WotLK Classic Prospecting Table

Prospecting allows you to convert 5 raw ores into useful materials that you will use to craft Jewelcrafting items. Each ore will yield different gems, so I put together the table below to list all the available gems you can get from each ore.

Each ore also has a skill requirement, so you must level up your profession to prospect higher-level ores. You can use my WotLK Classic Jewlecrafting leveling guide if your skill is not high enough to prospect some of the ores.

How to use the table below

  • Common: Each time you prospect 5 ores, you will always get at least 1 gem from the "Common" column in the table below. Sometimes you can get two common gems, so these numbers don't add up to 100%.
  • Rare: There is also a chance to get 1 gem from the "Rare" column. This roll is on top of the common gem(s), so this will show up as an extra gem in your loot window.

You can use the percentages below to estimate how many gems you will get from prospecting a large number of raw ores.

Prospecting yield & skill requirements

5 x Ore Skill Common Rare
Copper Ore 20 Malachite (50%)
Tigerseye (50%)
Shadowgem (10%)
Tin Ore 50 Lesser Moonstone (38%)
Moss Agate (38%)
Shadowgem (38%)
Aquamarine (3.33%)
Citrine (3.33%)
Jade (3.33%)
Iron Ore 125 Lesser Moonstone (35%)
Citrine (35%)
Jade (35%)
Star Ruby (5%)
Aquamarine (5%)
Mithril Ore 175 Star Ruby (35%)
Aquamarine (35%)
Citrine (35%)
Blue Sapphire (2.5%)
Large Opal (2.5%)
Azerothian Diamond (2.5%)
Huge Emerald (2.5%)
Thorium Ore 250 Star Ruby (30%)
Huge Emerald (16%)
Azerothian Diamond (16%)
Blue Sapphire (16%)
Large Opal (16%)
Blood Garnet (1.66%)
Deep Peridot (1.66%)
Flame Spessarite (1.66%)
Golden Draenite (1.66%)
Shadow Draenite (1.66%)
Azure Moonstone (1.66%)
Fel Iron Ore 275 Blood Garnet (18%)
Deep Peridot (18%)
Flame Spessarite (18%)
Golden Draenite (18%)
Shadow Draenite (18%)
Azure Moonstone (18%)
Noble Topaz (1.3%)
Dawnstone (1.3%)
Living Ruby (1.3%)
Nightseye (1.3%)
Star of Elune (1.3%)
Talasite (1.3%)
Adamantite Ore 325 Blood Garnet (18%)
Deep Peridot (18%)
Flame Spessarite (18%)
Golden Draenite (18%)
Shadow Draenite (18%)
Azure Moonstone (18%)
Noble Topaz (4%)
Dawnstone (4%)
Living Ruby (4%)
Nightseye (4%)
Star of Elune (4%)
Talasite (4%)
Cobalt Ore 350 Huge Citrine (23%)
Shadow Crystal (23%)
Bloodstone (23%)
Chalcedony (23%)
Dark Jade (23%)
Sun Crystal (23%)
Monarch Topaz (1.3%)
Forest Emerald (1.3%)
Sky Sapphire (1.3%)
Autumn's Glow (1.3%)
Scarlet Ruby (1.3%)
Twilight Opal (1.3%)
Saronite Ore 400 Huge Citrine (18%)
Shadow Crystal (18%)
Bloodstone (18%)
Chalcedony (18%)
Dark Jade (18%)
Sun Crystal (18%)
Monarch Topaz (4%)
Forest Emerald (4%)
Sky Sapphire (4%)
Autumn's Glow (4%)
Scarlet Ruby (4%)
Twilight Opal (4%)