This Outland Jewelcrafting leveling guide will show you the fastest way to level your Outland Jewelcrafting skill up from 1 to 75 as inexpensively as possible.
Profession skills are split between expansions now, you'll have a separate skill bar for each expansion. This guide is for the "Outland" Jewelcrafting skill in the current retail version of World of Warcraft. I have a separate guide for Bruning Crusade Classic, so if you are looking for that, visit my Classic TBC Jewelcrafting leveling guide.
Outland Jewelcrafting Trainer
Go to Outland and find Loremaster Skosiris in Shattrath City. There will be a bunch of bookcases behind him, click on the Jewelcrafting bookcase and learn Outland Jewelcrafting.
If you choose the Aldor faction during one of the Outland quests, then you can't interact with these books, you have to visit Nemiha in Shattrath City. (the fastest way to find these NPCs if you ask a guard in the city for directions)
Materials Required
- 240x
Adamantite Ore
- 12x
Primal Earth
- 12x
Adamantite Bar
- 12x
Dawnstone or 12x
- 12x
Living Ruby
- 5x
Earthstorm Diamond
Leveling Outland Jewelcrafting
Draenei characters have +10 Jewelcrafting skill because of their passive Gemcutting. An extra 10 Jewelcrafting skill means recipes stay orange for 10 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 10 more points.
1 - 20
Use the Outland Prospecting spell in your profession window, and prospect 240x
Adamantite Ore. Keep the
Adamantite Powder, you will need it later.
20 - 25
Make 5-7 from any of the following gems.
Bold Blood Garnet - I recommend this
Jagged Deep Peridot
Reckless Flame Spessarite - Requires friendly The Consortium reputation. Sold by these vendors.
Sparkling Azure Moonstone
Glinting Shadow Draenite
25 - 35
If you are leveling in Shattrath City without Aldor reputation, you can find a forge to craft these near Kradu Grimblade.
12x Mercurial Adamantite - 48 Adamantite Powder, 12 Primal Earth
Save these, you will need them later.
Make a few from any of the following gems if you didn't reach 35:
Regal Deep Peridot - Sold by Logistics Officer Ulrike (Alliance), and Quartermaster Urgronn (Horde). Requires friendly Honor Hold reputation.
Sovereign Shadow Draenite
Rigid Azure Moonstone
Or you can make a few Golden Draenite Ring if you only have
Golden Draenite.
35 - 40
Make 5-10 from any of the following gems.
Potent Flame Spessarite - Recipe sold by Nakodu. Requires friendly Lower City reputation.
Sovereign Shadow Draenite
Rigid Azure Moonstone
40 - 50
12x Heavy Adamantite Ring - 12 Adamantite Bar, 12 Mercurial Adamantite
You can continue to make the gems above if you didn't reach 50 by making the rings, or make a few more rings.
50 - 60
The best recipes for this part are Mystic Dawnstone and
Steady Talasite because it's really easy to get them.
You will need to craft around 12 from one of them, so you will need around 12 Dawnstone or
Talasite. (or like 6, 6 if you get both recipes) You won't gain skill points for every craft because the recipes will be yellow, so you might have to make more than 12.
Halaa is a small town on a plateau in the middle of Nagrand. The faction controlling the town gains access to the NPCs spawned inside Halaa. This means you can't buy these recipes below if your faction doesn't control Halaa. But since there is usually no one doing PvP in this zone, you can safely turn in War Mode, kill the 15 guards, go to the middle of Halaa and wait until the faction progress bar fills up.
You can buy Design: Mystic Dawnstone at Halaa from Aldraan (Alliance), or from Coreiel (Horde) for 12 gold. This is a limited-supply recipe, so if someone bought it before you, then you have to wait for it to respawn. (around 15min)
Halaa Research Token
Design: Steady Talasite is sold by Quartermaster Davian Vaclav (Alliance) and by Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe (Horde) at Halaa for 4
Halaa Research Token.
You can get 1 Halaa Research Token by turning in 10
Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample near the Halaa Quartermasters.
You can get 40 Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample in about 10 minutes, every single mob in Nagrand has a chance to drop one, but Sunspring Post is probably the best place to farm these because there are a lot of mobs packed together there. (West from Halaa)
Alternative Recipes
The rest of the rare gem craft are all World Drops with very low drop chance, so your best option is to check the Auction House because you might find one of them for a few hundred gold. (they usually cost thousands, and it's not worth buying them)
Every recipe has the raw gem name in its name, so they will pop up if you search for the gem names. Example: Rigid Star of Elune
Check the recipes searching for these at the Auction House: Living Ruby,
Noble Topaz,
Star of Elune.
60 - 70
There are five recipes that you can use:
Kailee's Rose - The Sha'tar - Honored
Blood of Amber - The Sha'tar - Revered
Don Julio's Heart - The Consortium - Revered
Facet of Eternity - Keepers of Time - Honored
Falling Star - Lower City - Revered
I recommend making Kailee's Rose because the next recipe in the guide also requires The Sha'tar reputation, so you will get both of them by farming one reputation.
You will need around 12 Living Ruby, but the recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make more. (Note: if you are having trouble getting Living Ruby, you can jump to the next part at 65)
Design: Kailee's Rose is sold by Almaador in Shattrath City. (The Sha'tar - Honored)
The Sha'tar Reputation
A full normal Botanica run, pulling everything in the dungeon until the end boss, gives around 2100 Sha'tar Reputation (You can start with one Heroic run to gain more reputation). One run takes around 4 minutes, and you will need to clear it around 5 times to reach Honored, so you can get to Honored in 20 minutes.
70 - 75
NOTE: You can make the previous recipe up to 75 if you have a lot of rare gems.
You already have the reputation for this recipe if you farmed The Sha'tar rep in the previous step.
- 5x
Insightful Earthstorm Diamond - 5x Earthstorm Diamond
Design: Insightful Earthstorm Diamond is sold by Almaador in Shattrat City. (The Sha'tar - Friendly)
Finding an Alchemist
Earthstorm Diamond is made by Outland Alchemists.
Recipe: Transmute Earthstorm Diamond requires Honored reputation with Cenarion Expedition and Outland Alchemy 50.
Look for an Alchemist in trade chat or in your guild to make these for you:
- 5x
Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond - 15x Deep Peridot, 15x Shadow Draenite, 15x Golden Draenite, 10x Primal Earth, 10x Primal Water
I hope you liked this Outland Jewelcrafting leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 75!