This Platinum Ore farming guide will show you the best places for mining this ore. Platinum Ore is a rare spawn of Monelite Ore, there is about 5-8% chance that once you mine a Monelite vein, it will respawn as Platinum Ore, so you should mine every ore you see.
You can mine this ore with BfA Mining skill 1, but the rank 2 and rank 3 requires higher mining skill. Higher ranks allows you to gather this ore more effectively, so you will get more ore overall.
You will get Rank 2 Platinum Ore after you loot [Exceptional Platinum Shard] from mining Platinum Ore nodes. It's not 100% drop, and you will need around mining skill 130 before it can drop for you.
Rank 3 is a reward from a small quest chain that you get after you loot [Platinum Map] from Platinum Ore nodes.
Platinum Ore

Battle for Azeroth introduces three new items that you can use to speed up farming ores:
[Monel-Hardened Stirrups] - You can gather while mounted.
[Monel-Hardened Hoofplates] - Increase mount speed by 20%.
[Coarse Leather Barding]. - Prevents you from being dazed. (mobs won't dismount you)
You should use these if you can buy them cheap from the Auction House, or craft them if you can.
Every mob scales to your level in Battle for Azeroth, so it will be a lot harder to avoid the mobs attacking you while you try to farm ores. The combination of these three will make farming ores a lot easier, but the one I would recommend the most is [Monel-Hardened Stirrups], which lets you mine ores while mounted.
You should also enchant your gloves with [Enchant Gloves - Zandalari Mining] or
[Enchant Gloves - Kul Tiran Mining].
Waterwalking mount, or any waterwalking ability will make you farm in this zone a lot faster. If you notice that you farm too fast, and the nodes are not respawning, you can take a bigger loop in the zone and follow the red route, but the respawn rate should be fast enough on the yellow route.

If you notice that you farm too fast, and the nodes are not respawning, you can take a bigger loop in the zone and follow the red route, but the respawn rate should be fast enough on the yellow route.

Stormsong Valley
Pretty easy to follow route. There are a couple of ores underground around the middle of the map, but it's not always worth to go down there to get them.

Tiragarde Sound
Both routes are good, but the first one is better I think.

This one goes through the main horde city, so it's not really recommended for Alliance players.

I really disliked this zone for farming, because there are a lot of vertical up and down movement to find the ores, but it's a decent farming route once you learn how to get around the hills.