This Battle for Azeroth Cooking leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your BfA Cooking skill from 1 to 175.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Cooking.
Learning BfA Cooking
The new BfA Cooking skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.
Kul Tiran Cooking is the Alliance version and
Zandalari Cooking is the Horde version.
Cooking Trainers:
- Horde: You can find T'sarah the Royal Chef in Dazar'alor. She is located in the kitchen right behind your mission table near the Great Seal in the Dazar'alor temple.
- Alliance: "Cap'n" Byron Mehlsack is in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.
You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Cooking trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.
Recipe ranks
Every BfA cooking recipe has 3 ranks. Higher rank recipes allow you to cook more food for the same materials, and higher rank recipes also give skill points much longer. (the exceptions are the new Feast recipes, you always make one, but it will cost fewer materials)
Unlocking World Quests
Some of the Rank 3 recipes are locked behind World Quests. These are not required to reach 175, but you will save some gold if you can get them.
To unlock World Quest, you must complete the first steps of the Alliance or Horde War Campaigns until you get the quest Uniting Kul Tiras (Alliance) /
Uniting Zandalar (Horde).
Cooking Reagents
The following Cooking reagents are all sold by Hanul Swiftgale (Horde) / Henrick Wyther (Alliance).
You can extract Aromatic Fish Oil from any Battle for Azeroth fish. You have to right-click the fish you caught, and it will convert the fish into oil.
Fishes no longer come from one specific zone. Instead, you can find 3 types of fish in the Kul Tiras zones, 3 in the Zandalar zones, 2 in Nazjatar, 1 in Mechagon and you can fish 2 in all zones.
Kul Tiras:
Frenzied Fangtooth and
Lane Snapper - Fished from seas/oceans.
Tiragarde Perch - Fished from rivers/lakes.
Slimy Mackerel and
Sand Shifter - Fished from seas/oceans.
Redtail Loach - Fished from rivers/lakes.
All zones:
Great Sea Catfish - Rivers and lakes. (except Nazjatar)
Midnight Salmon - Everywhere. (rare fish, around 3% catch rate)
Approximate Materials Required
This is the list of approximate materials required to level Zandalari / Kul Tiran cooking to 175.
- 100 x
Aromatic Fish Oil
- 1050 x
Stringy Loins or
Meaty Haunch or
Briny Flesh. You don't have to buy all 1050 from the same meat.
- 320 x
Moist Fillet
Leveling BfA Cooking
1 - 35
34 x Mon'Dazi - 340 Wild Flour, 170 Foosaka, 68 Aromatic Fish Oil, 136 Powdered Sugar
You can extract Aromatic Fish Oil from any Battle for Azeroth fish. You have to right-click the fish you caught, and it will convert the fish into oil. You can find the list of fishes at the Cooking Reagents section above.
35 - 50
Learn the Rank 2 recipes from your trainer. (You don't have to make Kul Tiramisu, you can make any other dessert recipe)
15 x Rank 2 - Kul Tiramisu - 150 Wild Flour, 75 Foosaka, 30 Aromatic Fish Oil, 75 Major's Frothy Coffee
50 - 75
Make 25 from one of the these three:
25 x Seasoned Loins - 250 Stringy Loins, 125 Foosaka
25 x Honey-Glazed Haunches - 250 Meaty Haunch, 125 Choral Honey
25 x Sailor's Pie - 250 Briny Flesh, 125 Wild Flour, 100 Foosaka, 100 Fresh Potato
These meats are usually really cheap, so I recommend to switch to these dishes at 50, but if they are expensive on your realm, then it's better to make more Rank 2 - Kul Tiramisu up to around 75. As a general rule, if 1 Aromatic Fish Oil cost around the same as these meats, then you should make Kul Tiramisu.
75 - 140
Learn the Rank 2 recipes from your trainer. Make around 120 from one of these three:
80 x Rank 2 - Seasoned Loins - 800 Stringy Loins, 400 Foosaka
80 x Rank 2 - Honey-Glazed Haunches - 800 Meaty Haunch, 400 Choral Honey
80 x Rank 2 - Sailor's Pie - 800 Briny Flesh, 400 Wild Flour, 320 Foosaka, 320 Fresh Potato
These will be green for the last 10 points, so you might have to make more.
Rank 3 recipes:
If you can get the rank 3 of these recipes, then you can make them until 150.
Recipe: Honey-Glazed Haunches - Reward from the World Quest: "Work Order: Honey-Glazed Haunches" (this one will show up randomly sometimes on your map)
Recipe: Seasoned Loins - Requires Tortollan Seekers - Revered. Sold by Collector Kojo
Recipe: Sailor's Pie - Reward from the World Quest: "Work Order: Sailor's Pie" (this one will show up randomly sometimes on your map)
140 - 155
Alliance players have to visit Instructor Ulooaka at Nazjatar to learn the next recipe. (You have to finish the first few intro quest at Nazjatar before you can see this NPC.)
15 x Rank 1 - Abyssal-Fried Rissole - 120 Moist Fillet, 45 Foosaka, 75 Wild Flour
You can make other recipes, but Moist Fillet should be the cheapest.
155 - 175
Learn the rank 2 recipes.
25 x Rank 2 - Abyssal-Fried Rissole - 200 Moist Fillet, 75 Foosaka, 125 Wild Flour
I hope you liked this BfA Cooking leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 175!