This Northrend Leatherworking leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Northrend Leatherworking skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Northrend Leatherworking.
Approximate Materials Required
- 1982x
Borean Leather
- 65x
Crystallized Water or 65x
Crystallized Shadow
- 18x
Eternal Water
- 15x
Frozen Orb
- 10x
Nerubian Chitin or 10x
Icy Dragonscale
- 50x
Eternal Shadow
- 50x
Eternal Fire
- 12x
Arctic Fur
Leveling Northrend Leatherworking
Go to Northrend and find Diane Cannings at Dalaran (Northrend), then learn Northrend Leatherworking. (same NPC exists in Legion Dalaran, but she won't teach you Northrend Leatherworking)
Check out my Borean Leather farming guide if you want to farm the leathers.
1 - 35
Transform all your [Borean Leather Scraps] into
[Borean Leather] if you are a Skinner. Do not right click the Leather Scraps, there is actually a recipe that give you skill-ups, use that. It's basically free 5 skill points.
- 1-5
5 x[Borean Armor Kit] - 20 Borean Leather
- 5-10
5 x[Arctic Boots] - 40 Borean Leather
- 10-15
5 x[Arctic Gloves] - 50 Borean Leather
- 15-30
300 x[Heavy Borean Leather] - 1800 Borean Leather
[Arctic Belt] and
[Arctic Wristguards] if you bought the Heavy Borean Leather from the Auction House.
- 30-35
6 x[Nerubian Bracers] - 72 Borean Leather
You might have to make more than 6.
35 - 45
Make 13 from of the these:
- 13 x
[Dark Frostscale Leggings] - 52 Heavy Borean Leather, 65 Crystallized Water
- 13 x
[Dark Iceborne Leggings] - 52 Heavy Borean Leather, 65 Crystallized Shadow
Both of these will be yellow, so you might have to make more or fewer.
45- 50
5 x [Overcast Bracers] - 40 Heavy Borean Leather, 5 Eternal Water
[Pattern: Overcast Bracers] is sold by Braeg Stoutbeard. (He is in front of the building where the Leatherworking trainer is)
50 - 60
13 x [Overcast Handwraps] - 130 Heavy Borean Leather, 13 Eternal Water
[Pattern: Overcast Handwraps] is sold by Braeg Stoutbeard. (He is in front of the building where the Leatherworking trainer is)
This recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make more or fewer.
60 - 65
You might need to make more of these than 5 because the recipes will be yellow.
- 5 x
[Frosthide Leg Armor] - 10 Arctic Fur, 10 Nerubian Chitin, 5 Frozen Orb
- 5 x
[Icescale Leg Armor] - 10 Arctic Fur, 10 Icy Dragonscale, 5 Frozen Orb
You can buy [Arctic Fur] from Braeg Stoutbeard for 10 Heavy Borean Leather.
65 - 75
10 x [Trollwoven Girdle] - 100 Heavy Borean Leather, 50 Eternal Shadow, 50 Eternal Fire, 10 Frozen Orb
[Pattern: Trollwoven Girdle] is sold by Braeg Stoutbeard for 2
[Arctic Fur].
You can also make [Revenant's Treads] or
[Windripper Boots]. They require different Eternals.
I hope you liked this Northrend Leatherworking leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!