheaper than one Moss Agate. But this recipe turns yellow at 140, so you might need to make more than 30 of these.

If you prospected your own ores, you probably have both gems, so you should make Amulet of the Moon first because it turns yellow sooner, then switch to Pendant of the Agate Shield at around 140.

The Design: Amulet of the Moon is sold by these NPCs. This is also a limited supply recipe, so you have to wait for it to respawn if someone bought it before you. I don't know the exact respawn timer, but it's not that long (5-10 minutes)

Alternatives if players camp the vendors:

Many players on high-population realms may camp these patterns at the start of the expansion and try to sell them for a lot of gold. (The re-stock time is only 5-10 minutes as far as I know). You can use these alternative recipes below.

Expert Jewelcrafting

Visit your trainer and learn Expert Jewelcrafting. (Requires level 20)

150 - 180

71x Mithril Filigree - 142 Mithril Bar

Keep these. You will need them later. (might not need all of them if you make alternative recipes)

This recipe will be yellow for the last few points, so you probably won't end at exactly 180, but that doesn't really matter. You can still go to the next step after making around 55-60 of these.

180 - 185

9x Solid Stone Statue - 90 Solid Stone

If you can get cheap Solid Stones, then you could make this one up to 190.

Alternative recipes:

Make a few Blazing Citrine Ring if you have some Citrine left from prospecting.

The Design: Blazing Citrine Ring is sold by Kireena in Desolace and by Micha Yance in Hillsbrad. It's a limited supply recipe, so you have to wait for it to respawn if someone bought it before you. I don't know the exact respawn timer, but it's not that long (5-10 minutes). But you can also buy it from the Auction House if you don't want to camp the NPC.

185 - 210

28x Engraved Truesilver Ring - 28 Truesilver Bar, 56 Mithril Filigree

This recipe will be yellow for the last few points, so you might have to make a few more.

Alternative recipes:

25x Citrine Ring of Rapid Healing - 25 Citrine, 50 Elemental Water, 50 Mithril Bar

You can make a few Blazing Citrine Ring (up to around 195) if you still have some Citrine left, but Elemental Water is too expensive. (check the 180-185 part for the recipe location).

210 - 220

10x Aquamarine Signet - 30 Aquamarine, 40 Flask of Mojo

Flask of Mojo drops from most level 40-47 Trolls. You can farm them inside/outside Zul'Farrak, troll camps in Hinterlands, and the level 39+ troll camp in Stranglethorn Vale.

220 - 225

5x Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior - 5 Aquamarine, 15 Mithril Filigree

Artisan Jewelcrafting

Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Jewelcrafting. (Requires level 35)

225 - 250

56x Thorium Setting - 56 Thorium Bar

Stop making these at 250 and only make more if you need them. (you will need around 56)

250 - 260

10x Ruby Pendant of Fire - 10 Star Ruby, 10 Thorium Setting

260 - 281

21x Simple Opal Ring - 21 Large Opal, 21 Thorium Setting

If you have a lot of Azerothian Diamond left, or if it's cheaper than Large Opal, then you can start crafting Diamond Focus Ring when you reach 265. But make sure to keep at least 20x Azerothian Diamond for the next step.

Alternative recipe:

If Azerothian Diamond and Large Opal cost around twice as much as one Star Ruby, then you should continue making Ruby Pendant of Fire up to 275.

281 - 295

20x Diamond Focus Ring - 20 Azerothian Diamond, 20 Thorium Setting

295 - 300

5x Emerald Lion Ring - 10 Huge Emerald, 5 Thorium Setting

Alternatives recipes:

TBC Jewelcrafting at Outland (300-375)

You can learn the new TBC Jewelcrafting skill from the Master Jewelcrafting trainers in Hellfire Peninsula (requires level 55). Horde players can learn it from Kalaen at Thrallmar, and Alliance players can learn it from Tatiana at Honor Hold.

300 - 320

Make around 30 in total from these gems below:

The recipes are sold by Kalaen / Tatiana in Hellfire Peninsula.

320 - 325

Make around 5-7 from one of these:

The recipes are sold by Kalaen / Tatiana in Hellfire Peninsula.

325 - 335

12x Mercurial Adamantite - 48 Adamantite Powder (prospect 240 Adamantite Ore), 12 Primal Earth

You will need a Mercurial Stone tool to craft this recipe. Unfortunately, Jewelcrafters can't craft it, so you have to buy it from the Auction House. Or you can ask an Alchemist to craft it for you. (1x Primal Earth, 1x Primal Life, 1x Primal Mana)

Save the 12x Mercurial Adamantite. You will need them at 340.

You can go to the next part even if you didn't reach 335, but you will have to make a few more gems.

335 - 340

Make 5-10 from any of the following gems.

The Potent Flame Spessarite recipe is sold by Nakodu but it requires Friendly Lower City reputation.

The other two recipe is sold by Kalaen / Tatiana in Hellfire Peninsula.

340 - 350

12x Heavy Adamantite Ring - 12 Adamantite Bar, 12 Mercurial Adamantite

You can continue to make the gems above if you didn't reach 350, or you can make a few more rings.

350 - 360

15x Purified Shadow Pearl - 15 Shadow Pearl, 15 Purified Draenic Water

You can make these even up to 365 depending on how much Shadow Pearl costs and how many can you get.

Purified Draenic Water is sold by every innkeeper at Outland.

Shadow Pearl comes from opening Jaggal Clams, but the drop rate is very low, I don't think it's worth farming them, so I would recommend switching to the alternative recipes below if you can't buy any.

Alternative Vendor Recipes

Make around 12 from one of these:

These two are the only rare gem designs that you can buy from the vendors. The rest of them are all world drops.

You can buy both recipes at Halaa in the middle of Nagrand. Only the faction controlling Halaa gains access to the NPCs. This means you can't buy these recipes if your faction doesn't control Halaa.

Design: Mystic Dawnstone is sold by Aldraan / Coreiel for 12 gold. It's a limited supply recipe, so if someone bought it before you, then you have to wait for it to respawn. (around 15min)

Design: Steady Talasite is sold by Quartermaster Davian Vaclav / Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe for 4 Halaa Research Token.

You can get 1x Halaa Research Token by turning in 20x Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample near the Halaa Quartermasters.

Alternative World Drop Recipes

The rest of the rare gem crafts are all world drops with a very low drop chance, so you can't directly farm these. You have to buy them from the Auction House.

There are like 20-30 World Drops recipes. It's difficult to recommend exactly one recipe because the prices of raw gems/recipes will differ on each realm. You should check the price of the raw gems and the recipe's cost, and then you can decide which one is the cheapest. Living Ruby will probably be the most expensive and Talasite the cheapest.

Every recipe has the raw gem name in it, so every available recipe will pop up if you search for the raw gem names at the Auction House.

Click on the Recipe tab at the Auction House, then type these raw gem names there:

Example: Design: Rigid Star of Elune

360 - 365

Make 5 from one of the Jewelcrafting-only epic gems. These are the most useful items you can make at this level while also the cheapest ones. (you can make them up to even 370)

If you don't have a high enough reputation to buy these, then you can make 7-8 more from the previous recipes.

Kailee's Rose +26 Healing and +9 Spell Damage The Sha'tar - Honored Sold by Almaador in Shattrath City.
Blood of Amber +12 Spell Critical Rating The Sha'tar - Revered Sold by Almaador in Shattrath City.
Facet of Eternity +12 Defense Rating Keepers of Time - Honored Sold by Alurmi in Tanaris.
Stone of Blades +12 Critical Strike Rating Keepers of Time - Revered Sold by Alurmi in Tanaris.
Falling Star +18 Stamina Lower City - Revered Sold by Nakodu in Shattrath City.
Crimson Sun +24 Attack Power The Consortium - Revered Sold by Paulsta'ats in Nagrand and
by Karaaz in Nentherstorm.
Don Julio's Heart +14 Spell Damage The Consortium - Revered Sold by Paulsta'ats in Nagrand
and by Karaaz in Nentherstorm.

365 - 375

I recommend finishing the last 10 points with meta gem recipes. You will need 10x Earthstorm Diamond or 10x Skyfire Diamond.

Congratulations on reaching 375! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve, or you found typos, errors, wrong material numbers!

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