This War Within Mining Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your Khaz Algar Mining from 1 to 100.
Mining serves three professions: Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting, so it's really good combined with any of these. Check out my Engineering leveling guide, Jewelcrafting leveling guide, or Blacksmithing leveling guide if you want to level any of these professions.
Mining Trainer
You can learn the War Within Mining skill from the Mining trainer in Dornogal.

Empowered Ores
There are 4 different types of empowered ores that you will come across while you are leveling your Mining.
These ores drop Crystalline Powder.
Mining Crystallized ores will give you a buff that protects you from the negative effect of Weeping mining nodes.
Webbed ores slows your movement speed a bit when you get close, doesn't really do anything dangerous. You will get a few Weavercloth from Mining these.
EZ-Mine Nodes
When you approach an EZ-Mine node, it will release a series of small bombs around it that you'll need to dodge to avoid the damage and knock back. Mining these nodes takes longer than regular ones, but as you move closer to the node, your Mining speed will increase.
The easiest way to mine these is to jump directly on top of the ore. By using this strategy, I rarely had to interrupt my cast to dodge the bombs.
These ores drop Writhing Sample
Weeping ores will put the Horrific Poison on you for 1 minutes. Doesn't do that much damage, but reduces movement speed by 15%. You will often be immune to this debuff because Crystallized ores give you a buff that protect from it.
Overloading Empowered Ores
Once you mine an Empowered Ore the first time, you will learn the Overload Empowered Deposit ability. Drag this to your action bar somewhere because you will use it a lot.
You can use this ability near an Empowered Ere to get something extra. The cooldown of this ability is 12 hours, but it is reduced by 30 minutes whenever you gather ores native to Khaz Algar.
This table below will show what you can expect when overloading each ore.
Type | Overloading |
Crystallized | Creates a portal that sends you to another nearby ore. |
EZ-Mine Nodes | Creates a lot of small mining nodes around the big EZ-Mine node. You will have around 10 seconds to mine as many as you can, then you have to get away or you will die from an explosion. |
Webbed | Creates a bunch of small spiders that you can step on to get some |
Weeping | Overloading these ores will summon a powerful mob, you will probably have to pop come CDs if you have bad gear, or just leveling your alt. The mob will drop some extra Always loot this ore before overloading! The ore will disappear after overloading and you can't mine it anymore. |
Leveling War Within Mining
Leveling Mining in War Within is slower compared to previous expansions because standard mining nodes stop granting skill points early on. You'll need to rely on rare nodes for progression. However, if there's minimal competition and you're lucky with rare node spawns, you can likely reach level 100 in 2-3 hours.
1 - 70
From levels 1 to 70, nearly everything grants skill points, so you'll progress quickly. Bismuth stops providing skill points around level 40, but Ironclaw and Aqirite continue to give skill points up to level 70.
70 - 90
After reaching skill level 70, only the Empowered, Camouflaged, and Rich Aqirite and Ironclaw nodes will grant you skill points. These nodes spawn randomly in place of regular ores, so there's no specific farming route for gathering them.
90 - 100
You'll only gain skill points from mining Empowered and Camouflaged Aqirite and Ironclaw nodes.
Mining Specializations
When you reach level 25, you'll unlock Mining Specializations. You don't need to spend any points right away, but be sure to select Mining Fundamentals as your first specialization. Simply learning this will grant you a passive ability to replenish 1 Vigor when gathering ores, making it much easier to maintain your dragon riding mount.
You'll eventually be able to learn all three specializations, so there's no need to worry about your initial choice. You'll need 50 skill points to unlock the second specialization and 75 for the third.
However, how you spend your Mining knowledge points do matter. Don't be too hasty with spending points just now unless you have a clear goal of which direction you want to go. The Knowledge points will be the limited commodity you will never get enough of, and you will always want more of. You can continue leveling Mining and return to spending knowledge points a bit later.
I recommend reading my War Within Mining Specialization Guide where I break down every specialization and sub-specialization, and provide you with an example build to get you started.
TWW Mining Specialization Guide and Builds
Mining Leveling Routes
These routes are flexible since mining nodes are scattered all over the place, so you can easily veer off course and still find plenty to mine. However, these are the general paths I followed to level up my Mining.
All of these routes are good for dual gatherers. I used the same routes for Mining and Herbalism throughout the beta.
Phial of Truesight
Get a Phial of Truesight before you start leveling Mining.This Phials allow you to see camouflaged mining and herbalism nodes and as an added bonus also gives you some Perception.
The camouflaged nodes are everywhere, so it's not like an extra one or two nodes here and there, it's more like you will see like 20% more nodes than those who don't use the Phial.
You should always use one of these when farming ores. The quality doesn't matter, you can get a Quality 1. Higher quality one just give more perception.
The Isle of Dorn
All three routes are good for farming ores, so I'd suggest experimenting with each to see which suits you best. Personally, I prefer longer routes, so I used Route 1 the most. Route 1 is the most laid-back option, as it simply loops around the map's edge.
Route 2 is the shortest and route 3 is a longer version of route 2 if there is too much competition there.

The Ringing Deeps
This route is straightforward and covers most of the zone in a loop. If you prefer, you can split it into two parts by cutting the route in the middle and only circling half of the map. Keep in mind that there are more mobs here compared to Isle of Dorn, so you will probably have to fight some mobs here and there.

I primarily used these two routes in Azj-Kahet. Route 1 is shorter, while Route 2 covers most of the zone. I'd suggest avoiding the area leading to Hallowfall—it can be frustrating due to the vertical movement, making it hard to find nodes. However, the upside is that you might encounter less competition there.

This is the route I use for farming in Hallowfall. I found that flying between the islands in the northern parts of the zone resulted in too much downtime, so I primarily stick to this one route.