This Cataclysm Blacksmithing leveling guide will show you the fastest way to level your Cataclysm Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case in that you will gain one skill point for each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Cataclysm Blacksmithing.
Approximate Materials Required
- 390x
Obsidium Bar
- 340x
Elementium Bar
- 10x
Volatile Earth
- 150x
Volatile Fire OR 150x
Volatile Water (can be a combination of both, like 75-75)
- 2x
Hardened Elementium Bar
Racial Bonuses
Some races have a profession skill bonus as a racial trait, allowing recipes to remain orange for 2-5 extra points. This means you can save gold by crafting lower-level recipes to gain additional skill points.
These races are:
- Lightforged Draenei: +5 skill
- Dark Iron Dwarves:+5 skill
- Kul Tiran: +2 skill
Cataclysm Blacksmithing Leveling
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Cataclysm Blacksmithing.
Check out my Obsidium Ore farming guide or the Elementium Ore farming guide if you want to farm the ores.
- 1 - 5
195xFolded Obsidium - 390 Obsidium Bar
If you choose different recipes, you will need fewer than 195.
- 5 - 10
5xRedsteel Bracers - 15 x Folded Obsidium
- 10 - 20
10xRedsteel Belt - 40 x Folded Obsidium, 10 x Volatile Earth
- 20 - 25
5xRedsteel Boots - 25 x Folded Obsidium
- 25 - 35
10xObsidium Skeleton Key - 20 x Folded Obsidium
The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make a few more.
- 35 - 40
5xRedsteel Shoulders - 15 x Folded Obsidium, 30 x Elementium Bar
- 40 - 50
10xRedsteel Legguards - 40 x Folded Obsidium, 70 x Elementium Bar
You can make
Elementium Shield Spike if you have more Elementium Bar.
- 50 - 60
10xHardened Obsidium Breastplate - 40 x Folded Obsidium, 60 x Elementium Bar
Redsteel Helm if you have more Elementium Bar.
You can also make
Pyrium Weapon Chain if you can find cheap
Pyrium Bar.
Plans: Pyrium Weapon Chain is sold by these vendors for 20 Elementium Bar. (the vendor is usually near your Cataclysm Blacksmithing trainer labeled as "Blacksmithing Supplies")
- 60 - 70
Make one of the following:
- 10x
Vicious Pyrium Belt - 100 x Elementium Bar, 100 x Volatile Fire
- 10x
Vicious Ornate Pyrium Belt - 100 x Elementium Bar, 100 x Volatile Water
You can buy these recipes for 20
Elementium Bar from a vendor who is usually near your Cataclysm Blacksmithing trainer labeled as "Blacksmithing Supplies"
- 10x
- 70 - 75
Make one of the following:
- 5x
Vicious Pyrium Boots - 60 x Elementium Bar, 50 x Volatile Fire
- 5x
Vicious Ornate Pyrium Boots - 60 x Elementium Bar, 50 x Volatile Water
You can buy these recipes for 2
Hardened Elementium Bar from a vendor who is usually near your Cataclysm Blacksmithing trainer labeled as "Blacksmithing Supplies"
Miners can make
Smelt Hardened Elementium with Cataclysm Mining (50).
- 5x
I hope you liked this Cataclysm Blacksmithing leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!