This Cataclysm Classic Fishing leveling guide will help you level Fishing from 1 to 525. You'll discover that it requires a lot of patience and time to build your skill level up to the maximum level. You will have to catch a lot of fish to get from start to finish.
If you also want to level Cooking but haven't leveled it yet, you should use my Fishing and Cooking leveling guide instead:
Fishing & Cooking Leveling Guide 1-525
List of Fishing Trainers
Every Fishing trainers will teach every fishing rank, you don't have to visit different trainers.
Horde | Alliance |
How to Fish in WoW
Below you can find simple step-by-step instructions if you have never used fishing in WoW.
- Buy a
Fishing Pole from any Fishing Supply or Trade Supply merchant.
- Equip your Fishing Pole
- Open up your Spellbook (P).
- Click on the General tab on the top left side of your spellbook and look for the
Fishing spell.
- Drag the
Fishing spell on your action bar. I recommend binding the Fishing spell to one of your extra mouse buttons, so you can fish with one hand.
- Stand next to a patch of water with a clear view of the water in front of you, and use the
Fishing spell. (you cannot be swimming)
- Mouse over the bobber in the water, and when it splashes, right-click on it.
- If there was nothing on your hook, you reeled in at the wrong time: Either too late or too early.
Leveling Fishing from 1 to 525
You can level Fishing in any fishable water from 1 to 525, regardless of skill. Every catch has the potential for fishing skill gains, but you will likely catch worthless junk in areas that are too difficult for your skill.
The zones below are just suggestions, you can level to 525 even in Orgrimmar or Stromwind City. But don't forget to visit your trainer at these levels: 75, 150, 225, 300, and 375, 450!
1 - 50
Leveling to 50 doesn't take long, so I recommend starting in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City and leveling up to 50 near your trainer until you can learn the next rank of Fishing. Any fishable water is good for these levels, there isn't any valuable fish you can catch at this level.
50 - 200
Visit your trainer, and learn Journeyman Fishing.
Buy 3x Nightcrawlers from the Fishing supply vendor near your trainer.
Go to Barrens, apply your Nightcrawlers, and fish from 50 to 200 in one of the 3 oases around Crossroads. Once you reach 100, you don't have to use
Nightcrawlers anymore.
Don't forget to visit a fishing trainer and learn the next rank between 125-150
Deviate Fish
I recommend going to Barrens for these levels because that's the only place you can catch Deviate Fish. This fish is more valuable than other fishes at this level, but still, it's pretty hard to sell large quantities of these.
You can buy the Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight recipe from the Auction House if it's not that expensive and cook them yourself, then sell
Savory Deviate Delight, or you can just sell them raw.
Consuming Savory Deviate Delight will transform you into either a Pirate or a Ninja for 60 minutes. I personally cook all of them and just use the
Savory Deviate Delight myself.
You can fish until 150 in one of the capital cities or any of these zones: Bloodmyst Isle, Darkshore, Ghostlands, Ironforge, Loch Modan, Silverpine Forest, and Westfall.
From 150 to 250, you can Fish in these zones: Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, and Thousand Needles. Make sure to use Bright Baubles until 225, so you catch less junk.
200 - 275
Visit your trainer, and learn Artisan Fishing. Fish until 275 in any of these zones below:
- Felwood
- Feralas (except Jademir Lake)
- The Hinterlands
- Un'Goro Crater
- Western Plaguelands
275 - 350
Visit your trainer, and learn Master Fishing.
Start using Bright Baubles.
Fish until 350 in any of these zones below:
- Wintersrping
- Jademir Lake in Feralas
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Zangarmarsh
350 - 525 Cataclysm waters
Visit a Fishing trainer learn Grand Master fishing.
Even with good gear and lures, initially you will catch a lot of junk fishing in Cataclysm high-level zones. For example, Deepholm requires 550 skill (with lures) to fish without catching junk. If your effective skill is around 450-470, about a third of your catches will be junk!
From about fishing skill 350 to 450:
- Deepholm
- Mount Hyjal
- Vashj'ir.
Visit your trainer between 425-450 to learn Illustrious Grand Master Fishing.
From about fishing skill 450 to 525:
- Twilight Highlands
- Uldum