TBC Classic Fishing Leveling Guide 1-375

This Burning Crusade Classic Fishing leveling guide will help you to level Fishing from 1 to 375. You'll discover that it requires a lot of patience and time to build your skill level up to the maximum level. You will have to catch a lot of fish to get from start to finish.

If you haven't leveled Cooking yet, you should use my Fishing and Cooking leveling guide instead:

Fishing & Cooking Leveling Guide 1-375

Fishing Trainers

To learn Fishing, you need to reach level 5 and find a Fishing trainer.

Just click on any of these links below to see the trainer's exact location. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Fishing trainer is, then the trainer will be marked with a red flag on your map.

Horde trainers:

Alliance trainers:

1 - 75

Buy a Fishing Pole and a few Shiny Bauble from any Fishing Supply or Trade Supply merchant.

  1. Open up your Spellbook (P).
  2. Click on the General tab on the top left side of your spellbook and look for the Fishing spell.
  3. Drag the Fishing spell on your action bar.
  4. Equip your Fishing Pole and apply the Shiny Bauble lure.
  5. Go to any starting zone and look for a lake, pond, or river. Stand in front of the lake/river and press the fishing button.
  6. Mouse over the lure in the water, and when it splashes, right-click on it.
  7. Fish until you reach Fishing 75.

Starting zones: Azuremyst Isle, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Eversong Woods, Mulgore, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades

Remember, starting zones do not include capital cities!

75 - 150

Go back to your trainer and learn Journeyman Fishing.

Fish until 150 in one of the capital cities:

  • Darnassus
  • Stormwind City
  • Orgrimmar
  • Undercity
  • Thunder Bluff

Alternatively, you can fish in any of these zones: The Barrens, Bloodmyst Isle, Darkshore, Ghostlands, Ironforge, Loch Modan, Silverpine Forest, Westfall.

150 - 225

You can learn Expert Fishing from the Expert Fishing - The Bass and You book sold by Old Man Heming at Booty Bay in Stranglethorn. He is in the middle of Booty Bay at the very bottom part, near a fishing sign. (You can also buy it at the Auction House)

Buy a bunch of Bright Baubles from Old Man Heming before you leave.

Go to Dustwallow Marsh, apply Bright Baubles to your Fishing Pole and fish until 225.

I recommend fishing in Dustwallow because the Artisan Fishing Quest starts there. But, you can fish in these zones too: Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Scarlet Monastery, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, and Thousand Needles.

Learning Artisan Fishing

To train Fishing past 225, you must complete the quest Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme from Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. (requires level 35 and Fishing 225)

To complete the quest, you have to catch 4 quest-only fish from different locations.

Use  Bright Baubles when you are fishing in Feralas to stop the fishes from getting away. You don't need any lures for the other zones because your fishing skill is high enough at this point.

Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme quest

225 - 300

After you completed the quest, fish in any of these zones:

  • Felwood
  • Feralas (except Jademir Lake)
  • The Hinterlands
  • Tanaris
  • Un'Goro Crater
  • Western Plaguelands

You will have to use Bright Baubles in these zones to stop the fishes from getting away!

Master Fishing

Buy the Master Fishing - The Art of Angling book from Juno Dufrain in Zangarmarsh and learn Master Fishing. If you are out of lures, you should also buy around 40x Bright Baubles from him.

300 - 350

You will need around 400 effective fishing skill (including bonuses from poles and lures) to stop fish from getting away in Zangarmarsh, so you will need to get one of these fishing poles:

If you couldn't get any of the fishing poles above, some of your fish will get away, and you will level a lot slower. So, you either fish in one of the previous Azeroth zones, or you can try to buy a bunch of Aquadynamic Fish Attractor from the Auction House and use them until you reach 325, then you can switch to Bright Baubles.

Fish in Zangarmarsh at these two lakes in the picture below until your base fishing skill reaches 350.

350 - 375

Fish in Terokkar forest in any water in the marked areas. Don't go to flying restricted areas or the lake near Shattrath City because they require a lot higher fishing skill!

You could also stay in Zangarmarsh until 375, but you will get more valuable fish in Terokkar, so I recommend switching to Terokkar at around 350.