Cooking can be really boring to level as a high-level player because you have to travel around Azeroth and farm all kinds of meats and eggs for the recipes.
Fortunately, there is a festival called Pilgrim’s Bounty which starts on November 21 and ends on November 27. This festival is the best and fastest method to level your Cooking from 1 to 300! The ingredients are so cheap I just wrote estimate numbers, you might need to buy fewer of them.
How to get the Pilgrim’s Bounty recipes
Horde: Go to Tirisfal Glades and buy the
Bountiful Cookbook from
Rose Standish. She is standing in the ruins outside Undercity. Higher-level players will see the new version of Tirisfal Glades where
Rose Standish is not present. Talk to Zidormi to switch between the new and old phases of Tirisfal Glades. (if you open the map, she will be marked with a white text bubble at north)
Alliance: Go to Elwynn Forest and buy the
Bountiful Cookbook from
Wilmina Holbeck.
Right-click on the cookbook to open it up and pick up the 5 recipes. Learn the first Recipe: Spice Bread Stuffing.
1 - 160
Every ingredient for the recipes below is sold by the vendors where you bought the cookbook.
- 1 - 40
70 xSpice Bread - 70 Simple Flour, 70 Mild Spices
- 40 - 100
70 xSpice Bread Stuffing - 70 Spice Bread, 70 Autumnal Herbs
- 100 - 160
- 70 x
Pumpkin Pie (H) - 70 Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin, 70 Honey
- 70 x
Pumpkin Pie (A) - 70 Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin, 70 Honey
- 70 x
160 - 220
Horde: Go to Orgrimmar to buy
Tangy Southfury Cranberries from
Dalni Tallgrass. She is standing just outside of Orgrimmar.
Alliance: Go to Ironforge to buy
Tangy Wetland Cranberries from
Elizabeth Barker Winslow. She is standing just outside of Ironforge.
- 70 x
Cranberry Chutney (H) - 70 Tangy Southfury Cranberries, 70 Honey
- 70 x
Cranberry Chutney (A) - 70 Tangy Wetland Cranberries, 70 Honey
220 - 295
Horde: Go to Thunder Bluff to buy
Mulgore Sweet Potato from
Laha Farplain.
Alliance: Go to Darnassus to buy
Teldrassil Sweet Potato from
Ikaneba Summerset.
- 120 x
Candied Sweet Potato (H) - 120 Mulgore Sweet Potato, 120 Honey, 120 Autumnal Herbs
- 120 x
Candied Sweet Potato (A) - 120 Teldrassil Sweet Potato, 120 Honey, 120 Autumnal Herbs
295 - 300
5 x Smoked Desert Dumplings - 15 Sandworm Meat
You have to complete two quests in Silithus to get this cooking recipe.
You can farm the needed 5 Sandworm Meat from Dredge Strikers and Dredge Crushers in Silithus.
IMPORTANT! Silithus will be phased for high-level players and these mobs/quests will not be there. You have to talk to Rhonormu or Zidormi to switch between phased low-level/high-level versions of Silithus. (Rhonormu is closer if you use the Silithus portal in Dazal'alor/Boralus)