Cataclysm Classic Tailoring Leveling Guide 1-525

This Cataclysm Classic Tailoring leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get your Tailoring skill up from 1 to 525 in Cataclysm Classic.

I recommend trying Zygor's 1-85 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 85 a lot faster.

Approximate materials required

This is the list of the approximate materials required to level Tailoring up to 525.

Classic (1-300)

TBC (300-350)

WotLK (350-425)

Cataclysm (425-525)

Tailoring trainers

Horde Alliance





Leveling Cataclysm Classic Tailoring

1 - 75

You will need around 59x Coarse Thread for the 1-75 part. You can buy them from the Tailoring Supplies vendor near your trainer. When buying from the vendor, use SHIFT + MOUSE CLICK, then type in how many you want. (the maximum amount you can buy at once is 20 for threads and 10 for dyes)

I don't recommend buying all the dyes and thread at once because it will fill up your inventory and you won't have that much bag space to craft items. I'll list the needed Dyes and Thread for each part separately.

  • 1 - 45
    102x Bolt of Linen Cloth - 204 Linen Cloth

    Stop making these if you reach 45 and only make more if you need them.

  • 40 - 67
    35x Linen Belt - 35 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 35 Coarse Thread

Journeyman Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Tailoring. (Requires level 10)

You will need around 43x Fine Thread for the 75-125 part. You can vendor any remaining Coarse Thread, you won't need them.

75 - 125

  • 100 - 110
    13x Simple Kilt - 52 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13 Fine Thread

    You might have to make a few more from this if you were really unlucky with the skill gains.

Expert Tailoring

Visit your trained and learn Expert Tailoring. (Requires level 20)

You will need 36x Blue Dye, 83x Fine Thread, 10x Bleach, 40x Red Dye for the 125-205 part.

125 - 205

  • 145 - 160
    18x Azure Silk Hood - 36 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 36 Blue Dye, 18 Fine Thread

    You might have to make a few more if you didn't reach 160.

  • 160 - 170
    10x Silk Headband - 30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread
  • 185 - 205
    20x Crimson Silk Vest - 80 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40 Fine Thread, 40 Red Dye

Artisan Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Tailoring. (Requires level 35)

You will need 20x Silken Thread, 71x Heavy Silken Thread, 20x Red Dye, 5x Orange Dye and 50x Rune Thread for the 205-300 part.

205 - 300

  • 260 - 280
    25x Runecloth Belt - 75 Bolt of Runecloth, 25 Rune Thread

    The recipe goes yellow at 270, you might have to make a few more.

  • 280 - 300
    25x Runecloth Gloves - 125 Bolt of Runecloth, 50 Rune Thread

    The recipes will be yellow at 290, so you might have to make a few more.

Master Tailoring

Rune Threads are sold by your trainer.

300 - 350

  • 300 - 325
    140x Bolt of Netherweave - 700 Netherweave Cloth

    You will use all of these later so it's better to make all of them now for free skill points.

  • 331 - 336
    5x Netherweave Pants - 30 Bolt of Netherweave, 5 Rune Thread

    This recipe is taught by your trainer, so you have to go back.

  • 336 - 346
    10x Netherweave Boots - 60 Bolt of Netherweave, 20 Knothide Leather, 10 Rune Thread
  • 346 - 350
    4x Netherweave Tunic - 32 Bolt of Netherweave, 8 Rune Thread

    The recipe is sold by Eiin in Shattrath City.

Grand Master Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn Grand Master Tailoring. (Requires level 65)

350 - 425

  • 385 - 395
    13x Frostwoven Cowl - 65 Bolt of Frostweave, 13 Eternium Thread
  • 395 - 400
    5x Duskweave Belt - 35 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
  • 400 - 405
    10x Bolt of Imbued Frostweave - 20 Bolt of Frostweave, 20 Infinite Dust

    Making around 10 should get you to 405. Make a few Duskweave Leggings if you did not reach 405.

    Keep these. You will need them at 415.

  • 415 - 425
    Make 10 from one of these three:

    10x Spellweave - 10 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 20 Eternal Fire
    10x Moonshroud - 10 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 20 Eternal Life
    10x Ebonweave - 10 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 20 Eternal Shadow

Cataclysm Classic Tailoring

Visit your trainer and learn the new Cataclysm Classic Tailoring skill. (Requires level 75)

425 - 525

  • 450 - 465

    5x Enchanted Spellthread - 15x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 30x Volatile Fire

    30 Volatile Fire is usually cheaper than 125x Embersilk Cloth and 30x Eternium Thread, but you can make these 3 below if Volatile Fire is really expensive on your realm.

    5x Deathsilk Bracers - 10 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
    5x Deathsilk Boots - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
    5x Deathsilk Leggings - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread

  • 465 - 470

    5x Deathsilk Cowl - 15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread

  • 470 - 475

    5x Spiritmend Belt - 20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread

  • 475 - 480

    5x Spiritmend Boots - 20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread

  • 485 - 500

    15x Spiritmend Robe - 90 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 30 Eternium Thread

Make your Dreamcloths before you reach 525. Basically free skill-ups since you are going to make the Dreamcloths anyway.

Darkmoon Faire Free +5 Profession Skill

Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open. The event is available every two weeks. It starts on Sunday and lasts for a week.

During the event, you can complete quests for each profession and gain +5 skill points for each. Click here to read more about the quests.

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