Dragon Isles Cooking Leveling Guide 1-100 (Dragonflight)

This Dragonflight Cooking leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Dragon Isles Cooking skill from 1 to 100.

Dragonflight Cooking Trainers

Leveling Dragonflight Cooking

Shopping List

There are multiple meals that you can cook to level Cooking between 50-100. Therefore, I can't list the exact number of meat/fish needed to reach 100.

This is the list of approximate meat/fish required to reach 50.

Ohn'ahran Potato, Three-Cheese Blend, and Conveniently Packaged Ingredients are all sold by the Cooking trainer at Valdrakken. (or any other Cooking supply vendor)

1 - 5

4x Twice-Baked Potato - 16x Ohn'ahran Potato, 8x Three-Cheese Blend

5 - 23

Both Assorted Exotic Spices and Pebbled Rock Salts are used in almost every high-level recipe, so it's just better to make them now while they also give skill points.

I recommend making at least 10 from each.

10x Assorted Exotic Spices - 20x Lava Beetle, 10x Conveniently Packaged Ingredients
10x Pebbled Rock Salts - 20x Salt Deposit, 10x Conveniently Packaged Ingredients


15x Probably Protein - 30x Maybe Meat, 30x Conveniently Packaged Ingredients

23 - 40

27x Hopefully Healthy - 81x Maybe Meat, 108x Conveniently Packaged Ingredients

This recipe will be green for the last few points, so you might have to make more.

40 - 50

13x Delicious Dragon Spittle - 13x Artisanal Berry Juice, 13x Ribbed Mollusk Meat

This recipe will be green for the last few points, so you might have to make more.

50 - 75

If you have Renown 11 with the Iskaaar Tuskarr, complete the Encroaching Heat quest in The Waking Shores to get one of the recipes used below.

If you don't have high enough renown, you have to buy one of these four recipes from the Auction House:

You could also try to farm one of them if you like Fishing. They drop from the Draconic Recipe in a Bottle that you sometimes get while fishing (low chance). There is only one recipe in each bottle, but it can contain recipes from other professions. So, even if you get a bottle, it's not guaranteed that you get a Cooking recipe.

Cooking Discovery

While crafting any of these recipes below, you will randomly discover other cooking recipes. The discovered recipe will be used to level cooking from 75 to 100.

You will probably discover one by reaching 75, but you will have to make more if you don't.

75 - 100

Make around 40 from one of the recipes that you discovered. All of them will be green for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more (or fewer).