This Northrend Inscription leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Northrend Inscription skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Northrend Inscription.
Northrend Inscription trainers
You can learn Northrend Inscription from one of these trainers below:
Borean Tundra:
- Tink Brightbolt at Valiance Keep. (Alliance)
- Adelene Sunlance at Warsong Hold. (Horde)
Howling Fjord:
- Mindri Dinkles at Valgarde. (Alliance)
- Booker Kells at Vengeance Landing. (Horde)
- Professor Pallin at Dalaran. (Northrend, not Legion Dalaran)
Approximate materials required
Mill around 450 from any of these:
- Adder's Tongue
- Deadnettle
- Fire Leaf
- Goldclover
- Icethorn
- Lichbloom
- Talandra's Rose
- Tiger Lily
Leveling Inscription
Nightborne characters have +15 Inscription skill because of their passive Ancient History. An extra 15 Inscription skill means recipes stay orange for 15 more points. You can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 15 more points.
You can buy Light Parchment and
Virtuoso Inking Set from the Inscription Supply vendors near your trainer.
1 - 25
Simply milling the 450 northrend herbs should get you to 25, so making these recipes below won't give you skill points, but you will need these inks later to level up inscription.
95 x Ink of the Sea - 190 Azure Pigment
Turn all your Icy Pigment into
Snowfall Ink and keep them because you will use them when you reach 65.
Make a few Research: Ink of the Sea if you did not reach 25 from milling.
25 - 65
- 25 - 30
5 xScroll of Stamina VIII - 5 x Ink of the Sea
- 30 - 35
5 xScroll of Versatility VIII - 5 x Ink of the Sea
- 35 - 40
5 xScroll of Intellect VIII - 5 x Ink of the Sea
- 40 - 45
5 xScroll of Strength VIII - 5 x Ink of the Sea
- 45 - 55
15 xScroll of Agility VIII - 15 x Ink of the Sea
This recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more.
- 55 - 65
10 xResearch: Ink of the Sea - 30 Ink of the Sea
65 - 75
Make as many Runescroll of Fortitude as you can with your leftover
Snowfall Ink. You will probably only gain 1-3 skill points, but these are pretty much useless anyway, so you might as well use them.
You will need to make fewer than 10 Research: Ink of the Sea if you gained skill points from making
Runescroll of Fortitude)
10 x Research: Ink of the Sea - 30 Ink of the Sea
I hope you liked this Northrend Inscription leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!