Goldclover Farming Guide - WotLK Classic

This Goldclover farming guide will show you the routes I use for farming Goldclover in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.


Howling Fjord

Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, and Grizzly Hills are the best zones for farming Goldclover in WotLK Classic. There is not much difference between the three.

If you don't have a flying mount, I recommend skipping the parts around Utgarde Keep in the middle.

Borean Tundra

Borean Tundra is not much worse than Howling Fjord, I just prefer the layout of Howling Fjord.

Grizzly Hills

The route is easy to follow, and the herbs will start respawning by the time you do a full lap, but Grizzly Hills has a bit more Tiger Lily than Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord.