TBC Classic Blacksmithing Leveling guide 1-375

This TBC Classic Blacksmithing Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 375 in Burning Crusade Classic.

Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining, and I highly recommend leveling Mining and Blacksmithing together because you will need a lot of gold if you want to buy everything from the Auction House. It will take a lot of dedication to get to the end and get those epic items. 

I recommend trying Zygor's 1-70 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or just starting a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 70 a lot faster.

Materials Required

This is the list of approximate materials required to level Blacksmithing:

Classic (1-300)

Burning Crusade (300-375)

This is just a fraction of the materials required. The 360-375 part is not included in the list below because there are four different ways to level between 360 and 375. You can read more about this when you get to 360.

If you have Mining and want to farm the ores, please see my farming guides:

Copper Ore farming Tin Ore farming Iron Ore farming Mithril Ore farming Thorium Ore farming

Blacksmithing Trainers

You can learn Blacksmithing from any of these NPCs below. Just click on any of the links below to see the trainer's exact location. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Blacksmithing trainer is, and then the trainer will be marked with a red flag on your map.

Classic Trainers (1-300)

In Burning Crusade Classic, you can learn Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan Blacksmithing from trainers in every major city. You don't have to visit different trainers anymore.

Horde trainers:

Alliance trainers:

TBC Blacksmithing Trainers (300-375)

You can learn the new TBC Blacksmithing skill from the Master Blacksmithing trainers at Outland.

  • Horde: Rohok in Hellfire Peninsula.
  • Alliance: Humphry in Hellfire Peninsula

Leveling Blacksmithing

1 - 75

Journeyman Blacksmithing

Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Blacksmithing. (Requires level 10)

75 - 125

  • 75 - 90
    35x Coarse Grinding Stone - 70 Coarse Stone

    Save the Coarse Grinding Stones.

    If you didn't reach 90 by making these, you could continue to the next step, but you will need a few more Copper Bars or make a few more Coarse Grinding Stones.

  • 100 - 105
    5x Silver Rod - 5 Silver Bar, 10 Rough Grinding Stone

    You can also skip this part and make Runed Copper Belt if you don't have any Silver Bar.

Expert Blacksmithing

Visit your trainer and learn Expert Blacksmithing. (Requires level 20)

125 - 225

  • 125 - 140
    35x Heavy Grinding Stone - 105 Heavy Stone

    Keep the Heavy Grinding Stones. Make this one up to 150 if Heavy Stone is cheap.

  • 150 - 155
    5x Golden Rod - 5 Gold Bar, 10 Coarse Grinding Stone

Green Dye is sold by Tailoring and Leatherworking supply vendors.

  • 190 - 200
    10x Golden Scale Bracers - 50 Steel Bar, 20 Heavy Grinding Stone

    Alliance players should keep 6 of these. You might need them if you choose Armorsmithing.

  • 200 - 210
    30x Solid Grinding Stone - 120 Solid Stone

    Keep at least 10 of these for the 225-235 part.

    Keep all of them if you bought the Plans: Mithril Spurs, and you will also have to make another 100. (you can make them later too)

Artisan Blacksmithing

Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Blacksmithing. (Requires level 35)

Blacksmithing Specializations

At Blacksmithing skill 200 and character level 40, you can specialize in Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing to craft powerful weapons or armors. (Choosing one is optional, you don't need it to level Blacksmithing. You can choose later too)

For information on how to choose a specialization, please see my separate guide:

Blacksmithing Specializations in TBC Classic

225 - 235

10x Steel Plate Helm - 140 Steel Bar, 10 Solid Grinding Stone

Horde players should keep 4 of these. You might need them if you choose Armorsmithing.

235 - 250

Buy Plans: Mithril Spurs from the Auction House.

15x Mithril Spurs - 60 Mithril Bar, 45 Solid Grinding Stone

Alternative recipe:

15x Mithril Coif - 150 Mithril Bar, 90 Mageweave Cloth

250 - 260

20x Dense Sharpening Stone - 20 Dense Stone

260 - 270

20x Mithril Spurs - 80 Mithril Bar, 60 Solid Grinding Stone

The recipe will be green for the last 5 points, so it's very hard to tell how many you have to craft. It's possible you will have to craft a lot more if you are really unlucky with the skill gains.

Alternative recipes:

If you couldn't get the Plans: Mithril Spurs recipe, then you can try to buy one of these: Plans: Thorium Bracers, Plans: Thorium Belt, Plans: Radiant Belt.

Recipes from the trainer

You can make these if you cannot get any of the recipes above.

You can get the recipe from the Imperial Plate Belt quest in Tanaris from Derotain Mudsipper. You will need 10x Thorium Bar to complete the quest.

The next two recipes are also from the same NPC, so make sure to bring at least 40x Thorium Bar with you to buy all 3 recipes!

270 - 295

28x Imperial Plate Bracers - 336 Thorium Bar

You can get the Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers after completing the Imperial Plate Bracer quest in Tanaris for Derotain Mudsipper. The quest requires 10x Thorium Bar.

The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make a few more. Don't leave before you buy the next recipe! The next recipe is also from the same NPC, so make sure to bring at least 30x Thorium Bar with you to buy the two recipes.

295 - 300

5x Imperial Plate Boots - 90 Thorium Bar

You can get the recipe from the same NPC as the previous one, but this quest requires 20x Thorium Bar.

Burning Crusade Classic (300-375)

You can learn the Master Blacksmithing skill in Hellfire Peninsula from Rohok at Thrallmar and Humphry at Honor Hold.

300 - 305

7x Fel Weightstone - 7 Fel Iron Bar, 7 Netherweave Cloth

You might need to make more of these because you won't gain a skill point for every craft.

305 - 316

11x Fel Iron Plate Belt - 44 Fel Iron Bar

Make 11x Imperial Plate Boots if 198x Thorium Bar is cheaper than 44x Fel Iron Bar.

316 - 321

5x Fel Iron Chain Gloves - 25 Fel Iron Bar

Make 5x Imperial Plate Chest if 130x Thorium Bar is cheaper than 25x Fel Iron Bar.

You can get the Plans: Imperial Plate Chest recipe from the Imperial Plate Chest quest. It requires 30x Thorium Bar.

321 - 325

4x Fel Iron Plate Boots - 24 Fel Iron Bar

325 - 335

45x Lesser Rune of Warding - 45 Adamantite Bar

It's green for the last 5 points, so 45 is just an approximate number. You might need to make more.

335 - 340

7x Fel Iron Chain Tunic - 63 Fel Iron Bar

You might need to make more because the recipe is yellow.

340 - 350

45x Lesser Ward of Shielding - 45 Adamantite Bar

The recipe is sold by Rohok (Horde) at Hellfire Peninsula and by Mari Stonehand (Alliance) at Shadowmoon Valley. It's a limited supply item, so you have to wait if someone bought it before you. (15-60min respawn time).

It's green for the last 5 points, so 45 is just an approximate number. You might need to make more or fewer.

350 - 360

45x Adamantite Weightstone - 45 Adamantite Bar, 90 Netherweave Cloth

This recipe is green for the last 5 points, so 45 is just an approximate number. You might need to make more or fewer.

You can buy the recipe from Fedryen Swiftspear at Zangarmarsh. It requires an Honored reputation with the Cenarion Expedition faction.

You can get Honored Cenarion Expedition from killing mobs in Steamvault, Underboug, and Slave Pens.

Multiple ways to level to 375

You can level to 375 with a couple of different methods. First, read each part and check the Auction House which one is cheaper, or decide which one is easier to farm.

Scryers or Aldor

First of all, you should check your reputations and look for "The Scryers" or "The Aldor" faction to see which one you choose after the City of Light quest. If you are Unfriendly with one of them, you selected the other one, and you should have a Neutral or higher reputation with that faction.

The only exception if your race is Draenei or Blood Elf. Blood Elves start at Friendly with the Scryers and Unfriendly with the Aldor. Draenei start at Friendly with the Aldor and Unfriendly with the Scryers, even if they didn't finish the quests below.

The City of Light quest

If you are Neutral with both factions, you are lucky, and you can still select a faction.

  • Find Haggard War Veteran in Shattrath City and pick up the quest A'dal.
  • Go to the middle of Shattrath City to complete the quest, then pick up City of Light from Archmage Khadgar.
  • The City of Light quest takes 8-9 minutes to complete. You have to follow Khadgar's servant around Shattrath City. Make sure you don't get too far from him, or the quest will fail.

WARNING: Make sure you turn off any auto quest turn-in addons. The addon will pick the first one (which is Aldor).

After you complete the quest, you can pick Allegiance to the Aldor or Allegiance to the Scryers.

Picking Scryers is usually cheaper than Aldor, so I recommend going with Scryers.

Leveling to 375

Leveling with Scryers recipes or the Felsteel Gloves recipe will be the cheapest, so these two are the ones you should aim for. The Felsteel Gloves recipe is not that hard to farm, and you can actually solo farm it too. (more details below)

1. The Scryers

Enchanted Adamantite Belt is the easiest recipe to get and usually also the cheapest one. But the belt is pretty bad, so you probably can't sell any of these.

The recipe is sold by Quartermaster Enuril. Requires a Friendly reputation with The Scryers faction.

You can gain Scryers reputation by turning in 10x Sunfury Signet to Magistrix Fyalenn for 250 reputation, or 1x Arcane Tome to Voren'thal the Seer for 350 reputation.

Recipe Materials

17x Enchanted Adamantite Belt

It will be yellow for the last 10 points, so you might have to make a few more. (or fewer)

Miners can make one Hardened Adamantite Bar from 10 Adamantite Bar (20 Adamantite Ore).

2. Felsteel Gloves

If you didn't choose the Scryers, I would recommend trying to farm the Felsteel Gloves recipe. 

The Plans: Felsteel Gloves is dropped by Auchenai Monks in Auchenai Crypts. (drops in normal mode too)

The drop rate is actually pretty decent, but it only drops if you have someone with Blacksmithing in the group, so the mobs show a lower drop rate. There are 6 Auchenai Monks inside the instance, 4 of them are in the first two rooms, and there are two more in front of the first boss.

Two or three level 70 players should be able to kill the first 4 monks, so if you have a friend who can help you, you can just try to clear the monks in the first two rooms then run out and reset.

If you don't have anyone to help you, and you don't want to clear the whole dungeon every time, it's possible to solo the first Auchenai Monk because he patrols around and you can pull him without aggroing anything else. Here is a video of me Soloing this mob. It took me 22 kills to get the recipe this way. I wasn't able to solo the rest of the monks, but if you have good gear or a different class, you can try.

Recipe Materials

17x Felsteel Gloves

The Felsteel Gloves recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make a few more. (or fewer)

If you have mining, then you can make them from 612x Fel Iron Ore and 408x Eternium Ore.

3. Khorium Belt

Khorium Belt is a good alternative recipe if you didn't choose Scryers and you don't want to farm Auchenai Crypts.

The Plans: Khorium Belt is dropped by Murkblood Raiders in Nagrand. The drop rate is higher than what wowhead shows, but it's still pretty low. It's possible you will have to kill hundreds of them to get the recipe, or you might get lucky and get it after 20-30 kills.

Recipe Materials

17x Khorium Belt

The recipe will be yellow for the last 5 points, so you might have to make a few more. (or fewer)

4. The Aldor

Flamebane Gloves will be the most expensive recipe for some time because most players will need Primals for crafting Phase 1 BiS gear, so this probably won't be a viable recipe until later. But, it's possible Primals are not that expensive on your realm as on mine.

You can buy the recipe from Quartermaster Endarin. Requires Honored reputation with The Aldor faction.

You can gain Aldor reputation by turning in 10 Mark of Sargeras to Adyen the Lightwarden for 250 reputation, or 1 Fel Armament to Ishanah for 350 reputation.

Recipe Materials

17x Flamebane Gloves

If you are Revered with the Aldor, I recommend switching to Flamebane Breastplate at 371. It will cost a bit more, but it's orange, so you get a skill point for every craft. The recipe is sold by the same vendor.

Congratulations on reaching 375! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve, or you found typos, errors, wrong material numbers!

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