This Knothide Leather farming guide is made to help you farm Knothide Leather. I decided to search for places with a high density of mobs that I can skin and drop Knothide Leather. I traveled around Outland, and after a while, I made a list of places.
Learn Outland Skinning from any of these NPCs below before you start farming. You can skin these mobs below without Outland Skinning, but you will get a lot fewer leathers!
Both factions can learn it from Seymour in Shattrath City, and you can also learn it from Jelena Nightsky (Alliance) at Honor Hold, or from Moorutu at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.
Knothide Leather

Karazhan is a level 35 raid instance, you won't be able to solo this one if your level is too low. Check the places mentioned below this part if you have a lower level character.
Karazhan is by far the best place to farm Knothide Leather your level is high enough. The entrance to Karazhan is at Deadwind Pass. You can find it in Eastern Kingdoms between Duskwood and Swamp of Sorrows.
Turn right after you enter, skip the spiders and then kill all the bats and fel hounds. Once you are done, go outside and right-click on your own portrait then click reset all instances. You can expect 45-50 pieces of leather each run and one run takes about 4 minutes, so you will get around 500 leather in an hour. (You cannot reset an instance more than 10 times per hour)
Don't kill any raid boss or you won't be able to reset the instance!
You should stop twice to kill and skin the mobs because the corpses might start despawning before you can skin them if you try to kill all of them in one pull.

There are three good farming places in Netherstorm.
- Ripfang Lynx and Barbscale Crocolisk around the Eco-Dome Midrealm.
- Talbuk Doe and Talbuk Sire around Stormpsire.
- Scythetooth Raptor around the marked area to the north.
The Talbuk Thorngrazers are a bit spread apart here, but otherwise, a really good place to farm Knothide Leather.

Terrokar Forest
Kill Razorthorn Ravager in Terrokar Forest. You will need a flying mount to reach the Ravagers because they are on top of a mountain, don't confuse them with the Ravagers at Hellfire Penninsula.
There are also a few big guys around this area but you can't skin them.

Contact me if you have other great farming spots!
Visit my Borean Leather farming page when you have enough Knothide Leather!