Mote of Life & Primal Life farming

This Mote of Life farming guide will show you the places that I use for farming Mote of Life. There were no major changes to Mote drop rates at Outland, so this guide can be used for Burning Crusade Classic (TBC) and Retail WoW.

Primal Life comes from combining 10 Mote of Life, so if you need Primal Life, you have to farm Mote of Life.

Mote of Life

Mote of Life

The Underbog

This farming place is for Retail WoW players only. If you play Burning Crusade Classic, scroll down a bit for the other farming places. But, for retail players, this is the best farming place. They can ignore the rest of the guide. (assuming you have a high-level character)

The Underbog is located inside The Coilfang Reservoir which is a giant machine in the middle of Serpent Lake in Zangarmarsh. Run to the center of that machine, then go underwater and swim through the pipe. The entrance to Underbog is the furthest right entrance after coming up from the water.

Clearing every trash mob before the first boss in The Underbog instance is the best way to farm Mote of Life. But make sure to switch the instance difficulty to Heroic, so you get more Mote of Life. (You can do this by right clicking over your own portrait)

Don't kill Hungarfen, or you can't reset the instance! (if you kill him by accident, you can switch back to normal mode)

One clear takes about 2-3 minutes, and you get 10-20 Mote of Life. After you killed the mobs, go outside and reset the Instance by right clicking over your own portrait then click the "Reset all instance" button. This restarts the whole instance and all mobs will be back. (You can only reset an instance 10 times in an hour.)


Zangarmarsh is the best place to farm Mote of Lire. There are 3 different locations, but the drop rate is pretty much the same at all three. The main difference between the places is the respawn time and mob density.

Farming Bog Lords and  Fungal Giants around the Quagg Ridge got me the most Mote of Life. They have a short respawn timer and they are close to each other.

Farming Starving Bog Lords at the Spawning Glen is also a good farming place. But, the mobs are a bit more spread.

The third farming place is at the Dead Mire. Look for Withered Bog Lords and Withered Giants.