Engineering Specializations in Cataclysm Classic

At Engineering skill 200 and character level 30, you can specialize in Gnomish or Goblin Engineering. This guide will list the items that can be crafted by each specialization to help you choose between the two. Some items require a specific specialization to use, while other items are crafted by one specialization but are usable by any engineer.

Gnomish and Goblin Engineering items

There is no in-game power associated with any of the specializations at max level. The only difference is the access to different toys.

I made a list of toys that can be used at max level, are somewhat useful, and can help you decide which specialization you want to choose. The list below does not include every item, but most items are basically useless at max level (or while leveling).

Specialization Quests

To Become a Gnomish or Goblin Engineer, you have to complete the Gnomish Engineering or the Goblin Engineering quest.

You can get both quests from these NPCs:

Alliance Horde

Materials Needed for the Quests

To complete the quest, you will need the following items:

The Schematic: Accurate Scope recipe is sold by Mazk Snipeshot in Booty Bay. It's a limited-supply recipe, so you must wait if someone bought it before you. (or just buy it at the Auction House)

Total Raw Materials needed:

You will also need 16x Mithril Bar if you didn't save the Mithril Tube from leveling.

Crafting step-by-step:

  • Craft 6x Mithril Tube (if you haven't already)
  • Craft 1x Bronze Tube
  • Craft 1x Accurate Scope
  • Craft 2x Iron Strut
  • Craft 2x Bronze Framework
  • Craft 1x Gold Power Core
  • Craft 2x Gyrochronatom
  • Craft 2x Advanced Target Dummy

To complete the quest, you will need to craft the following items:

Total Raw Materials needed:

If you haven't saved the Explosive Sheep from leveling then you will also need these:

Crafting step-by-step:

  • Craft 10x Silver Contact
  • Craft 30x Heavy Blasting Powder
  • Craft 10x Big Iron Bomb
  • Craft 10x Solid Blasting Powder
  • Craft 10x Solid Dynamite

If you haven't crafted the Explosive Sheep yet:

  • Craft 10x Heavy Blasting Powder
  • Craft 5x Whirring Bronze Gizmo
  • Craft 5x Bronze Framework
  • Craft 5x Explosive Sheep

Changing Engineering Specialization

You can change your current Engineering specialization by simply talking to the quest givers again and clicking on the "I wish to unlearn my current Engineering specialization".

After you unlearned your current specialization, you have to complete the quest for the other specialization.