This Outland Enchanting leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Outland Enchanting skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point for each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Outland Enchanting.
Approximate Materials Required for 1-75:
- 630 x Arcane Dust
- 15 x Nightmare Vine
- 20 x Lesser Planar Essence
- 25 x Greater Planar Essence
- 5 x Large Prismatic Shard
- 12 x Void Crystal
Outland Enchanting Leveling 1 - 50
Go to Outland and find Johan Barnes (Alliance) in Hellfire Peninsula at Honor Hold, or Felannia (Horde) in Hellfire Peninsula at Thrallmar. (there are also trainers in Shattrat City). These trainers will teach you Outland Enchanting.
Blood Elf characters have +5 Enchanting skill because of their passive [Arcane Affinity]. An extra 5 Enchanting skill means recipes stay orange for 5 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 5 more points.
You can put enchants on an [Enchanting Vellum] if you can't put it on your own armor because it's too high level. Enchanting Vellum is sold by General Goods vendors or Enchanting Supply vendors near your trainer.
- 1-10
9 x [Lesser Assault] - 54 Arcane Dust
- 10-16
6 x [Brawn] - 36 Arcane Dust
- 16 - 30
16 x [Major Armor] - 128 Arcane DustThis recipe will be yellow between 20-30, so you might need to make more.
If Arcane Dust is expensive on your realm, then you should make [Major Versatility] between 20-30
- 30-35
5 x [Major Stamina] - 75 Arcane DustRecipe sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City. While you are there, you should also buy the recipe Formula: Superior Wizard Oil. These are limited supply items, so if someone bought it before you, you have to wait for it to respawn. (5-10minutes)
- 35-40
5 x [Armor] - 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
- 40-50
15 x [Superior Wizard Oil] - 45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Crystal VialRecipe sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City.
You can buy Crystal Vial from trade supply, or alchemy supply vendors. This recipe is yellow already when you learn it, so you might need to make 14-16.
Make more [Resilience] if you don't have Nightmare Vine.
50 - 75
- 50-69
25 x [Major Strength] - 300 x Arcane Dust, 25 Greater Planar EssenceThis recipe will be green for the last few points, so you might need to make a few more.
- 69-70
1 x [Void Sphere] - 2 x Void Crystal
- 70-75
The cheapest way would be to make
You can also craft more [Major Strength], but you will probably have to craft more than 20 for these 5 skill points.[Void Sphere] every 2 days, so it would take 10 days to reach 75. (probably more since you won't gain skill points every time)
Alternatively, you can get one of the recipes below and make it 5 times:
[Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility] - Dropped by Eredar Deathbringer at The Arcatraz dungeon.
[Formula: Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes] - Cenarion Expedition - Revered
[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency] - This is a world drop, but you can buy it from the Auction House.
[Formula: Enchant Bracer - Fortitude] - Dropped by Coilfang Oracle at The Steamvault dungeon.
[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower] - Dropped by these mobs at Blade's Edge Mountains.
I hope you liked this Outland Enchanting leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!