As we are getting closer and closer to the launch of WotLK Classic, some of you might be wondering about changing professions, but you don't know yet which one to choose. With the release of Wrath of the Lich king, every profession will have a few profession only bonuses that can only be equipped or used by yourself.
The + number after the items or enchants shows the bonus you get from your profession over the normal enchant/item that everyone can get.
Below you can find the list of every new profession combat bonus.
Mixology gives increased effect and duration when you drink any elixir or flask you are able to make.
Indestructible Alchemist's Stone
Mercurial Alchemist Stone
Mighty Alchemist's Stone
Flask bonuses with Mixology:
Flask of Stoneblood +650 HP
Flask of Endless Rage +82 Attack Power
Flask of Pure Mojo +20 Mana/5sec
Flask of the Frost Wyrm +47 Spell Power
There is also an Alchemist-only reusable flask Flask of the North. This flask increases your spell power by 47, attack power by 80, or Strength by 40 for 1 hour, so you can have the bonuses without using a regular flask.
Blacksmiths can add a socket to their own bracers and gloves.
Using two epic gems gives you one of these bonuses:
- +40 Strength, Agility, or Intellect
- +80 Attack Power
- +46 Spell Power
- +60 Stamina
- +40 from any secondary stat. (Crit, Hit, Expertise, etc.)
Just like in TBC, enchanters can enchant their own ring.
- x2
Enchant Ring - Assault +80 Attack Power
- x2
Enchant Ring - Greater Spellpower +46 Spell Power
- x2
Enchant Ring - Stamina +60 Stamina
Engineering enchants don't stack with normal enchants!
Mind Amplification Dish - Gives 45 Stamina and you can Mind Control enemies (10 min CD). Cannot be applied to the crafted epic goggles!
Nitro Boosts - Increase your Critical Strike rating by 24 with an on-use ability to greatly increase run speed for 5 sec (3 min CD).
Springy Arachnoweave - Gives 27 Spell Power with an on-use ability to fall slowly for 30 sec (1 min CD).
Flexweave Underlay - Gives 23 Agility with an on-use ability to fall slowly for 30 sec (1 min CD).
Reticulated Armor Webbing - Gives 885 Armor
Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket - Deal 1654 to 2020 Fire damage to an enemy at long range (45 sec CD).
Hyperspeed Accelerators - Increase haste rating by 340 for 12 sec (1 min CD).
Frag Belt - Throw a Cobalt Frag Bomb, inflicting 750 to 1000 Fire damage and incapacitating targets for 3 sec in a 3-yard radius (6 min CD).
Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator - Stuns a mechanical unit for 3 seconds.
Crafted Items
Armored Titanium Goggles - Plate Tank
Charged Titanium Specs - Plate DPS
Truesight Ice Blinders - Mail Physical DPS
Electroflux Sight Enhancers - Mail Caster
Weakness Spectralizers Leather Physical DPS
Greensight Gogs - Leather Caster
Visage Liquification Goggles - Cloth Caster
MOLL-E - Portable Mailbox (2hr CD)
Wormhole Generator: Northrend - You can teleport to each zone in Northrend. (4hr CD)
Lifeblood - Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, healing you for 3600 (increased by maximum health) over 5 sec.
Scribes can craft shoulder enchants.
Master's Inscription of the Axe +80 Attack Power
Master's Inscription of the Crag +46 Spell Power
Master's Inscription of the Pinnacle +40 Dodge Rating
Master's Inscription of the Storm +46 Spell Power
You can equip 3 from these gems below in any combination, so it can be 3 from the same gem. (the + numbers show the bonus for the 3 gems)
Bold Dragon's Eye +42 Strength
Bright Dragon's Eye +84 Attack Power
Delicate Dragon's Eye +42 Agility
Flashing Dragon's Eye +42 Parry Rating
Fractured Dragon's Eye +42 Armor Penetration
Precise Dragon's Eye +42 Expertise Rating
Runed Dragon's Eye +48 Spell Power
Subtle Dragon's Eye +42 Dodge Rating
Brilliant Dragon's Eye +42 Intellect
Mystic Dragon's Eye +42 Resilience Rating
Quick Dragon's Eye +42 Haste Rating
Rigid Dragon's Eye +42 Hit Rating
Smooth Dragon's Eye +42 Critical Strike Rating
Thick Dragon's Eye +42 Defense Rating
Lustrous Dragon's Eye +21 Mana every 5 seconds
Solid Dragon's Eye +63 Stamina
Sparkling Dragon's Eye +42 Spirit
Stormy Dragon's Eye +54 Spell Penetration
Bracer enchants:
Fur Lining - Attack Power +80 Attack Power
Fur Lining - Spell Power +46 spell power
Fur Lining - Stamina +62 Stamina
Bracer Resist enchants:
Fur Lining - Fire Resist +70 Fire Resist
Fur Lining - Frost Resist +70 Frost Resist
Fur Lining - Nature Resist +70 Nature Resist
Fur Lining - Shadow Resist +70 Shadow Resist
Fur Lining - Arcane Resist +70 Arcane Resist
Toughness - 60 Stamina
Master of Anatomy - 40 Critical strike rating
Magnificent Flying Carpet - Flying mount
Darkglow Embroidery - Cloak Enchant - Gives you a chance to restore 400 mana when you cast a spell.
Lightweave Embroidery - Cloak Enchant - Gives you a chance to increase your spell power by 295 for 15 sec when casting a spell.
Swordguard Embroidery - Cloak Enchant - Causes your damaging melee and ranged attacks to sometimes increase your attack power by 400 for 15 sec.