This Cataclysm Classic First Aid leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to get your First Aid skill up from 1 to 525 in Cataclysm Classic.
I recommend trying Zygor's 1-85 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 85 a lot faster.
Shopping List
- 170x
Linen Cloth
- 180x
Wool Cloth
- 150x
Silk Cloth
- 120x
Mageweave Cloth
- 80x
- 90x
Netherweave Cloth
- 150x
Frostweave Cloth
- 280x
Embersilk Cloth
First Aid Trainers
You don't have to visit different First Aid trainers anymore, you can learn every rank from every trainer.
Alliance trainers:
Angela Leifeld in Stormwind City
Dannelor in Darnassus.
Nissa Firestone in Ironforge.
Nus in The Exodar.
Michelle Belle in Elwynn Forest.
Byancie in Teldrassil.
Thamner Pol in Dun Morogh.
Horde trainers:
Krenk Choplimb in Orgrimmar.
Pand Stonebinder in Thunder Bluff.
Mary Edras in Undercity.
Alestus in Silvermoon City.
Nurse Neela in Tirisfal Glades.
Rawrk in Durotar.
Vira Younghoof in Mulgore.
Leveling First Aid
1 - 75
- 1 - 40
50xLinen Bandage - 50 Linen cloth
- 40 - 75
45xHeavy Linen Bandage - 90 Linen Cloth
Journeyman First Aid
Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman First Aid.
75 - 150
- 75 - 80
15xHeavy Linen Bandage - 30 Linen Cloth
- 80 - 115
60xWool Bandage - 60 Wool Cloth
- 115 - 150
60xHeavy Wool Bandage - 120 Wool Cloth
Expert First Aid
Learn Expert First Aid from your trainer.
150 - 210
- 150 - 180
50xSilk Bandage - 50 Silk Cloth
- 180 - 210
50xHeavy Silk Bandage - 100 Silk Cloth
Artisan First Aid
Learn Artisan First Aid from your trainer. (Requires level 35)
210 - 300
- 210 - 240
60xMageweave Bandage - 60 Mageweave Cloth
- 240 - 260
30xHeavy Mageweave Bandage - 60 Mageweave Cloth
- 260 - 290
50xRunecloth Bandage - 50 Runecloth
- 290 - 300
15xHeavy Runecloth Bandage - 30 Runecloth
Master First Aid
Learn Master First Aid from your trainer. (Requires level 50)
300 - 360
- 300 - 340
50xNetherweave Bandage - 50 Netherweave Cloth
- 340 - 360
20xHeavy Netherweave Bandage - 40 Netherweave Cloth
Grand Master First Aid
Learn Grand Master First Aid from your trainer. (Requires level 65)
360 - 425
- 360 - 400
80xFrostweave Bandage - 80 Frostweave Cloth
- 400 - 425
35xHeavy Frostweave Bandage - 70 Frostweave Cloth
Cataclysm Classic First Aid
Learn Illustrious Grand Master First Aid from your trainer. (Requires level 75)
425 - 525
- 425 - 475
70xEmbersilk Bandage - 70 Embersilk Cloth
- 475 - 525
105xHeavy Embersilk Bandage - 210 Embersilk Cloth