BfA Enchanting Leveling Guide 1 - 175

This Battle for Azeroth Enchanting leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your BfA Enchanting skill up from 1 to 175.

This guide's primary focus is leveling Enchanting, but you can visit my Battle for Azeroth Enchanting Guide if you want to read more about the new changes, Enchanting bonuses, and recipes.

BfA Enchanting Trainer Location

The new BfA Enchanting skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.

Kul Tiran Enchanting is the Alliance version and Zandalari Enchanting is the Horde version.

Enchanting Trainers:

You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Enchanting trainer is. Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.

Recipe Ranks

Most high-level Battle for Azeroth Enchanting recipes has 3 ranks. Higher rank recipes reduce the materials required to create a recipe, and also give skill points much longer.

Unlocking World Quests

Some of the Rank 3 recipes are locked behind World Quests. They show up randomly, so you can't predict when you can get them, but there are new ones up every couple of days. They will be marked with a small enchanting icon on your world map.

To unlock World Quest, you must complete the first steps of the Alliance or Horde War Campaigns until you get the quest Uniting Kul Tiras (Alliance) / Uniting Zandalar (Horde).

Approximate Materials Required

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left, then you can save some gold by using them to level Enchanting. You can check out my guide on How to get Expulsom if you want to farm some, but it is probably easier to just buy normal enchanting materials from the Auction House.

If you decide to level with Expulsom, you will also need to get some Mark of Honor from winning Battlegrounds and Arenas, or you can also buy an Orboreal Distinguishment for 2000 honor from Purveyor Zo'kuul in Oribos. One box contains 5x Mark of Honor, so simply farming honor and buying these boxes is the fastest way to get Mark of Honor. Mark of Honor is account bound, so you can send it to your character from your alts.

Normal leveling Expulsom + Mark of Honor

Leveling BfA Enchanting

Blood Elf characters have +5 Enchanting skill because of their passive [Arcane Affinity]. An extra 5 Enchanting skill means recipes stay orange for 5 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 5 more points.

You should put the enchants on an Enchanting Vellum, so you can sell them at the Auction House. Enchanting Vellum is sold by General Goods vendors or Enchanting Supply vendors near your trainer.

1 - 30

40x "Any glove enchant" - 200 Gloom Dust

Make around 40 from any of the glove enchants that cost 5x Gloom Dust.

30 - 35

7x Any from the "Seal of..." ring enchants - 84 Gloom Dust

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make fewer of these.

You can also make 5 from any of the ".... Hearthing" enchants if you can get cheap Umbra Shard.

35 - 60

Learn the rank 2 ring enchants from the trainer!

50x "Rank 2 ring enchant" - 500 Gloom Dust

The ring enchants are green for the last few skill points, so this is just an approximate number.

Alternative recipes

Getting any of these Rank 3 recipes are good alternatives and a cheaper way to get to 85:

The World Quests are rare and they show up randomly, so I don't think it's worth waiting for them. But, you might get lucky and have one of them up while you are leveling enchanting.

  • 70 x Rank 3 ring enchants - 560 Gloom Dust

Make sure to make them up to 85 and not just 60!

60 - 75

30x Enchanter's Umbral Wand - 30 Star Wood, 600 Gloom Dust, 30 Umbra Shard

You can buy Star Wood from the Enchanting Trainer.

Make sure to disenchant the wands to get some of your dust back!

75 - 85

20x Coastal Surge - 100 Umbra Shard, 400 Gloom Dust, 20 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make more. You can make any other weapon enchants that have the same material cost as this one.

85 - 95

17x Deadly Navigation - 136 Umbra Shard, 340 Gloom Dust, 17 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow, so you might have to make more.

Alternative recipes

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left that you don't use for anything, then making the wand below is a good alternative. But, if you only have 30 Explusom in total, I would recommend using them later on at 120 and 150, because you will save more gold.

10x Rank 1 - Honorable Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter - 10 Star Wood, 120 Umbra Shard, 30 Expulsom

If you also have 6x Mark of Honor, then you can buy the rank 2 and Rank 3 recipe from Leedan Gustaf / Ozgrom Ragefang.

The rank 3 is a lot cheaper to make and stays orange a lot longer! Make it all the way up to 120 and skip the next step.

37x Honorable Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter - 37 Star Wood, 222 Umbra Shard, 37 Expulsom

95 - 120

Learn the rank 2 weapon enchants from the trainer!

40x Rank 2 - Coastal Surge - 160 Umbra Shard, 720 Gloom Dust, 40 Veiled Crystal

The recipe will be yellow for 15 points, so this is just an approximate number.

Alternative recipes

You can save some gold if you can get any of these rank 3 recipes below.

120 - 125

7 x Any Rank 2 "Pact of..." ring enchant - 28 Umbra Shard, 90 Gloom Dust, 35 Veiled Crystal

If you played during the Battle for Azeroth expansion and still have some Expulsom left that you don't use for anything, then make the wand below.

Alternative recipe

Make sure that you learn the rank 2 recipe from the trainer!

5x Rank 2 - Enchanter's Sorcerous Scepter - 5 Star Wood, 45 Umbra Shard, 10 Expulsom

125 - 150

25x Quick Navigation - 150 Umbra Shard, 450 Gloom Dust, 25 Veiled Crystal

Alternative recipe

25x Enchanted Tiki Mask - 500 Gloom Dust, 50 Umbra Shard

The recipe turns green for the last 5 points, so after crafting 25, it's best to switch back to Quick Navigation and craft as many as needed to reach 150.

The Formula: Enchanted Tiki Mask is dropped by King Rastakhan inside the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. It drops in every difficulty. I went there with 3 different characters and got it for the first time with all 3 of them, so I think it's a 100% drop rate.

150 - 155

Visit your trainer Narv (Horde) / Instructor Okanu (Alliance) at Nazjatar and learn the new recipes. (You have to finish the first few intro quest at Nazjatar before you can see these NPCs.)

5x Accord of Critical Strike - 25 Veiled Crystal, 20 Umbra Shard, 90 Gloom Dust

Alternative recipe

5x Rank 1 - Notorious Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter - 5 Star Wood, 125 Gloom Dust, 35 Umbra Shard, 15 Expulsom

The Star Wood is sold by the Enchanting Trainer.

If you also have 2x Mark of Honor, then you can buy the rank 2 recipe from Dazzerian (Horde) / Crafticus Mindbender (Alliance) at Nazjatar. Craft it until 165 and skip the next step!

15x Rank 2 - Notorious Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter - 15 Star Wood, 345 Gloom Dust, 90 Umbra Shard, 30 Expulsom

155 - 165

10x Force Multiplier - 60 Umbra Shard, 250 Gloom Dust, 30 Veiled Crystal

165 - 175

Learn the rank 2 recipes from your trainer!

10x Rank 2 - Force Multiplier - 50 Umbra Shard, 220 Gloom Dust, 30 Veiled Crystal

Alternative recipe

Buy the Rank 3 Formula: Notorious Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter recipe for 4 Mark of Honor from the same NPCs as the rank 2. 

10x Rank 3 - Notorious Combatant's Sorcerous Scepter - 10 Star Wood, 200 Gloom Dust, 50 Umbra Shard, 10 Expulsom

Congratulations on reaching 175! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve, or you found typos, errors, wrong material numbers!

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