This Pandaria Tailoring leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Pandaria Tailoring skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point for each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Pandaria Tailoring.
Pandaria Tailoring Trainer
You can learn Pandaria tailoring from Silkmaster Tsai in Valley of the Four Winds at the Silken fields.
Approximate Materials Required
- 390 x Windwool Cloth.
- 1 x Spirit of harmony
Check out my Windwool Cloth farming guide if you want to farm Windwool Cloth.
Leveling Pandaria Tailoring
1 - 10
45 x [Bolt of Windwool Cloth] - 225 Windwool Cloth
You will use all of these later, so if you make them now, it's basically free skill points.
It doesn't matter if you didn't reach 10, you can still go to the next step.
10 - 25
Now go to the Vale of Eternal Blossom and find Ala'thinel (Horde) at Shrine of the new Moons or Healer Nan (Alliance) at Shrine of the Seven Stars, then learn [Windwool Bandage] from her.
25 x [Windwool Bandage] - 25 Windwool Cloth
25 - 60
Learn the new bandage recipe from Ala'thinel / Healer Nan.
70 x [Heavy Windwool Bandage] - 140 Windwool Cloth
The recipe will be green for the last few points, so it's possible you don't have to make 70, but it's also possible that you might have to make a lot more if you are unlucky with the skill gains.
60 - 75
15 x [Contender's Satin Cuffs] - 45 Bolt of Windwool Cloth
[Pattern: Contender's Satin Cuffs] is sold by Esha the Loommaiden (Horde) at Shrine of Two Moons and by Raishen the Needle (Alliance) at Shrine of Seven Stars for one
[Spirit of Harmony].
You can get [Spirit of Harmony] by combining 10
[Mote of Harmony]. Motes are dropped by every mob in Pandaria, even in dungeons. The drop rate is low, so it may take you 10 minutes to collect 10 motes, but you can buy these from the Auction House, or check out my Spirit of Harmony Farming Guide if you want to farm them.
I hope you liked this Pandaria Tailoring leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!