This Cataclysm Classic Enchanting Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Enchanting skill from 1 to 525 in Cataclysm Classic.
I recommend trying Zygor's 1-85 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 85 a lot faster.
Table of Contents
Approximate Materials Required
This is the list of the approximate materials required to level Enchanting up to 525.
- 125x
Strange Dust
- 1x
Lesser Magic Essence
- 12x
Greater Magic Essence
- 25x
Lesser Astral Essence
- 130x
Soul Dust
- 2x
Greater Astral Essence
- 240x
Vision Dust
- 2x
Greater Mystic Essence
- 5x
Lesser Nether Essence
- 195x
Dream Dust
- 40x
Purple Lotus
- 82x
Illusion Dust
- 8x
Greater Eternal Essence
- 8x
Large Brilliant Shard
- 1x
Silver Rod
- 1x
Golden Rod
- 1x
Iridescent Pearl
- 1x
Truesilver Rod
- 1x
Black Pearl
- 1x
Arcanite Rod
- 1x
Fel Iron Rod
- 350x
Arcane Dust
- 20x
Lesser Planar Essence
- 14x
Greater Planar Essence
- 15x
Nightmare Vine
- 13x
Large Prismatic Shard
- 1x
Adamantite Rod
- 1x
Primal Might
- 1x
Eternium Rod
- 600x
Infinite Dust
- 29x
Greater Cosmic Essence
- 2x
Dream Shard
- 10x
Crystallized Water
- 1x
Titanium Rod
Disenchanting Table
For more information on Disenchanting results, check out the disenchanting tables I put together:
Disenchanting Table for Cataclysm Classic
Enchanting Trainers
Horde trainers:
Godan in Orgrimmar.
Lavinia Crowe in Undercity.
Teg Dawnstrider in Thunder Bluff.
Vance Undergloom in Tirisfal Glades at Brill.
Sedana in Silvermoon City.
Alliance trainers:
Lucan Cordell in Stormwind City.
Gimble Thistlefuzz in Ironforge.
Taladan in Darnassus
Alanna Raveneye in Teldrassil.
Nahogg in The Exodar.
Outland Trainers
- Shattrath City: Enchantress Andiala (The Scryers) or Zurii (The Aldor)
- Hellfire Peninsula:
Felannia (Horde) and
Johan Barnes (Alliance)
Northrend Trainers
Emil Autumn in Howling Fjord.
Eorain Dawnstrike in Borean Tundra
Elizabeth Jackson in Howling Fjord.
Alexis Marlowe in Borean Tundra
Both factions can also learn it from Enchanter Nalthanis at Dalaran.
Leveling Cataclysm Enchanting
1 - 50
Blood Elf characters have +10 Enchanting skill because of their passive Arcane Affinity. An extra 10 Enchanting skill means recipes stay orange for 10 more points, so you can save a lot of gold by doing lower level recipes for 10 more points.
- 1-2
1xRuned Copper Rod - 1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence
Copper Rod is sold by Trade Good, Trade Supply, and Enchanting Supply vendors, don't buy the rod from the Auction House. The vendors are usually near your trainer somewhere.
- 2-50
Disenchant green quality items or make the following:48x
Enchant Bracer: Minor Health - 48 Strange Dust
Journeyman Enchanting
Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Enchanting. (Requires level 10)
50 - 135
- 50-90
40xEnchant Bracer: Minor Health - 40 Strange Dust
If Strange Dust is cheap and Greater Magic Essence is expensive on your realm, you can make this Enchant up to 120.
- 90-100
10xEnchant Bracer: Minor Stamina - 30 Strange Dust
- 100-101
1xRuned Silver Rod - 1 Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence
- 101-110
9xGreater Magic Wand - 9 Simple Wood, 9 Greater Magic Essence
- 110-135
Buy these two recipes
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength,
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility from
Kulwia (Horde) in Stonetalon Mountains, or from
Dalria (Alliance) in Ashenvale.
These are limited supply recipes. If someone bought them before you, then you have to wait for it to respawn. I don't know the exact respawn timer, but it's between 30-50 min. (or just buy them from the Auction House)
Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility - 25 Lesser Astral Essence
Make the recipe below if Astral essence is expensive on your realm and you can find cheap Small Glimmering Shards.
Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact - 112 Strange Dust, 28 Small Glimmering Shard
Expert Enchanting
Visit your trainer and learn Expert Enchanting. (Requires level 20)
135 - 225
- 135-155
20xEnchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina - 40 Soul Dust
- 155-156
1xRuned Golden Rod - 1 Golden Rod, 1 Iridescent Pearl, 2 Greater Astral Essence, 2 Soul Dust
- 156-185
40xEnchant Bracer - Lesser Strength - 80 Soul Dust
Check the "110-135" step for recipe location.
If 2 Soul Dust is a lot more expensive than 1 Lesser Mystic Essence then from 165 switch to this recipe:
- 165-185
20xEnchant Bracer: Spirit - 20 Lesser Mystic Essence
- 165-185
- 185-200
15xEnchant Bracer: Strength - 15 Vision Dust
- 200-201
1xRuned Truesilver Rod - 1 Truesilver Rod, 1 Black Pearl, 2 Greater Mystic Essence, 2 Vision Dust
- 201-220
25xEnchant Bracer: Strength - 25 Vision Dust
The enchant will be yellow, so you should buy enough dust to make it around 25 times.
- 220-225
5xEnchant Cloak: Greater Defense - 15 Vision Dust
Artisan Enchanting
Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Enchanting. (Requires level 35)
225 - 300
- 225-230
5xEnchant Gloves: Agility - 5 Lesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust
Enchant Cloak: Greater Defense, if you don't have Lesser Nether Essence.
- 230-235
5xEnchant Boots - Stamina - 25 Vision Dust
- 235-250
25xEnchant Chest: Superior Health - 150 Vision Dust
Try to hunt for Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina at the Auction House. It's a random world drop, but this recipe is the best to level Enchanting from 245 to 265 or even 285.
- 250-265
20xLesser Mana Oil - 60 Dream Dust, 40 Purple Lotus, 20 Crystal Vial
You can make this one up to 270 if you can get cheap purple lotus.
Kania sells the
Formula: Lesser Mana Oil in Silithus. She is upstairs in the Inn.
Crystal Vial is sold by Mishta in Silithus, or Trade/Alchemy supply vendors in cities.
- 265-290
27xEnchant Shield: Greater Stamina - 135 Dream Dust
The recipe is sold by
Daniel Bartlett at Undercity, and by
Mythrin'dir at Darnassus.
IMPORTANT! The recipe binds when picked up! Don't make the mistake of trying to buy it with an alt and mail it. It's also limited in supply, this means you have to wait if someone bought it before you.
- 290-299
9xEnchant Chest - Major Mana - 72 Illusion Dust
You can continue to make
Enchant Shield: Greater Stamina if you have a lot of dream dust, or if Illusion Dust is really expensive.
- 299-300
1xRuned Arcanite Rod - 1 Arcanite Rod, 10 Illusion Dust, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 2 Large Brilliant Shard
Burning Crusade Classic (300-350)
Visit your trainer and learn Master Enchanting. (Requires level 50)
300 - 310
Runed Fel Iron Rod - 1 Fel Iron Rod, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 6 Large Brilliant Shard
Bracer - Lesser Assault - 54 Arcane Dust
310 - 316
6x Bracer - Brawn - 36 Arcane Dust
316 - 330
16x Gloves - Assault - 128 Arcane Dust
This recipe will be yellow between 20-30, so you might need to make more.
Alternative recipe:
If 100x Arcane Dust is more expensive than 20x
Greater Planar Essence then you should make
Chest - Major Spirit between 320-330.
10x Chest - Major Spirit - 20 Greater Planar Essence
330 - 335
5x Shield - Major Stamina - 75 Arcane Dust
The recipe is sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City. You should also buy Formula: Superior Wizard Oil while you are there. Both of them are limited supply items, so if someone bought them before you, you have to wait for them to respawn. (5-10minutes)
Alternative recipe:
6x Chest - Major Spirit - 12 Greater Planar Essence
You might have to make a few more to reach 335.
Blood Elf Only 335 - 345
There is an alternative cheap method for the 335-345 part, but only Blood Elves can benefit from it.
Their racial passive skill Arcane Affinity allows them to gain ten free skill ups by converting a
Large Prismatic Shard into three
Small Prismatic Shard and back again.
Only the conversion from one Large Prismatic Shard to three Small Prismatic Shards is affected by this. Therefore, you will only have the chance to gain skill-ups half of the time (since the other half of the time, you'll be converting back to three Small Prismatic Shards). The recipe will be grey, and you won't gain skill points for every craft! The chance of gaining skill points is very low. It will probably take 10-15 minutes to gain the 10 free skill points.
The Formula: Large Prismatic Shard is sold by these NPCs, and the
Small Prismatic Shard recipe is taught by your trainer.
335 - 340
5x Shield - Resilience - 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
You can keep making Shield - Major Stamina if
Large Prismatic Shard is too expensive.
340 - 350
15x Superior Wizard Oil- 45 Arcane Dust, 15 Nightmare Vine, 15 Crystal Vial
The recipe is sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City. It's yellow already when you learn it, so you might need to make a few more.
You can buy Crystal Vial from trade supply or alchemy supply vendors.
Alternative recipe:
Make more Shield - Resilience or switch to the next recipe if you don't have Nightmare Vine.
350 - 351
1x Runed Adamantite Rod - 1 Adamantite Rod, 1 Primal Might, 8 Greater Planar Essence, 8 Large Prismatic Shard
Grand Master Enchanting
Visit your trainer and learn Grand Master Enchanting. (Requires level 65)
351 - 450
- 351-360
9xEnchant Cloak - Speed - 54 Infinite Dust
- 360-375
18xEnchant Bracers - Assault - 108 Infinite Dust
- 375-376
1xRuned Eternium Rod - 1 Eternium Rod, 6 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Arcane Dust, 1 Runed Adamantite Rod
- 376-380
6xEnchant Bracers - Assault - 36 Infinite Dust
- 380-385
5xEnchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect - 50 Infinite Dust
- 385-395
10xEnchant Boots - Icewalker - 80 Infinite Dust, 10 Crystallized Water
- 395-410
15xEnchant Cloak - Superior Agility - 135 Infinite Dust
- 410-415
5xEnchant Gloves - Expertise - 60 Infinite Dust
- 415-420
5xEnchant Boots - Greater Spirit - 50 Infinite Dust, 5 Greater Cosmic Essence
- 420-425
5xEnchant Chest - Greater Mana Restoration - 20 Infinite Dust, 20 Greater Cosmic Essence
- 425-426
1xRuned Titanium Rod - 1 Titanium Rod, 12 Infinite Dust, 4 Greater Cosmic Essence, 2 Dream Shard, 1 Runed Eternium Rod
Cataclysm Classic Enchanting
Visit your trainer and learn the new Cataclysm Classic Enchanting skill. (Requires level 75)
426 - 525
- 426-440
14xEnchant Boots - Earthen Vitality - 28x Hypnotic Dust
Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats if Lesser Celestial Essence is cheaper than Hypnotic Dust. Make a few
Enchant Gloves - Mastery just to mix up the number of enchants you make, so it will be easier to sell them.
- 440-455
15xEnchant Cloak - Greater Spell Piercing - 45 Hypnotic Dust
Between 445-450 you can also make the following recipe:
Abyssal Shatter - Abyss Crystal
It's basically free skill-ups since you're going to sell the Dusts/Essences for more than you got the Crystals for.
- 455-465
10xEnchant Gloves - Haste - 40 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Lesser Celestial Essence
- 465-475
10xEnchant Cloak - Intellect - 60 Hypnotic Dust
Make a few
Enchant Chest - Stamina if you are selling the enchants.
- 475-480
5xEnchant Gloves - Exceptional Strength - 15 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
You can also make
Enchant Chest - Mighty Resilience up to 485.
- 480-485
5xEnchant Boots - Major Agility - 20 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
- 485-490
5xEnchant Gloves - Greater Expertise - 25 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
You can also start making the next recipe in the guide if you want to, and skip this part. It depends on the price of Greater Celestial Essence.
- 490-495
5xEnchant Shield - Mastery - 60 Hypnotic Dust
- 495-505
10xEnchant Bracer - Precision - 120 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
- 505-510
5xEnchant Boots Precision - 5 Elixir's of Impossible Accuracy, 10 Hypnotic Dust, 10 Greater Celestial Essence
- 510-515
5xEnchant Bracer - Exceptional Spirit - 45 Hypnotic Dust, 15 Greater Celestial Essence
Darkmoon Faire Free +5 Profession Skill
Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open. The event is available every two weeks. It starts on Sunday and lasts for a week.
During the event, you can complete quests for each profession and gain +5 skill points for each. Click here to read more about the quests.
Complete the quest at 515 because you will need to make one Runed Elementium Rod anyway.
- 515-520
5xEnchant Boots - Mastery - 50 Hypnotic Dust, 15 Greater Celestial Essence
- 520-525
1xRuned Elementium Rod - 1x Runed Titanium Rod, 10x Hypnotic Dust, 6x Greater Celestial Essence, 6x Heavenly Shard, 1x Elementium Rod
Formula: Runed Elementium Rod is sold by the Enchanting supply vendor near your trainer in the major cities. The recipe costs 1x
Heavenly Shard
Congratulations on reaching 525! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve or if you found typos, errors, or wrong material numbers!