Guide to Tailoring Specializations in WotLK Classic

Once you reach level 60 and Tailoring 350, you may begin a quest to learn one of three specializations: Mooncloth Tailoring, Shadoweave Tailoring, or Spellfire Tailoring.

  • Changing specialization
  • Benefits of Specializations in WotLK

    Any tailor with the required skill (415) can make Moonshroud, Spellweave, or Ebonweave. The benefit of each specialization is getting two pieces of that specialization's cloth with one set of materials.

    This is the only benefit, there is no new BoP Tailoring set in WotLK Classic.

    Specialization Quests

    The three NPCs who start the quests are standing almost next to each other in Shattrat City, so it's pretty easy to spot them.

    Mooncloth Tailoring

    You can learn Mooncloth specialization by completing the Becoming a Mooncloth Tailor quest for Nasmara Moonsong.

    To complete the quest, go to the Cenarion Refuge Moonwell (see the location below), open the Primal Mooncloth Supplies, and right-click on the Square of Imbued Netherweave to create a sample.

    Zangarmarsh Moonwell

    Shadoweave Tailoring

    You can learn Shadoweave specialization by completing the Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor quest for Andrion Darkspinner.

    To complete the quest, go to the Altar of Shadows in Shadowmoon Valley (see the location below) and use the Crystal of Deep Shadows quest item.

    Altar of Shadows

    Spellfire Tailoring

    You can learn Spellfire specialization by completing the Becoming a Spellfire Tailor quest for Gidge Spellweaver .

    To complete the quest, go anywhere in Netherstorm and use the Nether-wraith Beacon quest item, kill the Furious Nether-wraith that spawns, then loot the Nether-wraith Essence.

    Changing specialization

    Changing Tailoring Specializations is very simple.

    Go back to Shattrath City and talk to the NPC who taught your current specialization. It will cost 150g to unlearn the current specialization at level 70 and 20g to learn a new specialization. You don't have to do any additional questing.