This Cataclysm Classic Blacksmithing leveling guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 525 in Cataclysm Classic.
I recommend trying Zygor's 1-85 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. The guide will help you to reach level 85 a lot faster.
List of Materials Required
Below, you can find the list of the approximate materials required to level Blacksmithing to 525.
Classic (1-300)
- 150x
Rough Stone
- 150x
Copper Bar
- 115x
Coarse Stone
- 5x
Silver Bar
- 125x
Bronze Bar
- 105x
Heavy Stone
- 5x
Gold Bar
- 230x
Iron Bar
- 35x
Green Dye - Sold by Tailoring and Leatherworking supply vendors
- 190x
Steel Bar - Made from 190
Iron Bar + 190 Coal if you have Mining. The Blacksmithing Supply vendor sells the Coal.
- 10x
- 315x
Solid Stone - If you can't get the
Plans: Mithril Spurs from the Auction House, you will only need 120 Solid Stone
- 60x
Mageweave Cloth (you will need another 90x if you can't get the Mithril Spurs recipe)
- 150x
Mithril Bar (you will need another 90x if you can't get the Mithril Spurs recipe)
- 20x
Dense Stone
- 420x
Thorium Bar
- 80x
Rugged Leather or 10x
Star Ruby
TBC (300-350)
- 170x
Fel Iron Bar
- 10x
Netherweave Cloth
- 90x
Adamantite Bar
WotLK (350-425)
- 320x
Cobalt Bar
- 168x
Saronite Bar
- 22x
Crystallized Air
- 5x
Titanium Bar
Cataclysm (425-525)
- 166x
Obsidium Bar
- 324x
Elementium Bar
- 120x
Volatile Earth
- 4x
Volatile Water
- 8x
Volatile Fire
- 140x
Volatile Fire or
Volatile Water
- 2x
Hardened Elementium Bar
Blacksmithing Trainers
Horde trainers:
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar.
James Van Brunt in Undercity.
Karn Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff
Bemarrin in Silvermoon City
Alliance trainers:
Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge.
Therum Deepforge in Stormwind City.
Miall in The Exodar.
Leveling Cataclysm Blacksmithing
1 - 75
- 1 - 30
Rough Sharpening Stone - 40 Rough Stone
- 30 - 65
Rough Grinding Stone - 110 Rough Stone
Save 10 Rough Grinding Stones.
- 65 - 75
25xCoarse Sharpening Stone - 25 Coarse Stone
Journeyman Blacksmithing
Visit your trainer and learn Journeyman Blacksmithing. (Requires level 10)
75 - 125
- 75 - 90
45xCoarse Grinding Stone - 90 Coarse Stone
Save the Coarse Grinding Stones.
If you didn't reach 90 by making these, you could continue to the next step, but you will need more Copper Bars or a few more Coarse Grinding Stones.
- 90 - 100
10xRuned Copper Belt - 100 Copper Bar
- 100 - 105
5xSilver Rod - 5 Silver Bar, 10 Rough Grinding Stone
You can skip this part and make Runed Copper Belt if you don't have any Silver Bar.
- 105 - 110
5xRuned Copper Belt - 50 Copper Bar
- 110 - 125
15xRough Bronze Shoulders - 75x Bronze Bar, 15x Coarse Grinding Stone
Expert Blacksmithing
Visit your trainer and learn Expert Blacksmithing. (Requires level 20)
125 - 225
- 125 - 140
35xHeavy Grinding Stone - 105 Heavy Stone
Keep the Heavy Grinding Stones. Make this one up to 150 if Heavy Stone is cheap.
- 140 - 150
10xPatterned Bronze Bracers - 50 Bronze Bar, 20 Coarse Grinding Stone
- 150 - 155
5xGolden Rod - 5 Gold Bar, 10 Coarse Grinding Stone
Green Dye is sold by Tailoring and Leatherworking supply vendors.
- 155 - 165
10xGreen Iron Leggings - 80 Iron Bar, 10 Heavy Grinding Stone, 10 Green Dye
- 165 - 190
25xGreen Iron Bracers - 150 Iron Bar, 25 Green Dye
- 190 - 200
10xGolden Scale Bracers - 50 Steel Bar, 20 Heavy Grinding Stone
- 200 - 210
30xSolid Grinding Stone - 120 Solid Stone
Keep at least 10 of these for the 225-235 part.
Keep all of them if you bought the
Plans: Mithril Spurs, and you must make another 40. (you can make them later, too)
- 210 - 225
15xHeavy Mithril Gauntlet - 90 Mithril Bar, 60 Mageweave Cloth
Artisan Blacksmithing
Visit your trainer and learn Artisan Blacksmithing. (Requires level 35)
- 225 - 235
10xSteel Plate Helm - 140 Steel Bar, 10 Citrine, 10 Solid Grinding Stone
- 235 - 250
BuyPlans: Mithril Spurs from the Auction House.
Alternative recipe:Mithril Spurs - 60 Mithril Bar, 45 Solid Grinding Stone
Mithril Coif - 150 Mithril Bar, 90 Mageweave Cloth
- 250 - 260
20xDense Sharpening Stone - 20 Dense Stone
- 260 - 275
15xThorium Bracers - 120 Thorium Bar
- 275 - 290
15xImperial Plate Bracers - 180 Thorium Bar
- 290 - 300
Go back to your trainer to learn new recipes, then make 10 from one of these two:- 10x
Thorium Boots - 120 Thorium Bar, 80 Rugged Leather
- 10x
Thorium Helm - 120 Thorium Bar, 10 Star Ruby
- 10x
Master Blacksmithing
Visit your trainer and learn Master Blacksmithing. (Requires level 50)
300 - 350
- 300 - 305
7xFel Weightstone - 7 Fel Iron Bar, 7 Netherweave Cloth
You might need to make more of these because you won't gain a skill point for every craft.
- 305 - 316
11xFel Iron Plate Belt - 44 Fel Iron Bar
Make 16x
Thorium Leggings up to 321 if 190x
Thorium Bar is cheaper than 69x
Fel Iron Bar.
- 316 - 321
5xFel Iron Chain Gloves - 25 Fel Iron Bar
- 321 - 325
4xFel Iron Plate Boots - 24 Fel Iron Bar
- 325 - 335
45xLesser Rune of Warding - 45 Adamantite Bar
It's green for the last 5 points, so 45 is an approximate number. You might need to make more.
- 335 - 340
7xFel Iron Chain Tunic - 63 Fel Iron Bar
You might need to make more because the recipe is yellow.
- 340 - 350
45xLesser Ward of Shielding - 45 Adamantite Bar
The recipe is sold by Rohok (Horde) at Hellfire Peninsula and by Mari Stonehand (Alliance) at Shadowmoon Valley. It's a limited supply item, so you must wait if someone bought it before you. (15-60min respawn time).
It's green for the last 5 points, so 45 is an approximate number. You might need to make more or fewer.
Grand Master Blacksmithing
Visit your trainer and learn Grand Master Blacksmithing. (Requires level 65)
350 - 425
- 350-360
10xCobalt Boots - 40 Cobalt Bar
- 360-370
10xCobalt Triangle Shield - 40 Cobalt Bar
- 370-375
5xCobalt Legplates - 25 Cobalt Bar
- 375-380
5xCobalt Gauntlets - 25 Cobalt Bar
- 380-385
5xSpiked Cobalt Boots - 35 Cobalt Bar
- 385-390
5xSpiked Cobalt Shoulders - 35 Cobalt Bar
- 390-395
5xNotched Cobalt War Axe - 50 Cobalt Bar
- 395-400
5xBrilliant Saronite Belt - 30 Cobalt Bar, 25 Saronite Bar
- 400-405
5xHorned Cobalt Helm - 40 Cobalt Bar
- 405-416
11xDeadly Saronite Dirk - 77 Saronite Bar, 22 Crystallized Air
- 416-420
4xTempered Saronite Gauntlets - 56 Saronite Bar
- 420-425
5xTitanium Rod - 10 Saronite Bar, 5 Titanium Bar
Cataclysm Classic Blacksmithing (425-525)
Visit your trainer and learn the new Cataclysm Classic Blacksmithing skill. (Requires level 75)
425 - 500
- 425 - 455
83xFolded Obsidium - 166 Obsidium Bar
Stop making these when you reach 455. Make more only if you need them. If you choose different recipes, you may need fewer than 80.
- 455 - 459
Make 4 from any recipe that requires 3 Folded Obsidium.
- 459 - 462
1xStormforged Gauntlets - 6 Folded Obsidium, 8 Volatile Earth
- 462 - 470
Make 8 from one of these:Redsteel Belt - 32 Folded Obsidium, 8 Volatile Earth
Stormforged Belt - 32 Folded Obsidium, 8 Volatile Earth
Hardened Obsidium Belt - 32 Folded Obsidium, 8 Volatile Earth
- 470 - 475
1xObsidium Bladespear - 12 Folded Obsidium, 10 Volatile Earth, 4 Volatile Fire
- 475 - 480
1xCold-Forged Shank - 15 Folded Obsidium, 6 Volatile Earth, 4 Volatile Water
Obsidium Skeleton Key up to 480 if you do not plan to sell the dagger at the Auction House.
- 480 - 489
3xStormforged Legguards - 6 Folded Obsidium, 24 Elementium Bar
- 489 - 494
1xFire-Etched Dagger - 20 Elementium Bar, 12 Volatile Earth, 4 Volatile Fire
- 494 - 500
Make 2 from one of these:2x
Stormforged Helm - 40 Elementium Bar, 16 Volatile Earth
2xHardened Obsidium Helm - 8 Folded Obsidium, 30 Elementium, 12 Volatile Earth
500 - 525
- 500 - 512
4xRedsteel Breastplate - 60 Elementium Bar, 60 Volatile Earth
You can also buy the
Plans: Pyrium Weapon Chain recipe for 20 Elementium Bar and make Weapon Chains up to 510 if Pyrium is cheap.
Recipes from Vendors
You can buy the next three recipes from the "Blacksmithing Supplies" vendor near your Blacksmithing Trainer in all major cities, except Dalaran and Shattrath.
Here is a list of vendors in each city:
- Orgrimmar:
- Thunder Bluff:
Taur Stonehoof
- Undercity:
Samuel Van Brunt
- Silvermoon City:
- Stormwind City:
Jordan Smith
- Ironforge:
Thurgrum Deepforge
- Darnassus:
Layna Karner
- The Exodar:
- 512 - 515
Make three from one of these two:3x
Bloodthirsty Ornate Pyrium Gauntlets - 30 Elementium Bar, 30 Volatile Water
3xBloodthirsty Pyrium Gauntlets - 30 Elementium Bar, 30 Volatile Fire
Recipe cost: 20x Elementium Bar
- 515 - 520
Make five from one of these two:5x
Bloodthirsty Ornate Pyrium Belt - 50 Elementium Bar, 50 Volatile Water
5xBloodthirsty Pyrium Belt - 50 Elementium Bar, 50 Volatile Fire
Recipe cost: 20x
Elementium Bar
Darkmoon Faire Free +5 Profession Skill
Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open. The event is available every two weeks. It starts on Sunday and lasts for a week.
During the event, you can complete quests for each profession and gain +5 skill points for each. Click here to read more about the quests.
- 520 - 525
Make five from one of these two:5x
Bloodthirsty Ornate Pyrium Shoulders - 60 Elementium Bar, 50 Volatile Water
5xBloodthirsty Pyrium Shoulders - 60 Elementium Bar, 50 Volatile Fire
Recipe cost: 2x
Hardened Elementium Bar
Congratulations on reaching 525! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve or if you found typos, errors, or wrong material numbers!