TBC Classic Tailoring Leveling Guide 1-375

This TBC Classic Tailoring leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get your Tailoring skill up from 1 to 375 in Burning Crusade Classic.

If you still haven't decided about your second profession, I think Tailoring goes well with Enchanting because you don't need a gathering profession to support either of them, and you can also use Enchanting to disenchant the items you made with Tailoring. Check out my TBC Classic Enchanting leveling guide if you want to level Enchanting.

I recommend trying Zygor's 1-70 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 70 a lot faster.

Approximate materials required

This is the list of the approximate materials required to level Tailoring up to 375.

Classic (1-300)

TBC (300-375)

You might not need the 34x Netherweb Spider Silk if you get lucky and get dungeon drop recipes, so I would recommend buying them later. (you can read more about this at the 360-375 part).

Tailoring trainers

You can learn Tailoring from any of these NPCs below. Just click on any of the links to see the trainer's exact location. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Tailoring trainer is, then it will be marked with a red flag on your map.

Classic Trainers (1-300)

In Burning Crusade Classic, you can learn Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan Tailoring from trainers in every major city. You don't have to visit different trainers anymore.

Horde trainers:

Alliance trainers:

TBC Tailoring Trainers (300-375)

You can learn the new TBC Tailoring skill from the Master Tailoring trainers at Outland.

  • Horde: Dalinna in Hellfire Peninsula at Thrallmar.
  • Alliance: Hama in Hellfire Peninsula at Honor Hold.

Tailoring Leveling

1 - 75

You will need around 59x Coarse Thread for the 1-75 part. You can buy them from the Tailoring Supplies vendor near your trainer. When buying from the vendor, use SHIFT + MOUSE CLICK, then type in how many you want. (the maximum amount you can buy at once is 20 for threads and 10 for dyes)

I don't recommend buying all the dyes and thread at once because it will fill up your inventory and you won't have that much bag space to craft items. I'll list the needed Dyes and Thread for each part separately.

  • 1 - 45
    102x Bolt of Linen Cloth - 204 Linen Cloth

    Stop making these if you reach 45 and only make more if you need them.

  • 40 - 67
    35x Linen Belt - 35 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 35 Coarse Thread

Journeyman Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Tailoring. (Requires level 10)

You will need around 43x Fine Thread for the 75-125 part. You can vendor any remaining Coarse Thread, you won't need them.

75 - 125

  • 100 - 110
    13x Simple Kilt - 52 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13 Fine Thread

    You might have to make a few more from this if you were really unlucky with the skill gains.

Expert Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Expert Tailoring. (Requires level 20)

You will need 36x Blue Dye, 83x Fine Thread, 10x Bleach, 40x Red Dye for the 125-205 part.

125 - 205

  • 145 - 160
    18x Azure Silk Hood - 36 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 36 Blue Dye, 18 Fine Thread

    You might have to make a few more if you didn't reach 160.

  • 160 - 170
    10x Silk Headband - 30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread
  • 185 - 205
    20x Crimson Silk Vest - 80 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40 Fine Thread, 40 Red Dye

Artisan Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Tailoring. (Requires level 35)

You will need 20x Silken Thread, 71x Heavy Silken Thread, 20x Red Dye, 5x Orange Dye and 50x Rune Thread for the 205-300 part.

205 - 300

  • 260 - 280
    25x Runecloth Belt - 75 Bolt of Runecloth, 25 Rune Thread

    The recipe goes yellow at 270, you might have to make a few more.

  • 280 - 300

    Make 25 from one of these:

    The recipes will be yellow at 290, so you might have to make a few more.

Burning Crusade Classic (300-375)

You can learn the new TBC Tailoring skill from the Master Tailoring trainers in Hellfire Peninsula. Horde players can learn it from Dalinna at Thrallmar, and Alliance players can learn it from Hama at Honor Hold.

Rune Threads are sold by your trainer.

300 - 325

496x Bolt of Netherweave - 2976 Netherweave Cloth

You will use all of these later, so it's better to make all of them now for free skill points.

You can stop making them at 325 and only make more when you need them, then you will only need around 450x Netherweave Cloth to reach 325.

325 - 340

102x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave - 306 Bolt of Netherweave, 204 Arcane Dust

The Pattern: Bolt of Imbued Netherweave is sold by Eiin in Shattrath City.

You will need a Mana Loom to craft Bolt of Imbued Netherweave. It's right next to the NPC who sells the recipe, so you don't have to go anywhere.

There are cheaper alternatives like the Netherweave Bag, but you will need at least 90 of these to reach 375, so it's just better to make them now while they still give skill points. Even if you don't want to make all of them now, you should make around 12-13 of them until you reach at least 335.

Alternative recipes

This is not really an alternative for this part, but if you have the Arcanoweave Robe or the Arcanoweave Boots recipe, you won't need 102x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, so you can stop making at 335 or 340.

Most high-level recipes are made with Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, so I still think it's worth making them until they turn grey because you will use them anyway, but you should at least make them until 335.

340 - 345

5x Netherweave Boots - 30 Bolt of Netherweave, 10 Knothide Leather, 5 Rune Thread

This recipe is taught by your trainer in Hellfire Peninsula, so you have to go back.

You have to make more than 5 if you didn't make the 102x Bolt of Imbued Netherweave in the previous step.

345 - 360

20x Netherweave Tunic - 160 Bolt of Netherweave, 40 Rune Thread

The recipe is sold by Eiin in Shattrath City.  It will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make a few more. 

Tailoring Specializations

Once you reach level 60 and Tailoring skill 350, you may begin a quest to learn one of three specializations: Mooncloth Tailoring, Shadoweave Tailoring, or Spellfire Tailoring.

For information on how to choose a specialization, please see my separate guide:

Tailoring Specializations in TBC Classic

360 - 375

17x Imbued Netherweave Tunic - 102 Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, 34 Netherweb Spider Silk, 17x Rune Thread

The recipe is sold by Arrond in Shadowmoon Valley. You need to have a neutral Scryers reputation to be able to talk to him. Fortunately, it's not BoP, so you can ask someone else to buy it for you if the NPC is hostile to you. (or just buy it from the Auction House)

You can also make Imbued Netherweave Robe, it costs the same, and it's sold by the same NPC.

Both recipes will be yellow for the last 5 points, so it's possible you have to make more than 17 to reach 375.

Alternative recipes

The Arcanoweave Robe or the Arcanoweave Boots is a good alternative if you have the recipes.

If you have both recipes, then make the Boots up to 371 and then switch to the Robe for the last 4 points.

Pattern: Arcanoweave Robe is dropped by the last boss Pathaleon the Calculator inside The Mechanar dungeon.

Pattern: Arcanoweave Boots is dropped by Sunseeker Astromages also inside The Mechanar dungeon.

Congratulations on reaching 375! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve or if you found typos, errors, or wrong material numbers!

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