This Draenor Alchemy leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Draenor Alchemy skill up from 1 to 100 as inexpensively as possible.
Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism. You can save a lot of gold if you level these two professions together because you can farm all the needed herbs.
Often the materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Draenor Alchemy.
Learning Draenor Alchemy
You can learn Draenor Alchemy from the [A Treatise on the Alchemy of Draenor] scroll.
There are three ways to obtain this scroll:
- You can buy it from the vendor near your Alchemy trainers at Ashran. Alliance players can find Katherine Joplin at Stormshield, and Horde players can find Joshua Alvarez at Warspear. (Learn Alchemy first from the trainer near the NPCs)
- If you build an Alchemy lab at your garrison, you can buy the scroll from one of the NPCs at your Alchemy Lab. Complete the "Your First Alchemy Work Order" quest first, or the NPC won't sell you anything. (You also must learn Alchemy first from any Alchemy trainer)
- If you are still leveling your character, you can loot a quest item to start a quest chain.
- Alliance: Loot
[Mysterious Flask] from Draenor mobs or Karnoth during Shadows Awaken quest.
- Horde: Loot
[Mysterious Flask] from Draenor mobs or Dorogg the Ruthless during The Butcher of Bladespire quest.
After you complete the quest chain, you will get
[A Treatise on the Alchemy of Draenor]
- Alliance: Loot
1 - 55
Goblin characters have +15 Alchemy skill because of their passive [Better Living Through Chemistry]. An extra 15 Alchemy skill means recipes stay orange for 15 more points. You can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 15 more points.
List of my Draenor herb farming guides: Frostweed farming,
Fireweed farming,
Starflower farming,
Gorgrond Flytrap farming,
Talador Orchid farming,
Nagrand Arrowbloom farming
- 1-2
1 x[Secrets of Draenor Alchemy] - 5 x Frostweed
- 2-55
Choose one from these five:
- 54 x
[Draenic Agility Potion] - Crystal Vial, 162 x Fireweed
- 54 x
[Draenic Versatility Potion] - Crystal Vial, 162 x Frostweed
- 54 x
[Draenic Intellect Potion] - Crystal Vial, 162 x Talador Orchid
- 54 x
[Draenic Strength Potion] - Crystal Vial, 162 x Nagrand Arrowbloom
- 54 x
[Draenic Mana Potion] - Crystal Vial, 162 x Gorgrond Flytrap
Recipe Locations:
The scroll will only teach you the mana potion recipe, but you can buy the rest of them from vendors at Ashran. Alliance players can find Katherine Joplin at Stormshield, and Horde players can find Joshua Alvarez at Warspear. You can also buy these recipes from the Alchemy Lab at your garrison.
You can also make
[Crescent Oil] if you can find cheap
[Crescent Saberfish Flesh] at the Auction House.
- 54 x
55 - 100
Buy one of the flask recipes from Katherine Joplin (Alliance) at Stormshield or Joshua Alvarez (Horde) at Warspear, with the [Secret of Draenor Alchemy] you made previously.
- 45 x [Draenic Agility Flask] - 180 x Fireweed, 180 x Starflower
- 45 x [Draenic Intellect Flask] - 180 x Talador Orchid, 180 x Starflower
- 45 x [Draenic Stamina Flask] - 180 x Talador Orchid, 180 x Nagrand Arrowbloom
- 45 x [Draenic Strength Flask] - 180 x Gorgrond Flytrap, 180 x Nagrand Arrowbloom
You basically have to make 45 from one of these flasks, or you can mix it up and make like 25 each, but then you have to wait at least 4 days to buy all recipes.
I hope you liked this Draenor Alchemy leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 100!