This Battle for Azeroth Alchemy leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your BfA Alchemy skill up from 1 to 175 as inexpensively as possible.
This guide's main focus is leveling Alchemy, but you can visit my Battle for Azeroth Alchemy Guide if you want to read more about the new changes, alchemy bonuses, and recipes.
Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism. You can save a lot of gold if you level these two professions together because you can farm all the needed herbs. Check out my BfA Herbalism leveling guide if you want to level Herbalism. If you don't have Herbalism, make sure you have enough gold to buy herbs because you will need a lot of them.
BfA Alchemy Trainer Location
The new BfA Alchemy skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them.
Kul Tiran Alchemy is the Alliance version and
Zandalari Alchemy is the Horde version.
Alchemy Trainers:
- Horde: You can find
Clever Kumali in Dazar'alor at the Terrace of Crafters.
- Alliance:
Elric Whalgrene is located in Boralus at the Tradewinds Market.
You can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Alchemy trainer is located. This will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location.
Recipe ranks
Most BfA Alchemy recipes have 3 ranks. Rank 2 reduces the materials required to create a recipe, and Rank 3 has a chance to create multiple potions/flask, etc. Higher rank recipes also give skill points much longer, so it will be a lot cheaper to level Alchemy if you first get Revered with the new BfA factions because you can use cheaper recipes for longer.
Approximate Materials Required
Keep in mind that if you are Revered with most BfA factions, then you will need fewer herbs because you can level with rank 3 recipes. (if you played with this character during BfA)
The herbs you must buy:
There are no alternatives for these potions so you must buy them.
- 70x Siren's Pollen
- 70x Riverbud
- 165x Anchor Weed
- 110x Zin'anthid
You can buy these later:
The Herbs below are usually the cheapest, but there are different recipes you can craft between 65-145, so you could delay buying them when you get to those parts.
I would recommend buying these when you get to 65 because you could save a few thousand gold if something is really expensive.
- 330x Winter's Kiss
- 580x Sea Stalk
- 460x Star Moss
- 495x Riverbud (or an extra 495x Star Moss)
Leveling BfA Alchemy
Goblin characters have +15 Alchemy skill because of their passive Better Living Through Chemistry. An extra 15 Alchemy skill means recipes stay orange for 15 more points. You can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 15 more points.
1 - 37
20 x Coastal Healing Potion - 60 Siren's Pollen
20 x Coastal Mana Potion - 60 Riverbud
Save these, you will use them later.
37 - 40
Make 3 from any of these:
3 x Demitri's Draught of Deception - 15 Sand Shifter, 30 Sea Stalk
3 x Lightfoot Potion - 45 Star Moss
3 x Potion of Concealment - 45 Siren's Pollen
3 x Sea Mist Potion - 45 Sea Stalk
You might have to make more than 3 if you were unlucky with the skill gains in the previous step. (or fewer if you were lucky)
40 - 50
Learn the rank 2 recipes from your trainer.
5 x Rank 2 - Coastal Healing Potion - 10 Siren's Pollen
5 x Rank 2 - Coastal Mana Potion - 10 Riverbud
Keep all of these.
Rank 3 recipes:
If you are Revered with Zandalari Empire (Horde) / Storm's Wake (Alliance), then you can buy the rank 3 Coastal Healing Potion from Natal'hakata (Horde) / Sister Lilyana (Alliance). The rank 3 recipes stay orange for 25 more points.
If you are Revered with Talanji's Expedition (Horde) / Proudmoore Admiralty (Alliance) then you can buy the rank 3 Coastal Mana Potion from Provisioner Lija (Horde) / Provisioner Fray (Alliance).
Then you should make these:
18 x Rank 3 - Coastal Healing Potion - 36 Siren's Pollen
18 x Rank 3 - Coastal Mana Potion - 36 Riverbud
You will reach 75 by making these potions.
50 - 65
25 x Rank 2 - Coastal Rejuvenation Potion - 25 Coastal Mana Potion, 25 Coastal Healing Potion
This recipe will be yellow/green for the last points, so it's possible you won't reach 65. You can still go to the next step, you just have to make a few more potions.
Rank 3 recipes:
If you are Revered with Voldunai (Horde) / Order of Embers (Alliance) buy the rank 3 Coastal Rejuvenation Potion from Hoarder Jena (Horde) / Quartermaster Alcorn (Alliance)
Turn all your mana and healing potion into Rank 3 - Coastal Rejuvenation Potion. This should get you to around 90-95.
65 - 75
Make 10 from any of these:
10 x Rank 2 - Steelskin Potion - 100 Sea Stalk, 80 Riverbud
10 x Rank 2 - Potion of Rising Death - 80 Sea Stalk, 60 Star Moss
10 x Rank 2 - Potion of Replenishment - 100 Siren's Pollen, 80 Star Moss
10 x Rank 2 - Potion of Bursting Blood - 80 Siren's Pollen, 60 Riverbud
Make Rank 2 - Potion of Rising Death if you bought everything from the material list at the top.
75 - 115
Make 50 from any of these:
50 x Rank 2 - Battle Potion of Strength - 500 Sea Stalk, 400 Star Moss
50 x Rank 2 - Battle Potion of Stamina - 500 Sea Stalk, 400 Star Moss
50 x Rank 2 - Battle Potion of Intellect - 500 Siren's Pollen, 400 Riverbud
50 x Rank 2 - Battle Potion of Agility - 400 Siren's Pollen, 500 Riverbud
The recipe will be green for the last few points, so you probably have to make more.
Make Rank 2 - Battle Potion of Strength if you bought the recommended herbs at the top.
Rank 3 recipes:
If you are Revered with Zandalari Empire (Horde) / Storm's Wake (Alliance), then you can buy the rank 3 Battle Potion of Stamina from Natal'hakata (Horde) / Sister Lilyana (Alliance).
Buy the recipe and make this:
- 90 - 120
35 xRank 3 - Battle Potion of Stamina - 350 Sea Stalk, 280 Star Moss
The recipe will be green for the last few points, so you probably have to make more.
You can also make the other potions if you are Revered with other factions.
Rank 3 - Battle Potion of Agility - Revered Voldunai (H) / Order of Embers (A) - Sold by Hoarder Jena (Horde) / Quartermaster Alcorn (Alliance)
Rank 3 - Battle Potion of Intellect - Revered Talanji's Expedition (H) / Proudmoore Admiralty (A) - Sold by Provisioner Lija (Horde) / Provisioner Fray (Alliance)
Rank 3 - Battle Potion of Strength - Revered The Honorbound (H) / 7th Legion (A) - Sold by Ransa Greyfeather (Horde) / Vindicator Jaelaana (Alliance)
115 - 145
Make around 33 from any of these:
33 x Rank 2 - Flask of Endless Fathoms - 165 Anchor Weed, 330 Winter's Kiss, 495 Riverbud
33 x Rank 2 - Flask of the Currents - 165 Anchor Weed, 330 Akunda's Bite, 495 Sea Stalk
33 x Rank 2 - Flask of the Undertow - 165 Anchor Weed, 330 Akunda's Bite, 495 Siren's Pollen
33 x Rank 2 - Flask of the Vast Horizon - 165 Anchor Weed, 330 Winter's Kiss, 495 Star Moss
Make Rank 2 - Flask of the Vast Horizon or
Rank 2 - Flask of Endless Fathoms if you bought the recommended herbs from the list at the top.
Rank 3 recipes:
If you made the rank 3 recipe in the previous step, then you can buy the rank 3 Flask of Endless Fathoms because it's sold by the same NPCs.
Buy the recipe and make this:
- 120 - 145
25 xRank 3 - Flask of Endless Fathoms - 125 Anchor Weed, 250 Winter's Kiss, 375 Riverbud
You can also make the other flasks if you are Revered with other factions.
Rank 3 - Flask of the Undertow - Revered Voldunai (H) / Order of Embers (A) - Sold by Hoarder Jena (Horde) / Quartermaster Alcorn (Alliance)
Rank 3 - Flask of the Vast Horizon - Revered Talanji's Expedition (H) / Proudmoore Admiralty (A) - Sold by Provisioner Lija (Horde) / Provisioner Fray (Alliance)
Rank 3 - Flask of the Currents - Revered The Honorbound (H) / 7th Legion (A) - Sold by Ransa Greyfeather (Horde) / Vindicator Jaelaana (Alliance)
145 - 160
Visit your trainer Narv (Horde) /
Instructor Okanu (Alliance) at Nazjatar and learn
Abyssal Healing Potion. (You have to finish the first few intro quest at Nazjatar before you can see these NPCs.)
20 x Rank 1 - Abyssal Healing Potion - 60 Zin'anthid
160 - 175
Learn the rank 2 recipe from your trainer.
25 x Rank 2 - Abyssal Healing Potion - 50 Zin'anthid
I hope you liked this BfA Alchemy leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 175!