SoD Profession Changes and New Recipes in Phase 3

This page will show you all the new Profession changes and additions in Season of Discovery Phase 3.

Epic Crafting Quest chain

Just like in previous phases, you have to complete a quest chain to learn the new Phase 3 epic profession recipes. For information on how to complete the quests, please see my separate guide:

Phase 3 Profession Quest Chain

Profession Specializations

With the new 300 profession skill cap, you can now specialize in Blacksmithing, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Alchemy.


Alchemy specializations were not part of vanilla WoW, so this is a new addition to Season of Discovery. (they were originally introduced in TBC)

Being specialized gives you a chance to create an extra 1 to 4 (for a total of 5) items while crafting Potions, Elixirs, or Transmutations.

Specialization Quest Mats needed
Transmute Master Master of Transmutation 3x Arcanite Bar
Elixir/Potion Mixology For Fun and Profit 10x Elixir of Demonslaying
10x Invisibility Potion
10x Elixir of the Sages


The majority of items that you can craft with Weaponsmith or Armorsmith specializations have higher level requirements than what you can equip. So, these specializations are relatively limited in what they can provide in Phase 3.

Weaponsmiths can specialize further into one of the three weapon sub-specializations: Axesmith, Hammersmith, or Swordsmith. But every sub-specialization weapons require level 51 or above.

For information on how to become an Armorsmith or a Weaponsmith, please see my separate guides:

Armorsmith Quest Weaponsmith Quest

Armorsmith Weaponsmith


Engineering has the option at skill level 200 to specialize in Gnomish Engineer or Goblin Engineer. Some items require a specific specialization to use, while other items are crafted by one specialization but are usable by any engineer. Fortunately, most recipes that are crafted by one Specialization can be worn by both.

For information on how to choose a specialization, please see my separate guide:

Guide to Engineering Specializations


Many items you can craft with Leatherworking specializations have higher level requirements than what you can equip. So, these specializations are relatively limited in what they can provide in Phase 3.

For information on how to become a Dragonscale, Elemental, or Tribal Leatherworker, please see my separate guides:

Dragonscale Elemental Tribal

New Phase 3 Profession Recipes

Below, you can find the list of profession recipes that were added to the game in Season of Discovery Phase 3.




Item Description Materials
Sigil of Living Dreams Spell Damage, Healing Power, and Attack Power Buff
5x Dream Dust
Scroll of Spatial Mending Used to close Fel Portals 1x Simple Wood
4x Strange Dust


