TWW Blacksmithing Leveling Guide 1 - 100

This War Within Blacksmithing leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your War Within Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 100.

Blacksmithing is best combined with Mining, and I highly recommend leveling Mining and Blacksmithing together because you will need a lot of gold if you want to buy everything from the Auction House. Check out my Mining leveling guide if you're going to level Mining.

Blacksmithing Trainer and Crafting Table location

You can learn the War Within Blacksmithing skill from the Blacksmithing trainer in Dornogal.

Most War Within Blacksmithing recipes require a nearby crafting station. You can find the crafting table near the Blacksmithing trainer in Dornogal.

Shopping List

This is the list of materials needed to level Khaz Algar Blacksmithing up to 65. The 65-100 part is optional and not included in this list. You can decide if you want to buy those extra materials when you get there.

The quality doesn't matter for leveling, buy the cheapest.

Leveling Khaz Algar Blacksmithing

Racial Bonuses

Some races have a profession skill bonus as a racial trait, allowing recipes to remain orange for 2-5 extra points. This means you can save gold by crafting lower-level recipes to gain additional skill points.

These races are:

  • Lightforged Draenei: +5 skill
  • Dark Iron Dwarves:+5 skill
  • Kul Tiran: +2 skill

1 - 15

48x Core Alloy - 384x Echoing Flux, 480x Bismuth

You can buy the Echoing Flux from Borgos near the Blacksmithing trainer.

Keep every Core Alloy, you will need them to make the other recipes in the guide.

Make one Dredger's Plate Breastplate if you did not reach 15.

15 - 20

1x Proficient Pickaxe - 5x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
1x Proficient Sickle - 3x Crystalline Powder, 2x Core Alloy
1x Proficient Skinning Knife - 5x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
1x Ironclaw Alloy - 5x Echoing Flux, 1x Leyline Residue, 5x Ironclaw Ore, 2x Core Alloy
1x Charged Alloy - 5x Echoing Flux, 1x Leyline Residue, 5x Aqirite, 2x Core Alloy

20 - 25

1x Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer - 1x Core Alloy

Equip the Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer.

1x Dredger's Developed Greatbelt - 1x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy
1x Dredger's Plate Vambraces - 8x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy

Blacksmithing Specializations

When you hit 25, you will unlock Blacksmithing specializations.

You'll eventually be able to learn all three specializations, so there's no need to worry about your initial choice. You'll need 50 skill points to unlock the second specialization, 60 for the third and 75 for the fourth.

However, how you spend your Blacksmithing Knowledge Points is important. Take some time to explore the specializations and decide which path to follow. Don't rush into spending your Knowledge Points without a clear plan. They're a limited resource, so make sure you use them wisely and strategically.

I suggest checking out my War Within Blacksmithing Specialization Guide. It covers every specialization and sub-specialization in detail, and I also include some example builds to help you get started.

TWW Blacksmithing Specialization Guide and Builds

Leveling from 25 to 94

25 - 31

These will turn yellow sooner then the rest of the weapons, so it's better to make them now.

1x Dredger's Developed Defender - 3x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy
1x Ironclaw Dirk - 5x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
1x Ironclaw Stiletto - 5x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy

31 - 38

1x Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox - 1x Core Alloy
1x Ironclaw Axe - 8x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
1x Ironclaw Sword - 8x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy

Equip the Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox.

Make these two:

1x Dredger's Developed Gauntlets - 4x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy
1x Dredger's Developed Helm - 4x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy

38 - 40

1x Dredger's Developed Legplates - 6x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy
1x Dredger's Developed Pauldrons - 5x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy

40 - 42

1x Adjustable Framework - 1x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
1x Tempered Framework - 1x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy

42 - 50

1x Ironclaw Great Mace - 10x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
3x Ironclaw Knuckles - 15x Ironclaw Ore, 3x Core Alloy

50 - 65

17x Forged Framework - 17x Crystalline Powder, 17x Core Alloy

This recipe will turn yellow for the last 5 points, so you may need to craft more.

Pick Everburning Forge as your second or third specialization here! It will provide an alternative, cheaper way to level up.

65 - 75

If making these is too expensive for you, then just skip this part. You can start making Everburning Ignition and level slowly for a lower cost.

20x Sanctified Alloy - 100x Echoing Flux, 20x Profaned Tinderbox, 20x Null Stone, 40x Ironclaw Ore, 20x Core Alloy

This recipe will be green for the last 5 points, so you may need to craft more. Probably between 25-30. However, you might get lucky and need fewer.

If you are making a profit selling these or selling them close to the material cost, then you can make these until they turn grey at 80.

75 - 94

Everburning Ignition will be orange up to 90. The recharge time is only 2 hours. There are 5 charges, so you don't have to log in every 2 hours.

You can only have 10 of these in your inventory, so you must sell or use some to be able to craft 30.

30x Everburning Ignition - 30x Artisan's Acuity, 150x Crystalline Powder, 30x Core Alloy

This process will take around 3-4 days if you log in at least once every 10 hours.

Leveling from 94 to 100

Everburning Ignition give skill point up to 100, but will be green from for the last 5 points, so you would have to craft a lot to reach 100. So, if you have any of the epic armor or weapon recipes, I'd recommend switching to crafting orders.

These recipes requires a Spark of Omen, a Bind on Pickup (BoP) crafting reagent that cannot be purchased from the Auction House. Since you can only obtain one Spark of Omen every two weeks, you should use the crafting order system for these last 9 points. Each recipe gives 3 points, you will only have to make 3.

Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing specializations

Every recipe you learn from Weaponsmithing or Armorsmithing specializations will grant skill points up to 100, so you can’t go wrong with choosing any of them.

Recipes from Vendors and Drops

These are the recipes you can get from vendors or from the Auction House.

Item Recipe Source
Charged Slicer Vendor: Khaz Algar World Vendors
Cost: 150x Artisan's Acuity, 1500x Kej
Charged Facesmasher Vendor: Lyrendal
Cost: 150x Artisan's Acuity
Charged Crusher Drop: Awakening the Machine
Charged Runeaxe Drop: The Theater Troupe
Beledar's Bulwark Drop: The Dawnbreaker Dungeon
Siphoning Stiletto Drop: Nexus-Princess Ky'veza
Zone: Nerub-ar Palace
Sanctified Steps Drop: World Creatures

Completing Crafting Orders for skill points

Once you get recipes from specializations, vendors or drops, you can start looking for Crafting Orders.

Public Orders

When you open the Crafting Orders tab, make sure to hit "Search" in the top left corner on the Public Orders tab, they won't load automatically. You probably won't see many crafting orders because players immediately complete them when they are posted.

Unfortunately, public crafting orders haven't gained much popularity among players in Dragonflight, and I don't expect this to change in The War Within. Many players prefer guild or personal crafting orders for better control over item quality and materials. The unpredictability of public orders deters players from using this system, resulting in very few available public orders.

To make matters worse, Public Orders are not cross-realm. You will only see orders from players on the same realm, so if you're on a low-population realm, there may be very few or no Public Orders available.

NPC Orders

Fortunately, the new NPC crafting orders make leveling a bit easier. You will frequently receive epic weapon and armor crafting orders, though you may not be able to complete some of them until you acquire more knowledge points.

These orders are player-specific, so other players can't claim them. Consider them like Personal Orders sent to you by NPCs. However, they are randomly generated, so it's not guaranteed that you will receive orders for recipes you can currently craft.

Personal Orders

To level up with Personal Orders, you need to advertise your services on the trade channel. Most players seeking personal orders want a guaranteed rank 5 item, so focus on promoting the recipes you can craft at that quality level.

Additionally, keep an eye on the trade channel in Dornogal to see if any players are looking for items you can craft.