This Battle for Azeroth Tailoring leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to get your BfA Tailoring skill up from 1 to 175. The guide's primary focus is to show you how to level this profession, so if you are looking for more detailed information about BfA Tailoring, check out my Battle for Azeroth Tailoring Guide.
Tailoring uses cloths as main materials, but you don't need any gathering profession to gather cloths, so Tailoring can be combined with any gathering profession. One other popular choice is Enchanting because you can craft a bunch of cloths then disenchant them and use the dusts and essences to level your enchanting.
BfA Tailoring Trainer Location
The new BfA Tailoring skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.
Kul Tiran Tailoring is the Alliance version and
Zandalari Tailoring is the Horde version.
Tailoring Trainers:
- Horde: You can find
Pin'jin the Patient in Dazar'alor at the Terrace of Crafters.
- Alliance:
Daniel Brineweaver is in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.
You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Tailoring trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.
Recipe Ranks
Most high-level Battle for Azeroth Tailoring recipes has 3 ranks. Higher rank recipes reduce the materials required to create a recipe, and also give skill points much longer.
Approximate Materials Required
- 590
Tidespray Linen
- 280
Deep Sea Satin
- 1175
Nylon Thread
- 215
Gilded Seaweave
- 45
You need a lot of Expulsom to reach 175, so check out my guide on How to get Expulsom, if you don't know how to get this crafting item.
The Nylon Thread is sold by your trainer or the tailoring supply vendor near your trainer.
Leveling BfA Tailoring
1 - 60
100 x Tidespray Linen Bandage - 200 Tidespray Linen
The recipe will be yellow/green for the last points, so you probably have to make a few more.
60 - 75
15 x Tidespray Linen Robe - 240 x Tidespray Linen, 300 x Nylon Thread
The Nylon Thread is sold by your trainer or the tailoring supply vendor near your trainer.
75 - 150
You will use every Embroidered Deep Sea Satin when you craft your epic armors and later when you upgrade them. Or you will use them when you get the
Pattern: Embroidered Deep Sea Bag recipe. (Random world drop from mobs at Kul Tiras / Zandalar)
150 x Embroidered Deep Sea Satin - 150 Deep Sea Satin, 150 Tidespray Linen, 750 Nylon Thread
The recipe will be yellow/green for the last points, so you probably have to make a few more.
150 - 160
Visit your trainer Jada (Horde) /
Instructor Alikana (Alliance) at Nazjatar and learn the new recipes. (You have to finish the first few intro quest at Nazjatar before you can see these NPCs.)
10 x Rank 1 - Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers - 100 Gilded Seaweave, 60 Deep Sea Satin, 80 Nylon Thread, 20 Expulsom
How to get Expulsom?
You need a lot of Expulsom to reach 175, so check out my guide on How to get Expulsom, if you don't know how to get this crafting item.
160 - 170
Buy the rank 2 Recipe: Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers recipe for 2
Mark of Honor from
Dazzerian (Horde) /
Crafticus Mindbender (Alliance) at Nazjatar.
10 x Rank 2 - Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers - 80 Gilded Seaweave, 50 Deep Sea Satin, 60 Nylon Thread, 20 Expulsom
How to get Mark of Honor?
You can get Mark of Honor from winning Battlegrounds and Arenas, or you can also buy an
Orboreal Distinguishment for 2000 honor from Purveyor Zo'kuul in Oribos. One box contains 5 x
Mark of Honor, so simply farming honor and buying these boxes is the fastest way to get Mark of Honor.
NOTE: Mark of Honor is account bound, so you can send it to your character from your alts.
170 - 175
Buy the rank 3 Recipe: Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers recipe for 4
Mark of Honor from the same NPCs as the rank 2.
5 x Rank 3 - Notorious Combatant's Satin Bracers - 35 Gilded Seaweave, 20 Deep Sea Satin, 25 Nylon Thread, 5 Expulsom
I hope you liked this BfA Tailoring leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 175!